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Monitoring and

Checking Workers'
Kelompok 1
Anggota Kelompok 1

Muhammad Agpharizki Geyta Safitrilia

01 P173344122428 P17334122415 03

Kintan Puspita D
02 P17334122422

Monitoring and checking the health of

workers is one of the efforts made to
ensure the health and safety of workers
in the workplace
types of worker health check

● Pre-employment Examination ● Periodic Examination

Medical examination of the labor body medical examination of the workforce body
carried out by a doctor, before being by a doctor within a certain period of
accepted as a worker. time,depending on the types of hazards
faced by the workforce in carrying out their
● Special Health Examination
medical examination carried out on workers
after recovering from accidents and long-term
illnesses with the aim of knowing and testing
the ability to work of these workers.
The Purpose of Each Type of
1. Pre-Employment Examination
• to get a healthy and productive workforce
• to find out whether the worker does not suffer from an infectious disease
that will endanger other workers
• to find out whether the jobs that will be given to him will not interfere
with his health
• to find out whether the job that will be given to him is in accordance with
his abilities/talents
• to find out the state of health of the workforce when starting work
The Purpose of Each Type of
2. Periodic Examination
• To find out whether there are influences – the influence of work and work
environment on health.
• Knowing the decline in the health of workers and their
• ability to work compared to the situation at the time of the initial physical
• Know the existence of Occupational Diseases as early as possible (sub-
clinical level) by paying attention to complaints and symptoms which will
be followed up with special examinations
3. Special Health Examination
• to determine the probability that a job transfer will be required
• So that workers work according to the situation & condition of their bodies
Example of Special Health Examination:
• Special health checks for workers who are in contact with hazardous
substances, for example: benzene solution, ionizing radiation, lead, silica,
asbestos, aromatic aniline and others as well as hazardous work, for
example: diver, working in a place that is high and others.
Health Check Stage

● Registration
Workers register to undergo a medical examination at the registration
counter by including the worker‘s identity and the results of the
previous examination (if any).Proses
● Preliminary Examination
At this stage, the worker will undergo an initial examination by the
medical personnel in charge to determine the type of examination to
be carried out.
● Physical examination

The physical examination includes checking height, weight,

blood pressure, heart rate, and examination of other organs.
● Laboratory examination

Laboratory tests include blood, urine and liver function tests.

● Radiological Examination

Radiological examinations are carried out on workers who are

exposed to radiation at work, such as X-ray examinations and
CT scans..
● Specialist Examination
Workers who require special examinations will be referred
to specialist doctors according to their health
● Health Assessment
After all inspections have been completed, the results of
the examination will be assessed to determine the
worker's health condition and whetherthe worker is fit to
work or requires further treatment..
Daftar Pustaka
n_tenaga_kerja.pptx Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No. 35

Tahun 2021 tentang Pemeriksaan Kesehatan pada Tempat Kerja.


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