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Debate topic one (1):

"Assessing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Nigeria's Democracy"

Description: This debate will evaluate the current state of democracy in Nigeria and analyze its
successes, challenges, and prospects for the future. Students will critically examine the various
components of Nigeria's democratic system, including governance, electoral processes, human rights,
rule of law, and citizen participation. By scrutinizing the strengths and weaknesses, the aim is to foster a
comprehensive discussion on the progress made and the areas that require improvement in Nigeria's

Possible points for discussion:

1. Electoral processes and political participation:

- Effectiveness of electoral systems in ensuring fair representation and accountability

- Challenges related to voter education, voter suppression, and electoral violence

- The role of political parties in advancing Nigeria's democracy

2. Governance and rule of law:

- The extent of separation of powers and checks and balances among the branches of government

- Independence and effectiveness of the judiciary in upholding the rule of law

- Measures to combat corruption and promote transparent governance

3. Human rights and civil liberties:

- Protection of fundamental human rights, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press

- Equality and inclusivity in Nigeria's democracy, with regard to gender, ethnicity, and religion

- Challenges in safeguarding citizens' rights against government abuses

4. Socio-economic development and inequality:

- The connection between democratic governance and socio-economic development

- Addressing wealth disparity, poverty, and income inequality within the democratic framework

- The role of public policies and social welfare programs in fostering an inclusive democracy

5. International relations and global impact:

- Nigeria's role and influence on the African continent and within the international community
- Balancing cooperation and asserting national interests in the context of democratic principles

- Opportunities and challenges for Nigeria's democracy in the globalized world


• All arguments must be logical and void of fallacies. In other words, students are t do their
research and back all points with facts and figures.

• These points are intended to guide the debate; however, students can develop additional
arguments based on their research and perspectives.

• All groups are to be represented by three (3) speakers each. The first speaker has 5 minutes and
the other speakers have 4 minutes respectively.


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