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CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

Identification-recognition of individual as determined by distinguishing characteristics

That distinguish one from another

Importance of identification
1. The person who is arrested have committed a crime and that of the victim their Identities
have to be established in order to persecute a case- Criminal Prosecution
2. Identities of the person who died leaving a vast estate and the person who claimed to be
the legal heir of the decease must be established- allow wills to be read
3. Identification relieves of anxiety of love ones and friends of missing or victims of plane
crash ship wreck – grief resolution
4. Identification necessary for bank transaction and insurance settlements
5. Legal certification of death
6. Human dignity

Rule in personal Identity

The law of multiplicity the of evidence of identification;

The greater the number of points of similarities and dissimilarities of 2 persons compared , the
greater the probability for the conclusion to be correct

Points to be taken in cases dead bodies are found

1. Place, time, date, when the body was found

2. Approximate age built and height
3. Probable cause of death and time of death
4. Complete description of the body including tattoo marks

Methods of Identification :
1. Visual recognition
2. Personal effects
3. Anthropometric data
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

4. Medical history
5. Dental comparison
6. Finger print Palm print , footprint comparison
7. Serology
8. DNA analysis
9. Superimposition
10. Facial approximation
Process of identification
1. Establish a broad groupings
( age, sex, stature , race)
2. More definite comparison of antemortem and postmortem information
(fingerprints, DNA, Teeth , x-ray etc)

Levels of certainty in identification

1. Tentative identification

 Clothing

 Possession

 Location of body

 Verbal testimony ABO blood type

2. Presumptive identification

 Multiple factors none of which should stand alone

 Medical/ skeletal anomalies ( known but un recalled )

 Photo superimposition
3. Presumptive identification by exclusion

 Everybody else is identified ( and no evidence contradict identification

4. Positive identification

 Dental identification

 Radiologic identification

 Finger prints
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

 Prosthetic identification (serial #)

 DNA analysis

 Unique medical Skeletal remains

Points in consideration in Identifying a person
1. Face- may be oval elongated or triangular
Features of the face
a. Caucasian -prominent sharp nose
b. Mongolian -almond eyes prominent cheek bones
c. Negro – thick lips prominent eyes black face
d. Malay -flat nose round face
Facial expression- facies brought about by the effect of disease
Hippocratic facies- pinch nose, temple hallow lips relax livid skin
Myxedema facies -pale swollen cheek with no pit on pressure, slow speech muscle weakness
Mongolian facies -dull look appearance almond shape eyes pale complexion, prominent check
Facie Leonine- suffering from leprosy pinch nose enlarge ears prominent orbits thick lipd
glistening oily faces

1. Mark on face

a. Birth mark , tribal mark, scar moles and tattoo

b. Presence of pimple marks pock marks , freckles and new growth

c. Presence of lines on sides of mouth and nose

2. Eyes-
a. Size
b. Shape
c. Color
d. Conditions of eyelashes and eye brows
e. Presence of abnormalities- cross eyes , pterygium, arcus senilis
3. Nose
a. Size and shape
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

b. Condition of nasal opening

4. Head
a. Size and shape
Caucasian -elongated
Indian eskimos-flat head
Malay and Mongolian-round
5. Condition of hair
a. Hair line anterior and posterior
b. Absence, thin thick kinky hairs
c. Short long hairs
6. Ears
a. Size
b. Shape and configuration
c. Presence of hearing holes
Pinched ears
7. Mouth
a. Size
b. Lips
8. Body Built
a. Thin or skinny
b. Fat obese robust
9. Height – cease to increase at 25 y/o
As the person grow older the height decreases due to fusion of in the vertebral disk

Height approximation
a. Distance between the 3rd finger of hands extended laterally – approximate the height
b. Height from the vertex to the symphysis pubis multiply it by 2 approximate the height
c. Distance from the supra sternal notch to the symphysis pubis x 3 approximate the
10. Presence of tattoo marks
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

