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 A religious man who applies his personal and deep faith in his compositions is Johann Sebastian Bach.
 A musical texture that characterizes the music of the medieval period is monophonic.
 A music not bound by catholic traditions is secular music.
 One of the music genres that were developed during the Baroque period is Concerto.
 Musical textures are both polyphonic – best describes the similarity of Renaissance Mass and Madrigal
 Melodies are easy to perform – best describes the Renaissance music melody
 The Renaissance “Mass” may be sung in acapella or with orchestra.
 In Baroque period, the arts highlighted grandiose and elaborate ornamentation as the music does.
 In acapella, the song is sung vocally.
 Music forms were newly introduced in the Baroque period


 The most substantial ancient structure of the world is the Pyramids of Giza.
 The usual subjects of painting for Gothic era are love stories and popular legends.
 Fresco is a method of Greek painting that is done through water-based pigments ideally for mural.
 Dolmens, Menhir, and Cromlech are the prehistoric architectures based on megaliths.
 The prehistoric paintings inside the caves serve as their form of communication with each other.
 The main purpose of creating stained-glass windows during the Gothic era is for interiors and instructs
Christians in faith.
 The distinct feature of Romanesque sculpture to prehistoric is that the Romanesque sculptures were made
of costly materials for aristocratic patrons.
 Dolmens and cromlech both have altars. However, its structure differs in such as Dolmens consists of two
stones while cromlech has three.
 Mosaic is the assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stones, or other materials.
 The dominant themes in Byzantine sculpture are religious, motifs in nature, and everyday life scenes.


 Sports Officiating is a system in sports used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules.
 Social Qualities refer to the qualities of an officiating official to settle disputes without sacrificing the
integrity of a game and the officiating team.
 Physical Fitness is defined as the ability to work without fatigue and has extra time for leisure.
 Dislocation happened when the two bones that come together to form a joint become separated.
 Sprain is a stretch or tear of a ligament.
 Sit and reach is an activity that develops flexibility.
 An officiating official should possess the fitness component which is endurance when he runs continuously.
 Muscular strength will be enhanced in an official when using their arms for signaling.
 When a referee exhibit courteous, conscientious, and business-like manner in a workplace, the value he
portrays is professionalism.
 If there were no rules in a game, failure of a certain game is expected.
 The knee is considered as the most commonly injured joint because of its complex structure and weight-
bearing capacity.
 The correct order in treating Sprains:
1. Remove any clothing or jewelry around the joint.
2. Apply cold compress at once.
3. Elevate the affected joint.
4. Recommend an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicine.
 To make critical decisions in an event which they have personal stake is a violation of the ethical conduct of a


 Community is defined as a sociological group in a large place sharing one environment.

 Community Health is the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all members
of the community.
 Environmental Health comprises the aspects of human health and other factors that surround the
 Health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease
or infirmity.
 Water Pollution means any alteration of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of a water body
resulting in the impairment of its purity or quality.
 Pollution means any alteration of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of any water, air and/or
land resources of the Philippines.
 Noise Pollution is an excessive sound that causes hearing loss, stress, fatigue, irritability, and headaches.
 Coral Reefs are diverse underwater ecosystem built from calcium carbonate secreted by corals.
 The recommended formula of Ecological Waste Management is the application of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and
 Soil Erosion happen when soil and rock are moved from one place to another.
 Flash flood is the sudden flood or great volume, usually caused by a heavy rain.
 The primary function of the Environmental Sanitation Program in our community is the inspection of food
 Effects of flash floods and deforestation

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