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Video 1: What is persuasion?

1- Persuasion is influencing someone’s behavior or belief using communication by

providing arguments to shift the opinion or the actions of the person as you want
2- The focus is on how we choose our arguments and support our position to shift
their views from where they are to where the speaker wants them to be.
3- The person who has been persuaded may become defensive or hold strong
arguments about their beliefs, it may also cause a negative outcome, and it may
cause also a problem in relationships.
4- I didn’t try to persuade someone
5- Besides that, persuasion is the act of influencing someone’s behavior or belief,
coercion is to put force, threat to a person so that do what you want them to do as
you want even if it’s against their desires. Even if manipulation involves
influencing other’s behavior or actions in deferent ways, it uses deceptive actions
to influence someone without even knowing or being aware of it.
6- It’s trying to convince or persuade a group of people who already agree with you
or support your point of view.

Video 2: Persuasion is an Art, not a Science & 4 Tips to Be More


1- Understand your audience.

Determine the desired outcomes.
Appeal to rationality.
Appeal to priorities, emotions, and credibility.
2- The use of logos, ethos, and pathos depends on the situation that you are having or
facing and the context of your speech; for instance, if your speech is more about facts and
data you use logos, if your speech is more about ethics and credibility or trust you use
ethos, if you use emotions to approach people within your speech, it’s pathos.

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