In form of drawing, name or initials

11. Gait;
a. Cerebellar gait swaying or staggering like drunk
b. Cows gait- knock knee
c. Ataxic gait-foot is raised high and forward drop own suddenly
d. Paretic gait-feet and leg held wide apart step are short feet are dragged
e. Spastic gait -like robot legs are held together and move forward with short steps
and toes are dragged
f. Waddling gate -swaying movements buttocks like duck
12. Teeth
a. Natural or artificial
b. Loss of teeth partial or complete
c. Alignment and color
d. Condition of gums
13. Other that may help in identification
a. Clothing- design style texture and stain
b. Ornaments or jewelries
c. Personal belongings
d. Identification thru finger prints and hand writing
Anthropometry- Alfonse Bertillon French criminologist- device anthropometric measurements
in the human body 206 bone in the human body

Basis of Bertillon system

Bone do not change after 20 years
Impossible to find 2 human being having bones exactly the same
Measurement can easily be taken

Part II
Importance to study skeleton
1. It can be determined whether the skeleton is human origin or not
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

2. Determination of sex
3. Determination of race
4. Determination of height
5. Determination of age
6. Determination of antemortem or post mortem injuries
7. Determination of duration of interment
8. Congenital deformities and acquired injuries on the hard tissues causing permanent

As a general rule the female bone is smaller and lighter than the male bone
Examination of the skeleton-
Bones of the skeleton are the remnants of the dead body and very important in elucidating legal
problems. After soft tissue have disappeared only the skeleton remains
Study of the bone is a difficult procedure especially when the bone is incomplete and only
fragments are recovered
The identification of the bones using the naked eyes on the parts recovered . The skull is easily
distinguished as belonging to the human being. The Structure of the bones of all mammals are
basically similar. The oval or round shape of the skull and less prominent lower jaw and nasal
bone are suggestive of human remains
Determination of Sex of skeleton
In Determining the sex of the skeleton , the following bone must be studied
a. Pelvis
b. Skull
c. Sternum
d. Femur
e. Humerus

Determination of race of skeleton

More difficult to determine the race because of amalgamation of races For practical
consideration there is no race that is absolutely pure.
The following points may be used in determining the race of remains of a person
A. Extrinsic factors
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

1. Color of skin
2. Facial features
3. Nature of hair
4. Mode of dressing
B. Indices
1. Skull
A. cephalic index
B. Orbital index
C. Nasal index
D. Height index
2. Pelvis
a. Pelvis index
b. Ischium pubis index
3. Extremities
a. Crural index
b. Intramembranal index
c. Humero-femoral index
Other differences of racial characteristics of skeleton

skeleton Caucasian Mongolian Negro

Skull Elongated square Narrow and


forehead raised inclined Small and


face Proportionally small small Malar bone and jaw

projecting teeth set

Upper extremity small small Long and proportion

to the body, forearm
are large in
proportion to arm and
hand small

Lower extremity normal small Legs large in

proportion to the
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

thigh feet wide and

flat, heel bone
projecting backward

Age determination
Aside from size of bones and dental examination the age of the person to whom the skeleton
belongs may be determined by
1. Appearance of ossification centers
2. Union of bone and epiphysis
3. Dental identification
4. Obliteration of cranial sutures
Determination of Duration of interment
Period from the time of death upto the time of examination may be determined by the presences
of soft tissues and the degree of erosion in the bones, ordinarily all soft tissues in the grave
disappear within a year. However it is influences by several factors

The bases of the estimate for the duration in the interment are
1. Presence or absence of soft tissue still adherent to the bone
2. Firmness and weight brittleness dryness of bones
3. The degree of erosion of the surface of the bones
4. The changes In clothing coffin and painting
Determination of the presence or absence of ante-mortem or post mortem injuries
Individual bones must be examined in details for possible fractures . importance must be laid on
whether this injuries occurred during life or in the process of exhumation , note for presence of
vital reaction , principally signs of repairs

Superimpose photography -the typical special method of the determination of the person to
whom the skull belongs . the negative picture of the skull and the suspected individual are
superimposed and printed, this will show whether the contour of the skull fit the contour of the
face of the suspected person

Extrinsic factors in Identification

CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

1. Ornamentations- ring bracelets necklace hairpin earing, lapel pin etc

2. Personal belongings -letters wallet, driver’s license residence certificate personal card
3. Wearing apparels – tailor marks, laundry mark, printed name of owner, size style, and
texture footwear, socks
4. Foreign bodies- dust in clothing, cerumen in ears, nail scrapping that may show
occupation , place of residence work, habit etc.
5. Identification by close friends and relatives
6. Identification records on file, at the police department immigration bureau hospital etc
7. Identification photograph
Scientific methods of identification
a. Fingerprinting
b. Dental identification
c. Handwriting
d. Identification of skeleton
e. Determination of sex
f. Determination of age
g. Identification of blood and blood stain
h. Identification of hair and fibers

