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Name: Nasyiatul Imamah

Nim: 200511100059/ 7A
Mid-Term examination Journalism
1. 5 photos of the monumental events.

Get to know the “Bandung Lautan History of Indonesian Independen


Remembering ‘labor hero’  Bung Karno statue in Blitar


 History of G30S PKI

2. The function of the editor in the newspaper?

- Read newspaper and correct spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
- Rewrite the text to make easier for readers to understand the meaning of
- Develop story ideas according to publication style and editorial policies
In essence, newspaper editors plan, coordinate, revise material for publication in
newspapers, magazines, etc. the editor monitors story ideas that readers are interested
in. an editor can perform all editorial duties.
3. Make news report comprising 500 words
The inauguration of the TikTok Shop is closed.
TikTok officially stopped operating the TikTok Shop in Indonesia
Wednesday, October 4 2023, at 17.00. The closure of the TikTok shop was not
without reason. This happened due to concerns about offline traders such as Tanah
Abang who felt that there was little interest from buyers, so buyers switched to online.
The governments heard this concern, but that does not mean that the government
made the decision to close all e-commerce. What the government is doing is so that
MSMEs can develop, industry grows, shops are busy, those who work can work,
profits can pay taxes. There the country can develop, it can go abroad to export. If
trade doesn't sell, the industry closes, that's a problem. That's why the government
regulates it so that imported goods don't get flooded, we regulate it so that imports
don't get flooded. The government's main priority is to respect and comply with the
regulations and laws that apply in Indonesia. Thus, the government will no longer
facilitate e-commerce transactions within TikTok Shop Indonesia.
The government has regulated permits for switching to e-commerce in line
with the emergence of a ban on social media becoming e-commerce. These rules
apply to domestic and foreign business actors. Sellers can take advantage of the live
streaming feature in e-commerce. So they can still sell live as they have been doing at
the TikTok Shop. Or you can also switch to Shope, Lazada, Tokopedia and other
commerce that has permits. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also commented on the
TikTok Shop phenomenon. According to him, social media like TikTok should play a
role according to permission. Therefore, currently the government through the
Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) is working on regulations that will regulate TikTok
Shop et al. Jokowi said that the impact of e-commerce businesses such as TikTok
Shop had caused sales and production in micro, small and medium businesses and
conventional markets to plummet. The President believes that TikTok should only act
as social media, not as a media economy. Due to price competition in e-commerce,
the President emphasized that the Government through the Ministry of Trade has
prepared regulations to control electronic commerce or social media-based e-
The closure of TikTok Shop is a major blow to thousands of sellers who have
relied on the platform to run their businesses. As is known, from public figures to
ordinary people, many people sell on the TikTok Shop. In fact, according to TikTok
Indonesia, there are 6 million local sellers and almost 7 affiliate creators. This means
that quite a lot of Indonesian people depend on this social commerce platform for
their fate. There are three significant impacts that will be felt by business actors in the
TikTok Shop: 1. Significant Loss of Revenue. Sellers active on TikTok Shop have
probably built their business over the years on the platform. These sudden closures
mean the loss of a significant source of income, and many will struggle to survive. 2.
Facing Uncertainty. The closure of the TikTok Shop creates uncertainty about the
future of their business. Sellers may have to look for alternative platforms or new
business strategies, which require extra time and effort. 3. Shifting Capital and
Resources. These closures could force sellers to shift their capital and resources to
other platforms or channels, which could disrupt the continuity of their business.

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