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Water quality is a major concern in coastal areas, where increasing population

causes substantial environmental problems such as coastal water pollution, disruption

of marine ecosystems, and coastal erosion caused by man-made buildings (Prosser et

al., 2018). Because it affects maritime plants and animals, as well as primary production

and the global climate crisis, climate change has a significant impact on coastal water

quality (Michalak, 2016). The clarity and nutritional conditions of the water, which limit

light radiation, are critical for marine life. In addition, toxicants emitted by neighboring

land and cities can harm fish and mammals. To address these difficulties and predict

changes in coastal habitats, it is critical to create qualitative and quantitative evaluation

instruments (Wu et al., (2022).

In many coastal places around the world, including Pasil City, saltwater intrusion

is a major threat. In recent years, researchers have concentrated on determining the

extent and impact of saltwater intrusion in order to devise effective mitigation

techniques. According to Guimond et al., (2021), saltwater intrusion has been

increasing in the coastal area due to causes such as sea level rise and unsustainable

groundwater exploitation.

When saline water infiltrates freshwater aquifers, they become unsuited for

domestic, agricultural, and industrial usage. This issue affects not only freshwater

supplies, but also coastal habitats and livelihoods. To assess the extent of saltwater
intrusion in Pasil City, a thorough analysis of hydrological, hydrogeological, and

geochemical characteristics is required.

Sea level rise is an important factor to consider when assessing saltwater

intrusion. Coastal towns are becoming increasingly vulnerable to saltwater intrusion as

sea levels rise due to climate change Guimond et al., (2021). Pasil City is particularly

vulnerable to the effects of increasing sea levels due to its location along the shore. As

a result, a study concentrating on sea level rise projections and their possible impact on

saltwater intrusion is critical for creating adaptive strategies.

Additionally, excessive groundwater extraction aggravates saltwater intrusion by

creating a negative pressure in aquifers, allowing seawater to permeate freshwater

sources. Sharan et al., (2021) found a link between unsustainable groundwater

pumping and increased saltwater intrusion in coastal locations. Understanding the

scope of groundwater extraction in Pasil City is critical for assessing its impact on

saltwater intrusion and developing laws for long-term water management strategies.

In order to comprehend the scope and significance of this phenomena, it is

imperative to evaluate the saltwater intrusion in Pasil City's coastal area. Projecting

future scenarios and creating sustainable management solutions to lessen the effects of

saltwater intrusion are critical study areas to work on, given the growing challenges

posed by rising sea levels and unsustainable groundwater extraction.


Guimond, J. A., Mohammed, A. A., Walvoord, M. A., Bense, V. F., & Kurylyk, B. L.
(2021). Saltwater Intrusion Intensifies Coastal Permafrost Thaw. Geophysical Research
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Michalak, A.M. Study role of climate change in extreme threats to water quality. Nature
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Prosser, D.J., Jordan, T.E., Nagel, J.L. et al. Impacts of Coastal Land Use and
Shoreline Armoring on Estuarine Ecosystems: an Introduction to a Special Issue.
Estuaries and Coasts 41 (Suppl 1), 2–18 (2018).

Sharan, A., Lal, A., & Datta, B. (2021). A review of groundwater sustainability crisis in
the Pacific Island countries: Challenges and solutions. Journal of Hydrology, 603(Part
D), 127165. ISSN 0022-1694.>

Wu, J.; Rong, S.; Wang, M.; Lu, R.; Liu, J. Environmental Quality and Ecological Risk
Assessment of Heavy Metals in the Zhuhai Coast, China. Front. Mar. Sci. 2022, 9, 713.
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