A. Fingerprint- considered to be the most valuable method of identification It is

universally use because
1. There are no 2 identical fingerprints – shows unlimited and infinite variety of
They may appear similar grossly but different microscopically , the chances of having Identical
fingerprint 1: 64, 000,000,000
2. Finger print are not changeable- fingerprints are form in the fetus in the 4th
month of pregnancy as well as after birth , the pattern enlarges takes place in
number and arrangement of friction ridges
Fingers may be wounded or burned but fingerprints will reappear when the wound heals, if the
injury is deep or beyond the layer of the skin and scar develops it will not deter the identification.
On the contrary the scar will make much deeper impression of the pattern , it can be said that
the finger prints are indelible signature, which a person caries from cradle to grave
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

Practical use of fingerprints

1. Help establish identity in cases of dead bodies and unknown or missing
2. Print recovered from the crime scene associate person or weapon
3. Print on file are useful for comparative purposes and for the knowledge of
previous criminal records
4. Among illiterate, the right thumb mark is recognize a as a signature for
legal documents, countries differ as to which fingers is used for this
purpose, India uses left thumb, Spain uses the right pointing finger

Dactylography -is the art of study of recording fingerprints as means of identification

Dactyloscopy- the art of identification by comparison of fingerprints. It is the study of utilization
of fingerprints
Poroscopy- the study of pores found in the papillary or friction ridges of the skin purposes of

Advantages of Using fingerprints as means of identification

1. Not much training necessary for person to take classify and compare
finger prints
2. No expensive instrument is required in the operation
3. Finger print it self is easy to classify
4. Actual prints for comparative purpose are always available and
suspected errors can easily checked.

Method of producing impression

1. Plain method-bulbs of the last phalanges of the fingers and thumb are
pressed on the surface of the paper after pressing them on an ink pad or ink
plate with printing ink
2. Rolled method-the bulbs of the fingers and thumb are rolled on the surface of
the paper being rolled on an ink pad or ink plate with printing ink

Kinds of impression
1. Real impression- impression of the finger bulbs with the use of printing ink
on the surface of the paper.
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

2. Chance impression-finger prints are impressed by mere chance without

any intention to produce it
a. Visible print-impression chance is visible without previous treatment,
may be made by fingered smeared with some colored substance like
black ink, vegetable juice, may be visible immediately after impression
b. Plastic print- impression made by chance by pressing the fingertips on
melted paraffin putty, resin cellophane plastic tape, butter and soap
c. Latent print- prints which are not visible after impression but may be
visible by addition of some substance

Hand writing
A person maybe identified through his hand writing and printing and hand numbering
Practical Uses of handwriting examination
1. Financial crimes ( bogus checks, credit cards fraud , embezzlements)
2. Death investigation (suicide nots, hotel registrations cards, letter of
3. Robberies –(pawnshop notes, cashing stolen checks )
4. Kidnapping with ransom ( demand note threatening letter)
5. Anonymous threatening letters
6. Falsification of documents (deeds of conveyance, receipts )

Hand writing is a complex interaction of nerves memory and muscle movements , it is influence
by several factors, and may be change or modified during the lifespan of a person
Writing is a conscious act but on account of repeated act it becomes habitual and unconscious
Bibliotics- scientific handwriting analysis
Graphology- the study of handwriting for the purpose of determining the writers personality,
character and aptitude

Determination of age
Importance of age determination
A. Classification of a person whether infant, child adolescence , adult and old age
B. Determine criminal liability
Circumstances which exempts from criminal liability Article 12 RPC
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

1. Person under 9 years old

2. Person over 9 years old but lower under 15 y/o
The life of a person is divided into 4 periods
1. Age of absolute irresponsibility-under 9 y/o
2. Age of conditional responsibility between 9-15y/o
3. Age of full responsibility-over 18 y/o to 70 y/o
4. Age of full responsibility- over 9 and under 15 y/o offers activity of discernment
C. For right of suffrage or in the exercise of political rights
D. The capacity to contract marriage
E. An element by which contain crime are committed eg rape seduction adduction and
Determination of age of fetus
1. For fetus less than 25 cm find the Square root of the length in cm = age in months
(lunar) 1 lunar month 28 days
Ex. 9cm = 3 months
2. If the length is more than 25 cm divide it by 5cm = age months
Ex 26/5 =5.1months

