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2 Marks

1. Differentiate between stack and queue.

2. difference between link list and array
3. Differentiate between general tree and binary tree.
4. Write and algorithm delete new node at begining.
5. Explain the concept of stack underflow and stack overflow.
6. State advantage of circular linked list over linear linked list.
7. Describe undirected graph with suitable example.
8. List any 4 applications of queue.
9. Write a algorithm search particular node from given linked list.

4 Marks

1. Describe the concept of linked list with the terminologies: node, next Pointer, null pointer
and empty list.
2. Construct a singly linked list using data fields 21, 25,96,58,74 and show the procedure
step by step with help of daigram.
3. Explain push and pop operations on stack with example.
4. Convert infix to prefix: A + B - C * D / E +F
5. Write an algorithm to insert a new node at beginning in linear list and show
6. Describe circular linked list with suitable diagram. also state advantage of circular linked
7. Construct a singly linked list using data fields 90, 25, 46, 39, 56. search a node 40 from
the SSL and show the procedure step by step with help of daigram.

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