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Parenting in the modern age

There is a big difference between being a father/mother and being a parent. A Parent

Wendy’s Report


Parents play an important role in educating their children. This is because they have a great love for
their children and wish that their children have a brighter feature.

Nowadays, children have lesser respect towards their parents compared to children in the
traditional era.

This is because parenting today is more lenient compared to parenting in the past. For example,
today when a class one child asks for an iPad or an iPhone just for games playing or leisure activities,
the parents will not hesitate to purchase. This is very different from the past parenting cause it was
not until you are done with school and secure yourself a job, you would not get to own a smart
phone .

There are very many differences between modern parenting in terms of education and freedom.

Firstly, the ways that parents in the past are very different from the methods that modern parents
use. At this point, parents in the modern era are not strict in educating their children. For instance,
they prefer to use psychological approach such as giving advices and giving a space for the children
to think.

Secondly, modern parents are giving their children too much freedom. For example, in the case of
social illness such as abortion and drug addiction are increasing in modern children, as they greatly
abuse the too much freedom they are been given.

Pendo’s report


Parenting is getting worse

Most of the parents have ignored their parental duty. They are expected to closely monitor their
children, counsel them every time and guide them, but that’s not the case now, parents don’t even
have time for their children so whenever the children go astray, they have nobody to correct them
so we expect no change from them

Most parents are a bad example to their children these days yet they are expected to be their
children's role models, some of the parents are into drugs, definitely their children will copy them....
that’s why there are so many dropout cases. Children will drop out of school because of the drugs

Parents in this era are careless still, they don’t respect their children...some will fight before the
children, insult each other and say all the abusive words right Infront of their children, they carry
these behaviours to school. They don’t see it as a big deal simply because their parents are doing it.
Zeitun’s report


*1: Is it good or worse

-It happens to be bad since recently in schools we've seen students attacking their teachers.

-Many of these kids have happened to indulge themselves in drugs not only drugs but hard drugs
beside knowing its effects.

-Disrespect in the society kids disrespecting their parents and the society at large a d not caring
about it at all

-Dropping out of school with no good reasons some are provided for everything and yet they decide
to drop out of schools this might be as a result of the drugs they use. They can't use these drugs in
school because if caught they'll be punished and that's what they are avoiding and decide to quit

-Others might drop out of school due to early pregnancies which are as a result of having
relationships at a younger age simply because they saw what's happening in the western countries
and would want to fit in too

-Children are involved in crimes nowadays this one is also due to drugs and quitting school some of
these kids caught end up being imprisoned either in juveniles.

*: Reasons to bad parenting.

1: Busy schedule of parents

-Parents happen to be busy in work so as to provide for their children and this not spending time
with their kids and maybe advise them on certain issues.

2: Employing domestic managers

-These domestic managers most of them happen to be the ones influencing the kids but since as a
parent you don't find time for your kids the kids end up being brought up by the house manager

3: The western culture

-Some parents might find that the way children are raised up in the western countries more
appealing and might want to try it on their kids not even weighing the effects of what the parents
wants to do

4: Parents using drugs

-These types of parents don't know that they are setting examples for their kids at home and the
kids will eventually end up taking after the parents and start using drugs for those parents having
alcohol at their homestead when they aren't around the children will want to take the alcohol and
try it and they might fall into addiction

5: Domestic violence at home

-This will affect children and maybe if it's one of the parents starting the fight every time the children
will have to start having a mentality that all male or female are just bad and end up not only
disrespecting the farther or even the mum but everyone, they meet in their lives...the society at

-Some of these children might end up being violent for the rest of their lives since it's something in
their mentality that it is allowed to be violent according to them what they saw their parents doing

6: Having irresponsible parents

-These type of parents happen to be around just physically but not there to guide their children on
what to do and how to handle certain issues in their lives and with that the children might think that
his or her peers will help but unfortunately they happen to mislead each other or even the child
might think that social media is all that might solve what the kid is going through and some extent
things from social media don't help a bigger percentage since people in social media are only faking
everything and will end up misleading the child

*Reasons as to why children’s behaviours are getting worse.

1: They don't get enough time with their parents and most of their time they spend on social media
and since they've convinced themselves that the social media is the only thing that listens to them
and they will end up doing everything that's happening in the social media.

2: Some of these children might be battling with depression and since the parent is absent, they will
just live with it and start doing things without considering its effects and also others might find peace
in harming others. Taking drugs and even indulging in criminal activities

3: Some might be facing issues like being discriminated by others maybe because of something they
lack maybe and since the kid has no time with the parent to help him or her deal with the issue the
affected child will get bitter and try to find a way to get back to those discriminating him or her this is
by harming the other party so as to feel like they are even.

4: Social media pressure

This might be in form of the platforms that your child is using and mostly they'll want to follow
celebrities mostly the western people with their culture and your kids will want to also fit in by doing
what they saw the person in the social media doing.

Also, others might be affected by movies they watch and would like to put into practise what they
saw just for fun not knowing the consequences and others as I said they want to fit in.

5: Peer pressure

These children are the ones pressuring their friends in doing what they saw happening somewhere
and the ones not doing it might feel like they are out of place and would like to fit in and end up
doing what the peers are doing not caring if it's bad or good and the consequences again.

*#Its not only parents’ responsibility to take care of their children but also the society at large to
assume that every child is that of his or her own and guide them to the right path by correcting them
what they are not doing right.

*Parents should try to have time for their kids no matter the right schedule they have after all these
children are what we consider as future leaders of tomorrow and there's no why we would want to
be ruled by criminals, drug addicts or even disrespectful leaders.
*Parents should also try to limit their kids when it comes to social media since these platforms are
seriously causing big chaos in these children lives.

/999*Children should also learn to speak out what might be disturbing them so as to avoid falling
into depression since some of them might get to a point of being suicidal or even harming others.

*Parents should be good role models to their children and advise their children on various matters
and their consequences

*Parents should also teach the children to be respectful and treat everyone with respect may it be
elders...his or her agemates or even those smaller than them.

*Parents should also avoid taking after what the western countries are doing to their children and
they also come back and apply to their children parents should be caution at all time on how that are
bringing up these kids and also consider what's best for their kids since there's no parent who wants
a full future for their kids.

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