Determination of Age of Childhood and adult hood

For determination of age in childhood the best guide is the deciduous or temporary teeth
which start to erupt at 6 months completed at 2 y/o
Permanent teeth begin to erupt at 6th year old and completed at 17-18 y/o

Points to considered in determination of age in adulthood

1. Appearance and growth of pubic hair 13y/o female: 14y/o male , completed at 16-
mustache and beard 16-18y/o
2. Enlargement of breast female 13-14 start to develop
3. Change of voice-male and female 16-18 y/o
4. Change in color of hair- 40y/o from black to gray then silvery white in old age
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

5. Grade or year in school- start schooling at 5 y/o, then at 7 y/o at primary school, start
college at 16-18y/o
6. Menstruation 12-13 y/o
7. Atheromatous aorta and cataract formation at 40y/o and above
8. Wrinkle appear at 40y/o

Examination of the product of conceptions

Age in months Description

1 month Ovum 1cm long weight 2.5 gm eyes 2 dark spots

2 months Ovum 4 cm long 10 gm eyes and nose recognizable

3 months 8 cm long 30gms nail begin to appear placenta form sex organ have

4 months 13cm long, 204 gms sex distinguish lanugo hair visible fingerprints begin
to appear

5 months 22 cm long , 450gms skin covered by vernix caseosa dental gums appear
in the mandible

6 months 30cm long, 1 kg , skin winkled, hair appears in the head, textile lie close to
the kidney eyebrow and eye lashes begin to appear

7 months 18cm, 1.5kg eyelids open, tested begin to descend to the scrotum, body is
dark red,with hair at the scalp the child is viable at 28 weeks

8 months 42 cm 2.2 kg skin wrinkled and flesh colored lanugo hair begin to shed
testes in the scrotum nails reach ends of the fingers skin is red

9 months 45 -50cm, 3-3.5kg scalp covered with dark hair

Identification and determination of blood

Medicolegal importance of studying blood

1. For identification whether the blood stain is human origin or not
2. For blood transfusion and crossmatching
3. For disputed parentage
4. Corroborative evidence against or in favor of the perpetrator of the crime
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

5. Determination of the cause of death the amount of blood loss without being replaced
might imply that the cause of death is hemorrhage , cherry red blood – carbon monoxide
6. Determination of the direction of scape of the victim or assailant. Through blood and
blood stains
7. Determination of approximate time the crime was committed. From the study of aging of
blood spilled and blood stained materials
Blood – red liquid inside the blood vessels
2 parts
1. liquid – ( plasma Serum)
2. solid – cells
a. RBC- red blood cell erythrocyte- carries oxygen
b. WBC- white blood cells- leukocyte- fight infection
c. Platelets- fragments of megakaryocytes- blood clotting to stop bleeding
Hemoglobin- red color of blood responsible in carrying oxygen
The average human being has 6-7 litters of blood
6 glass ( 1glass=250ml) 1.5 litters blood loss means loss of life
3 glasses- 750ml means anemia
In medicolegal cases the blood and blood stained materials will be object of
examination in the crime laboratory and the pointers to consider are following
1. Determination whether the stain is blood or not
2. If the blood is whether human origin or not
3. If human blood what is the blood type it belongs Blood type A, B, AB or O
4. Characteristic of stain and stain material
a. Age of stain
b. Color of stain
5. Clotting of blood condition of the stained material
6. Approximate amount of blood loss
7. Nature and configuration, manner degree and condition of stained material
Age of stain
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

The aging of stain can be estimated from its color and hemoglobin derivatives , the red color of
the blood is due to hemoglobin in the rbc , hemoglobin is iron containing protein of the blood
and composed of 2 substance
1. Hematin- organic compound from iron
2. Globin- carrier protein
Hemoglobin – 14-17g/ 100cc blood
Occurring in to forms in our circulation
1. Oxyhemoglobin- bounded to oxygen – colored bright red ( arteries)
2. Reduced hemoglobin – Bounded to Carbon dioxide – (Dull red/ Purplish red)
( Venous )
After 7 days -1 and1/2 month may not present the differences in physical and chemical
Physical examination of stained material
Materials that may be stained
a. Clothing
b. Wounding weapon,
c. Instruments
d. Tires
e. Body of vehicle
f. House flooring
g. Pavements of streets
h. Furniture and other object
Materials must be carefully collected and examined
In physical characteristics should
1. describe its nature ,
2. configuration,
3. manner
4. degree
5. condition of stained materials
6. amount of blood may be approximated
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

