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Mapeh Reviewer

Music of Medieval Period

Include sacred music, Soloist, Vocal music with instrument and both vocal music
with instrument and both voice 2 instrument.
- The western music tradition and religious music development can be traced back
in Europe during the Medieval Period. It is also called the Middle ages.
- Gregorian chant was the official music of the Roman Catholic. It is referred to
after Pope Gregory I the Great. It also named as plainsongs or plainchant. Its
melody compose for the western church and perform without instrumental
accompanied. The Gregorian Notation used different sign called Neume which are
the notes sung on a single syllable.
Kinds of Neume
1. Punctum – This is a single note.
2. Virga – This is the same as a punctum
3. Podatus(Pes) – one note is written above another note.
4. Clives(Flexal) – The higher note comes and is sung first
5. Scandius – Three or more notes go upward and are sung from the
6. Torculus(Pesflexus) – Three notes go up and the back down.
7. Porrectus (Flexus Resupinus – This has higher note a low note and high
8. Torcules Resupinus – one note skip upward.
9. Climacus Resupinus This is opposite of a scandicus Flexus.

Music of the renaissance Period

The world Renaissance came from the Italian term Rinascimento which mean
“Rebirth” It also known as the period of the “Golden Age of Polyphony”.
Polyphony is the simutaneous combination of sound in music.

Sacred Music in the Renaissance

- The two main form of sacred music during the Renaissance periods are the
Motets and the Mass. The Motet and the mass are similar in Style but the
mass has a longer composition.
Renaissance Motel
Josquin des Prez was a master of Renaissance music. He spent much his life
in Italy serving in the choir. Below is a sample of his motet composion The
Ave Maria.
Renaissance Mass
Giovanni Pierlugi do Polestrino is a Italian Renaissance composter who
devote to writing church music. He wrote 104 masses and 450 other sacred

Here are the same Renaissance composter

Thomas Morley – was a composer and editor. He was famous composer of
secular music in Elizabethan England. He has been called the “ Father of the
English Madrigal” because of his great contribution in this musical style.
Stile concitato – means an Agitated Style
Tremolo – means a trembling effect
Pizzicacato – means a plucking effect.
Claudio Monteverdi – He was an appointed chairmaster. Montreverdi
desired to create music that expressed the emotional content of poetry.
Prehistoric Beginning and Egyptian
Prehistoric era includes all human existence before the development of
literacy or formal reading and writings. Many scientist believe that the
human culture developed during the stone age, an enormous span of time
that began about 2.3 or 3.4 millions ago. They lived by hunting animals as
their source of food, clothes and materials. The stone Age was a wide
prehistoric during which stone was widely used to make tool to make an
artistic era and communication to described the nature. Thru their painting
in cave were conceivably their way of communicating with each other.
Circle of stones; Prehistoric Architecture:
Early stone Age, people developed form of architecture based on a big
rocks(Megaliths) Mega come from the Greek word means “Big” and lithos”
rock. 4 Types of Megalith:
1. Menhir – a Stone usually standing on the middle of the field. It
commonly arranged in rows.
2. Dolmen – a Stone structure in a form of table. It consists two huge
standing. Stone that supported a horizontal giant stone. They believe
that it serve as an altar
3. Cromlech – a Circle standing stone.
4. Stonehenge – is an assembled of giant stones in Southern England.

Classical Arts of Ancient Greece

Geometric Period(Dark Age) – Started around 1000 BCE
Archaic Period – Started around 600 BCE
Classical Period – Started around 460 BCE
Hellenistic Period – Started around 336 – 323 BCE
Greek art be it Sculpture, painting architecture that shows the ideas such as
courage and independence.
Greek Architecture
Ancient Greek architecture is often characterized by the capital that topped
the Greeks Columns. These three decorative styles, and orders are Doric,
Ionic, corinthian.
Doric order – The simplest with broad, and rectangular capital that tops the
Ionic Order – is distinguished by its capital that looks likes scrolls
Corinthian order – has a capital that is carved with stylized leaves of the
acanthus plant.
The Greeks temples design was perfected in form of the porthenon. It is one
of the most recognizable example of architecture from the Ancient Greeks.
Greek Pottery:
The Greek also made a pottery. These earthenware were valves not just for
functionality but also for their Artistic. The top and the base jars are
decorated with geometric patterns and the middle have drawings.
Greek Sculptures
Greek was blessed with an abundance of marble and limestone which they
used extensively in their Sculptures. Greeks portrayed the Gods an humans.

