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Accidental Meeting

By: articcat621

After an awful day, Pansy bumps into someone in her local pub.

Status: complete

Published: 2023-10-08

Words: 647

Rated: Fiction T - Language: English - Genre: Romance/Drama -

Characters: Pansy P., Captain America/Steve R.

Original source:


Exported with the assistance of

Accidental Meeting
Accidental Meeting
Accidental Meeting
A/N: Written for Draco's Den A Slytherin Walks into a Pub Fic-A-
Thon. My prompt was: Pansy Parkinson walks into a pub and meets
Steve Rogers.

Not beta'd, so pardon any lingering mistakes.

Tags: Flirting, Banter, Snark, Sassy Pansy Parkinson, Drabble,

Crossover Pairings

Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling

and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. Marvel characters are the property of
Stan Lee and Disney. No profit is being made, and no copyright
infringement is intended.

Accidental Meeting

Huffing, Pansy made her way into the small pub. She definitely
needed a drink after the awful day of work that she had. Listening to
her boss drone on and on, critiquing her latest designs were more
than she cared for. A simple, 'this style isn't what we're looking for
right now' would have sufficed. Instead, her boss pointed out every
single flaw in her designs. It left her feeling incredibly grouchy.

Seeing only one seat open, she slid into the only open seat at the
bar. Waving down the bartender, she ordered herself a dirty martini
with extra olives.

When her drink arrived, she took a sip and sighed.

"Ugh, how can you even stand all those olives?" the person next to
her commented, sounding disgusted.

Pansy rolled her eyes. "Honestly, I find them quite tasty." Turning in
her chair, she looked at the man who had commented. When he
turned to face her, her eyes widened. "You're Steve Rogers!"

"Shhhh," he said, grumbling. "Trying to keep a low profile."

"Fascinating," Pansy said, leaning forward. "I saw on the telly that
you're a wanted fugitive."

"Do you always believe the media?" he countered, snark leaking into
his tone.

"Touche," Pansy said. "So, what are you doing here in Britain?
Besides complaining about my excessive olives."

His cheeks flushed. "I'm meeting a friend here in London. Had some
time to kill, so… Here I am."

"Can I get you another drink? You're running low," Pansy offered, still
not believing that the Steve Rogers was sitting next to her.

"It's just water," he mumbled. "And I'm fine, thank you."

She arched her brow at him. "You're sitting in a pub… Drinking

water?" When he nodded, she laughed. "And you're being
judgemental." She laughed.

"Sorry I said anything," he grumbled, turning away from her.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad," Pansy said, placing
her hand on his arm. "Listen, I had a really shite day at work, I didn't
mean to take it out on you."

"It's okay," Steve said. "I'll leave you in peace to enjoy your olives."

"No, it's fine," Pansy assured him, not wanting their conversation to
be over already. Something about Steve was drawing her in. She
wasn't sure if she was looking for something good after her bad day,
but Steve bumping into her wasn't something to pass up. "Listen, is
this your first time in London?"
"In some time, yeah."

"How about we get out of here? I can show you around London."

"I don't know…"

"Come on, Steve," Pansy said. "Let me show you around London.
You said you have time to kill."

"Are you asking me out?" he asked bluntly.

Pansy's eyes widened. "I… Er, well, I wasn't exactly thinking that it
would be a date, but I suppose I wouldn't be opposed to it." She
looked at Steve, biting her lower lip as she waited for his answer.

Steve grinned. "What the hell, let's go."

"Yes!" Pansy said in excitement. She drank her martini in record time
before offering her arm to Steve. "Come on, London awaits!"

Laughing, Steve put his arm in hers and allowed the small woman to
pull him from the pub onto the cold, London streets.

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