test for blood

1. physical Test
a. solubility Test –
b. Heat test
c. Luminescence test
2. Chemical test
a. Benzidine test
b. Guiacum test
c. Phenolphthalein test
d. Leuco malachite green test
e. Saline and ammonia test
3. Microscopic examination
4. Micro chemical test
a. Teichmann test
b. Takayamas test
c. Acetone hematin test
d. Spectrophotometric examination
5. Biolologic examination
1. Precipitin test
2. Blood groupings

physical Test
d. solubility Test –blood stained material placed in saline solution (0.9% NaCl) will give
bright red color of solution , can be use for further chemical examination
e. Heat test- the saline solution will be heated will have precipitate or sediments
f. Luminescence test -stained fabric, with mud paint and other substance with emit
bluish white when sprayed with special solutions due to hematin crystals

Chemical test - there is no chemical test that gives positive proof of blood but there are test that
indicates should be submitted to further investigation
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

f. Benzidine test- 1 part 10% benzindine in glacial acetic acid ( freshly made) + 10Part
Hydrogen peroxide- blue or blue green color other oxidizing agent can be positive
false positive this test is sensitive 1:300,000

g. Guiacum test –( van dee days test Schombien test ) alcohol tinctured guiacum then
add hydrogen peroxide = blue color – indicates presence of blood false positive
potato, iron, rust cheese, positive upto 1:50.000
h. Phenolphthalein test- Kastle mayer test kastle mayer reagent 10 sec drop hydrogen
peroxide = pink color peroxidase 1: 80, 000,000
i. Leuco malachite green test- with hydrogen peroxide the leuco malachite green
oxidize to malachite green= bluish green or peacock blue color if blood is present
j. Saline and ammonia test- brown color alkali hematin

3. Microscopic examination
Presence of blood cells and bacteria may be seen in the saline extract of the stained material
under the microscope,
Test rely on RBC isolation consider the shape, size and presence and absence of nuclei
Old stain will detract the value because of the alteration of the cells
Mammals may be distinguish from shape and appearance
Menstrual blood show vaginal epithelium with doederlein bacillus

4. Micro chemical test

e. Teichmann test haemin crytals -small portion scaped of place on the slide+ drp
glacial acetic acid with 0.1% potassium Iodide chloride and bromide= run over
flame, then remove when bubbles appear avoid over heating – heamin crystal red
brown bean or dumbbell shape may be located at the periphery of the slide
f. Takayamas test hemochromogen crystal- sample on slide with cover slip = 2-3
drops takayamas reagents salmon pink crystal will appear shallow rhomboids in
mass as feathery aggregates
g. Acetone hematin test- Wagenhaar test – sample on slide with cover slipin between is
needle to prevent the touching of the coverslip with the slide then drp acetone at the
sides then drop a dilited exalic acid or acetic acid view under hp light
microscope=small dark dicroic acircular crystal of acetone heamin is seen
h. Spectrophotometric examination-hemogloblin wavelength with certain band of
spectra it
is measured using a spectroscope
CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

fresh blood stain -hemoglobin oxyhemoglobin hematin alkali hematin

and hematophorphyrin reduce hematin may be determined, other hemoglobin derivatives , acid
or alkali hematin, carboxyhemoglobin, and hematin may be observe

5. Biolologic examination
1. Precipitin test- determine if human origin or not, anthropid ape type may have the same
Determine different body fluid is human origin or not, muscle, bone ana seminal fluid
Substances like alcohol, formaldehyde corrosive sublimate Lysol, creoline, carbolic acids and
alkali mix will destroy property of the blood that will react with percipitin
3. Blood groupings
Blood cell have antigen around them plasma have -antibodies

Blood type Antigen in RBC Antibody in plasma

A A Anti B

B B Anti A

AB A, B None

O No antigen Both Anti A and anti B

Both A antigen And B antigen are codominant O is rescesive

Type A Type B AB O


mother Father children





CDIN 2 Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine

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