Art of Ancient Rome

Rome started as a village in the eight century BCE

- The Fascination of the Romans with portraits stared when Wax molds of the faces
of the human they use as reminder of their loved one

Roman Pottery
Pottery during the ancient Roman times was mostly utilitarian. It was important
part of the daily lives of the ancient Romans

There were two types of earthenware. Coarse ware were made for everyday we
such as cooking storing liquids etc. These were often cheaply made and simple in
design. Fine ware which were used for more formal occassions like a serving

Roman Painting

Artwork during Roman Period were murals. Murals are large artwork that painted
directly on a wall.
Roman Architecture

The Roman employed a method that resulted in bigger and stronger structures,
the arch. They used a series of arches combined together. This building method is
called the barrel vault. The arenas for sporting event, races and gladiator combats
that were held in open – air called amphitheaters. One of the most popular
venues for event was the Colosseum or Coliseum

Roman Temples
The design of Roman Temples were adopted from the design of the Greek. They
used the same decorative elements like columns. But Roman temples used the
columns more for decorationn.
Lifestyle Choices and weight Management.
The key to Fitness

Types of streching Exercise

1. Static streching – is a strech held in a challenging but comfortable
position of all the time usually between 10 – 30 seconds.
- Squats
- Neck streches
- Arm streches
- Toe touch
- Shoulder curl
2. Dynamic streching – is performed through a challenging but
comfortable range motion repeatedly usually 10 – 12 times to
improving mobility and motion in Everday life.
- Jamping Jacks
- High knees
- Jogging
- Running
- Coriocas
- Butt Kicks
Your weight remains stable when you consume the same Calories that you
Daily Estimated calories and Recommended serving for Adolecents
Calories 1,800 Kcal for males 1,600 for females

Food Needed
Fat 25% - 35 % kcal
Milk 3 cups
Meat/beans 5 Oz
Fruits 1.5 cups
Vegetables 2.5 for males 2 cup for females

Total energy expenditure - is the number of calories in your body

needs on daily basic.

Weight Management
Energy Balance – it is the amount of energy to maintain the our body
and energy expended in daily.
Basal Metabolism rate – is the energy to maintain your body to rest.
Non – exercise activity thermogenesis – is the energy expended in
unplanned physical activities
If your goal is to have a healthier lifestyle, you have to acquire the
higher physical activity level. It is important to resistance training
exercise to build muscles and not gain fat.

Physical Fitness:
Physical fitness is the ability of an individual to perform daily activities
without getting exhausted and to peform extra tasks with alertness.
Physical fitness is classified into two components: health-related
fitness and skill-related fitness.
Health- related fitness – is related to how well your body systems
A. Body composition – This is the comparative body fat percentage.

B. Cardiovascular Fitness – This is the ability of your heart to pump

effectively to meet the metabolic demands during exercise.

C. Flexibility – This is the range of movement of the joints. It

determines the condition of the hamstring muscles(back of thight).

D. Muscular Strength – This pertains to the ability of the muscle to

produce an amount of force in a single contraction.

E. Muscular Endurance – This is the capacity of the muscle group to

sustain a prolonged muscle contraction.

