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Stage 1 (Receiving)

Definition: The process of receiving the messages the speaker sends. Statement that to aim ensure
that your messages will be understood and will not reflect negatively on you.

Connection: Mira was asked by her manager about the assignment that give before. Mira answered
calmly that her task would be ready by this evening at. Thoughts the question Mira listens and
accepts carefully.

stage 2 (understanding)

Definition: learn what the speaker means, the stage at which you grasp both thoughts and emotion

Connection: Here we already know that Mira was forced to get married by her mother where Mira
angrily and disagreed when forced to get married before she reached the age of 30. Mira was not
interested in discussing the topic of getting married.

The function of active listening

Definition: helps the listener to check their understanding of what the speaker said or what she

Connection: Mira was fired for showing a bad performance.

Pooja: “do not be cry Mira. We gonna help you to repay the debt. We do not know want you to face
any more trouble in this situation.”
Mira: “Thanks so much guys means a lot to me(crying)

Emphatic and objective listening

Definition: to understand what a person means and what a person felling, you need to listen.

Connection: Mira: “Listen I cannot hurt my parents. You guys don’t know I’m an adopted child. I
always feel like I must satisfy my parents no matter what happen. I don’t know what to do (crying)
Pooja: “Sorry Mira, we don’t know (feeling guilty)

Stage Five (Responding)

Definition: Reponses you make while the speaker is talking. It also responses you make after the
speaker has stopped talking.

Connection: Mira’s mother: “Mira, I’m so sorry. I have not been a good mother to you. From now on I
will never ever force you to get married, unless you really feel like. I’m really sorry dear. I shouldn’t
have put all this pressure on you.
"The Real Question." Created by the Sandhya Thiyagarajan, this thought-provoking piece delves deep
into the realm of perception and challenges our understanding of reality.

The lesson we can learn from this short movie is that we should do something based on what we like
so that we are happy in every job we do. Apart from that, we must have a fixed stance in our lives.
Even if forced by the family to do a job that we don't like. we should be honest with what we don't
like. Even if it will hurt our parents, it is our choice. Next, when we have made our own choice, we
must prove that we can succeed in the career we are interested in.

In the film, the main character Mira is shown struggling with her identity and not knowing what she
is passionate about. His friend also advised him to follow the career he was interested in. But his
family forced him to work in a field he was not interested in.

Besides that, the practice of being honest will make us feel calm. Our lives should be arranged by
ourselves and not arranged by outsiders. outsiders are just giving advice and opinions the rest of us
will make decisions and don't follow people too much. Based on this story we see how mira is forced
by her family to get married while mira is not ready to get married and wants to pursue her
ambitions first. Here we can see mira in a very angry state and is not ready to get married early.
besides that, mira's current job is not something that mira likes, in fact mira's job is arranged by her
own mother while mira is not interested in the job.

The last lesson we can learn in this short movie is that we should find our own identity because no
one can help us when we make a decision. we should think more about the future, if a decision is
what drives us towards bad things then we should be honest with the people around us so that our
future is not destroyed. if it's a bad decision for us then leave immediately.

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