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Second Periodical Test in TLE 6

Name:__________________________________________________Section: ______________
Teacher:________________________________________________Score: _______________
I- Choose the letter of the correct answer.
___1. A piece of land where trees or shrubs are maintained for food or commercial production.
a. orchard b. fruit orchard c. nut orchard d. seed orchard
___2. These orchards include any facility that concentrates on growing tree-bearing fruits.
a. nut orchard b. orchard c. fruit orchard d. seed orchard
___3. These orchards focus primarily on growing trees that produce seeds sold for commercial
distribution or resale purposes.
a. seed orchard b. fruit orchard c. nut orchard d. plant orchard
___4. The owner of REFMAD farms which main product is dragon fruit.
a. Senen Bacani b. Joseph Calata c. Jose Mercado d. Edith Dacuycuy
___5. He is the brain behind the success of Calata Corporation, the country’s largest distributor
of agrochemicals.
a. Joseph Calata b. Senen Bacani c. Jose Mercado d. Desiree Duran
___6. She is the person behind the success of Duran Farm and agriculture center.
a. Senen Bacani b. Joseph Calata c. Desiree Duran d. Edith Dacuycuy
___7. We can grow fruit trees by planting their _________________.
a. seeds b. leaves c. fruits d. roots
___8. The best type of soil for growing fruit trees is _____________.
a. rocky soil b. clayey soil c. sandy soil d. loamy soil
___9. The pico mango gets its name from the name of a/an ________.
a. plant b. bird c. animal d. place
___10. The _______variety of bananas is the smallest type.
a. latundan b. seniorita c. lakatan d. Cavendish
___11. Fruit trees must be planted about ___________ apart from each other.
a. 8 to 10 feet b. 8 to 10 inches c. 8 to 10 kilometers d. 8 to 10 cm
___12. The _______method of planting trees is ideal for sloping areas.
a. square b. triangle c. diagonal d. contour
___13. Why is lay-out very important in orchard farming?
a. for beauty c. for easy harvesting of fruits
b. for easy maintenance of crops d. all options are correct
___14. Which factor is very important in orchard farming?
a. elevation b. temperature c. drainage d. cost of the land
___15. How can you tell the mature mangoes from the less mature ones?
a. by means of fruit color c. by means of their spots
b. by means of their leaves d. all signs are correct
___16. Used for cutting wood, trees, and grasses.
a. bolo b. Hoe c. spade d. hand fork
___17. Used for even spreading of soil or leveling soil and for gathering leaves on the ground
and separating big blocks of soil from smaller pieces.
a. crowbar b. rake c. shovel d. trowel
___18. A water container with small holes on the spout and used for watering plants.
a. spading fork b. bamboo c. sprinkler d. trowel
___19. Used for hauling fertilizer and soil and for carrying other tools and materials.
a. wheelbarrow b. shovel c. Thread d. Hoe
___20. A short-handled tool with a curved blade used for cultivating or loosening the soil.
a. wood or bamboo b. Trowel c. shovel d. sprinkler
___21. Used for removing soil or trash.
a. spading fork b. shovel c. rake d. bolo
___22. The method of reproducing and multiplying plants using seeds.
a. sexual propagation b. asexual propagation c. budding d. grafting
___23. The method of plant propagation that is done without the help of the reproductive
organs of the plant.
a. air layering b. sexual propagation c. asexual propagation d. marcotting
___24. The branch or stem is induced to the root that is attached to the mother plant.
a. cutting b. budding c. grafting d. marcotting
___25. In this method, a scion or top portion of a stem of a plant is joined with or inserted into
the rootstock of another plant, to make them grow together into one plant.
a. grafting b. marcotting c. budding d. cutting
___26. The leaves are removed , the stems are cut 10 inches long and one-half of the cutting
is inserted into soil.
a. cutting b. grafting c. layering d. marcotting
___27. Any substance added to the soil that promotes the healthy growth of plants.
a. manure b. compost c. fertilizer d. humus
___28. Comes from animal waste such as livestock (big animals) and poultry (chicken) waste.
a. manure b. humus c. compost d. fertilizer
___29. Artificial fertilizer made from chemicals ( liquid, soluble, and granular form).
a. inorganic b. organic c. humus d. compost
___30. Natural fertilizer from decayed matter, animals and other natural sources.
a. animals b. inorganic c. organic d. water
II- Write True on the line if the statement is correct, write False if it is incorrect.
___31. A record of cash value received both from cash sales and cash payments for a certain
period is called cash record.
___32. Production record reflects the list of the different crops grown in the farm during a
particular year.
___33. The use of flyer for marketing fruits and seedlings is cheap to produce and convenient.
___34. Web marketing involves both advertising and marketing efforts through e-mail
messages to current customers and prospective customers as well.
___35. Online marketing is the process of selling products to the marketplace.
___36. E-mail marketing includes e-commerce, promotional or informative websites, and online
advertising on search engines.
___37. Social media marketing involves both advertising and marketing efforts via social
networking sites.
___38. Farm-raised fish contains lower levels of chemical pollutants than fish raised in the
natural environment.
___39. A safe and clean workplace prevents illness and injury to the farmer and animals.
___40. Always provide a suitable shelter for your animals and place proper fences to prevent
spread of pests and diseases.
III- Identify what is described in the following statements. Select your answer from the word
bank given below.
Animal raisers goat Robert Petines starter ration
milkfish tilapia cow
Oscar Garin pig-fish culture goat fish farmer

___41. This is a type of fish species that can be raised in cultured ponds.
___42. This is an example of an animal and fish that can be raised at the same time
___43. These are people whose occupation is to raise four-legged animals.
___44. He is an awardee of National Gawad Saka.
___45. This is given to pigs from weaning up to two months.
___46.These is a fish species that can be raised in brackish ponds or marinekwater fish pens.
___47. These are people who are engaged in raising fish.
___48. This is a domesticated animal that is raised for its meat, milk, and as draught animals.
___49. He became the major supplier of high quality breeders for hog farmers.
___50. This is an animal that is easy to raise and resistant to diseases.

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