Skill-related Fitness
Skill-related fitness forms the foundation for an athletic performance.
A. Speed – this measure the capacity of the body to move from one point
to another following straight line.
B. Agility – This is the ability of the body to shift direction from one place
to another.
C. Balance – This is the capacity of the body to maintain upright posture
even when moving.
D. Power – This is the ability to transfer a certain amount of force at a
rapid pace.
E. Coordination - This is when all the body parts are harmoniously
working together to successfully execute a movement.
F. Reaction Time – This pertain to the ability of a person to respond
quickly to stimulus.
Volleyball – was invented in Holyoke, Massachusetts on February 9, 1895 by
William G. Morgan, a YMCA(Young Men’s Christian Association) physical
education director, “Mintonette” was the first name of the game and was
created as a pastime for older members of YMCA. It underwent many
improvements and changes until it become a regular part of the Summer
Olympic Games since 1954.
First Rules
Volleyball was played indoors and by any number of players. It was
composed of a match with nine innings. Each team had three serves for each
The first exhibition match was in 1896 at the international YMCA training
school, presently named Springfield College. The game become known as
Volleyball after Alfred Halstead observed the nature of the game. It was first
spelled as two words “Volleyball” until modified by the international YMCA
Training School.
Facilities and Equipment
A. Playing Area – The playing area includes the court and the free zone.
The volleyball court is rectangular in shape and measure 9 m wide and
18 m long. The free zone that surrounds the court should have a
minimum measurements of 3 m. The area includes the following:
1. Service zone – it is the area behind each end line that measure 9 m
2. Back zone – it is the area between the front zone and end line that
measure of 6 m.
3. Center line – it is the line that divides the court that measure 9 m x 9
m each.
4. Attack line – it also known as front zone that measure 3 m from the
center line to the next line of the court.
B. Ball – The Federation international de Volleyball (FIVB) regulation
state that the ball must be spherical, made of leather or synthetic
leather with a circumference of 65-67 cm and a weight of 260-280 g.
Players and Formations
Each team is composed of twelve players, but during the actual play, six
players are inside the court(three front-row players and three back-row
players). The front-row players in the attack zone are the blocker and
attacker of the team, while the back-row players dig the opponent’s attack
for defense.
A Libero with a different uniform can substitute any player if the ball is dead
and libero positions can be substituted as many times through a volleyball
game as a team wants to. If he/she becomes a front-line player, he/She
automatically gets out of the game.

The members rotates in a clockwise direction moving to the next area. The
following are the Volleyball positions:
1. Setter
2. Right side hitter
3. Middle blocker
4. Opposite
5. Outside hitter
6. Middle blocker/libero

A. Service is to put the game in play toward the opponents’s courtside.

Types of service:
1. Underhand serve is considered the easiest kind of service. The non
striking hand will gently toss the ball up. The striking hand is in a first
and hits the ball below the waist level.
2. Overhead serve – is performed when the ball is tossed overhead, and
the server strikes it above head level.

B. Dig – is to prevent the ball from touching the court’s ground. It is

defensive action wherein players behind their knees with weight in
front, enabling them to extent to in retrieving
C. Set – is to put the ball in the air where the attacker can strike it hard
toward the opponent’s court.
D. Pass(Reception) – is to handle the opponent’s service or attack. It can
be in a form of underarm pass where the ball touches the joined
forearms or overhand pass, similar to a set where it is handled by the
fingertips above the head/
E. Attack(Spike) is to strike the ball overhead just above the net so that it
lands on the opponent’s court.
F. Block – is to stop the opponent’s attack or strike. It is classified
according to the number of players involved: single, double, and triple

Sport Injuries
Sports injuries – commonly happen when one is playing a sport or doing an
exercise. This can result from a trauma or overuse of a body part during
actual play. Even a person who is very careful in executing a skill while in a
game is not safe from any sports injury because accidents may still occur if
there are improper equipment used, inappropriate playing area, and
insufficient preparation before the game.

Vulnerable to sport injuries

A. Children and Adolescents – They are in the growing stage that makes
them predisposed to injury.
B. Adult – This is evident to an adult who tries to move quickly from
inactive lifestyle to a more active.
C. Women – of all ages are participating in sports and physical activities
thus, injuries tend to be patient. Females have higher injury rate since
action in athletic activities are now faster, more powerful, and more
Classification of sports Injury
The degree of injury depends on the affected body part. It can be
classified as acute injury that happens while doing a physical activity
such as sprains, strains, or fractures. On the other hand, chronic injury
may result from overusing a body part while exercising or playing a sport
over a long period of time.

Good samartian law

All individuals are liable to give emergency aid to victims, for it is moral
In the Philippines, if a person is skillful or knowledgeable in giving medical
aid he/she has no right to leave a person in danger. In the United States,
even if a person is dying or becoming worse, rendering care should be
yielded to the person, for it is an act of good faith.
First aid – is an initial care for an illness or injury that can be performed by
experts or nonexperts in case of emergency.
Providing first aid is not an easy task. To become a good first aider, one
must possesses the following characteristics(PNRC 2007):
Gentle – A caring touch lessens the pain of injury the victim feels.
Observant – The accident scene in an activity or sports should be
inspected thoroughly to prevent further harm.
Resourceful – If the emergency happens in the field, creativity to produce
materials should be demonstrated by the first aider.
Tactful – False promises to the victim should not be induced for it may
cause fear.
Sympathetic – The feeling of being comfortable and cared for should be
given to the victim.

Common Sports Injuries

A. Cramp
Spasm is the condition of muscle that contracts involuntarily. If it is
forceful and sustained, it becomes a cramp. It last from a few seconds to
an hour or occasionally longer. It is common among adults and frequent
with aging
B. Sprain – is a stretch or a tear of ligament. It occurs when the body is
put under physical stress or force to perform for which the body is not
prepared. It is also cause by a fall that knocks a joint out of its position
it ranges from first(minimal strech) to third degree(Complete tear).
Ankles, knees, amd wrist are pronte to sprain.
How is it treated?
R – Rest – Do not put any weight on the injured area
Ice – Apply a cold pack or cold watermimmediately to the injured area for
15 – 20 minutes, four to eight times a day until swelling improves.
Compression – it helps to imobilize and protect the joint. It also reduces
the swelling of the injured area. Elastic wrap or bandage may be used.
Elevation – The injured area should be above the level of the heart, but
make sure it does not cause any pain
C. Heat Exhaustion – it is part of heat-related illness that begins from
heat cramps and can lead to a life-threatening condition, which is heat
stroke, if not prevented.
Primary Health Care Professionals
A. Orthopedic surgeon – He/she specialize in the treatment and diagnosis
of injuries related to musculoskeletal system that includes the bones,
muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and nerves of the body.
B. Physical Therapist or Physiotherapist – He/she develops a
rehabilitation program

Community and Environmental Health
Environmental health – related to environmental and public health as it
concern that affecting human health. It aims to prevent and control diseases
and to create a health supportive environment.
Characteristic of Health community according to (W.H.O) a health
- Physically clean and safe
- Understand local health and environmental issues
- Provides accessible and appropriate healthy service and facilities
- Has members who participate and identifying solution to local problems
A Healthy community can improve health by:
- Increase physical activities
- Increase access to healthy food
- Decreasing mentally stress
- Improving the quality of water and air
- Minimizing the effect of climate change
Community health problems:
1. Water supply – water comprise 70% of your body. This why water is
important to your health. You can live for a month without food but only
for week without water.
2. Solid waste – This composed of household waste hazardous industrial
waste, plastic waste and e-waste
Community waste is classify into biodegradable and non biodegradable.
Non biodegradable is more harmful to nature. Electronic waste waste(e-
waste is add or unused equipment, appliances and gadgets.
3. Food sanitation and safety – This is proper handing and keeping food to
avoid contamination and heating food that inhibits the growth of bacteria
4. Disease control – An epidemic is the occurance of an ilness that is clearly
in excess of a community. Most common diseases and diarrhea,
Leptaspirosis, malaria, dengue, fever.
Environmental Problems in the Philippines
1. Deforestation – This is the permanent removal of large areas of forest.
Logging is the primary contributor to forest lost in the country.
2. Flash flood – This happens when the rain fall so fast that the underlying
ground cannot cope or drain it away fast enough.
3. Coral reef Degradation – Coral reefs thrive only in clear water. Humans
destroy coral reefs by physically killing them. Several fisherman use
explosives Dynamite fishing.
4. Illegal Mining – The negative impact of mining includes skin-itching and
rashes as a result of washing with contaminated water. Contaminated
water from mine tailing has result of loss of food. Penetration of chemicals
into the soil
5. Climate change – This is one the greatest challenges for humanity not only
in physical and economic environment but also social and politician aspect
of the country.
6. Pollution – is linked to many health problems. Which people cannot access
clean air and clean water. But can be also dangers in animals

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