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Syringe Pump
Energy-Saving Design Enables
Prolonged lnfusion on Battery Powen

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Volume Key

Light onloff Key

Syringe Verification Key Starvstop lnfusion Key

Capable of extended fluid delivery
without relying on AC power -
for I 2 hours on internal battery or
24 hours on alkaline batteries. *

Extended lnfusion on Battery Power No Need for Grounded Cord

Fluid deljvery can be caffjed out continuously The pump rs a Class ll device which does not
not only on AC powet but for up to about l2 need to be connecled to a protect,ve
hours on the internal battery or about 24 hours g round.
on,4A srze alkaline batteries.

History Function
Compatible with Range of Syringe Makes AJlows operator to check past pump operatjon
ln additron to TOP syflnges, the pump can use and alarm events.
1A mL. 2a mL, 30 mL and 50 mL syringes made
by Terumo. Nipro. JMS, B D, N,4onoject and
B. Braun. One add/tional syringe of any make Four-Pump Stand for Use of Multiple
. ' loD, '-qr'rered for L ^ pe. \Irnqe ,,/c Pumps
Optjonal pump stand holds up to four syringe
o-mp\ nd upplrc\ Af po er.
Constantly Monitors Plunger
lncludes a mechanism which constantly
monitors pJunger movement during inlusjon.

External Communications
Avai/able with optjonal RS-232C jnterlace that
enables pump status to be monitored
Description TOP syrlnge Puanp
TOP 5500
lnfusion accuracy N/lechanicalaccuracy 1196 A.curacy includrng the 5ynnqe 13r/
iior at lea5l one hour oi nfuron at low rate ol at leat 1.0 mUhl
Totalvolume display lange 0 I to 999 9 mt
Flow rate range 0 I Io 100 0 mYh ll0 mL syrinqel
0 I to 150 0 nryh 120 mL syrnqel
0 I to 150 0 mYh i30 rflsylngel
0 I to 150 0 nrYh 150 mLsynnqel
hettings adlustable in 0 I rnyh rncremenlsl
Applicable syringes TOP Terumo. Nipro, ll\15, BD. [4ono]e.tand B sy.nqe5,
p Lrs one add/tiona ryringe regrsiered by u5er per 5ydnqe size (10. 20, l0 and 50 mll
Bolus rate poo. d00'r n r0T ron r-;
approx. 270 0 myh 120 mL TOP syringe)
approx ll00 muh 130 mL TOP synnge)
approx. 520 0 myh 150 mL TOP 5yringe)
occlusion?etecti,on Can be jet lo any of four evel5
High: 93111 kPa 17001250 mmHq/O 9510:4 kgtcm:l
lvledjumi 6h27 kPa (500!2AA
nfiHg/A 68!0.21 kgf/..rl1)
Low a0,/0.. r00 0r-.'g0r 0.9..
Vorv,or^ .0-,0 1 .0- ., r, 9 A.:A 9 TOP Pole Clamp
Overload detection P,'
appro :40 N i4 0lqfl 120.iLstrnqel
.pproN <55 N (5 5 kgf) {:0.,rLryringel
approx <80 N 18 0 kgfl {50 mL ryrinqel
Alarms/Warnings Lo!4, volLrme, Oacluron, Overload, Low batiery lyrrnge barrel/plunqer clnnrp drlenqaqed.
Power 5ource s\,vrtched, Rem ndet Other device malfunclrons
Specialfunctions Auto power off: Duang battery operat of. when pLrrllp s left for I minutes with
infLrsion (opped or in an itarm riaie, the buzzer 5ounds t?hen buzzer has been left
sound ng for I min!tes. lhe power 5huts ofl a Lrtomatrca lly
Alarm reminder: Ulllets the cau5e ofan : arm is aorrected wiihtJt 2 an nutes nfter
operator has pres5ed the SILENfE key the alarm will 5ound aqa n to remind oper:tor
oi problea,-r
Buzzer setting:Audrble indicatron ol5tandby and key operation .in be turned on or off
Power source switch alarm: An alarm sound5 u/hen Aa power 5upply h:5 5topped
and the unrt ha5 s!4/itahed over to bettery oper:ton
History functron: History of pump operatron can be chacled when rnfusion ts starred
:nd stopped TOP Multiple
Key lock function: The operation of other keys ci:rn be :rctivated or inaativated by
pr.{\ing the 5ET key h^/rc€ Syringe Pump Stand
Power supply AC poweri AC 90 l4A\t/P,C 184 264V,5A/6AH.
External DC power: Da 9 to l5V 5W
lnternal battery: Rechargeab e DC J 6V 1500 nfh N-tu'lh ltry'pe BP-551. battery iie 11
approx l2 holrrs i;t
flow rate of 5 nryh ui ng fevr' bafiery /n lL] y ah:rqed 5i;rrel
Alkaline batterjes: Uses four LR6 4/pe. /,4 5 ze alk;r ne batterres lDC 6Vl; battery ie rj
approx. 24 hours 1.1 flow r.le of 5 myh Lrsin!,1 ne!\' batteries)
lnput current AC po\,vcr 0 lAa
Operating conditions Temperature: +5 to 40'C
Relalve hurnrdiry 20 ro 9oqi lno aondensltron)
P.es5Llre 70 to 106 kPa
Storaqe conditions TFmpPralure 20 to .+5 C
Reative humrdity: l0 to 95?! ino conalen5;tion)
Prer5ure 50 to 106 kPa
Service Life 6 yea15 1ba5ed of or u5 rg TOP Corporation datal. ;r55!.irf!l
5elf certifrcat
rn5pectron and ma ntenanae are carricd out ars ind aated and aof5um:ble p.rlts arc
replnced as rleeded
Clarsification Clnss II, g/pe CE lPXl ldr p proof)
Fuse Tt 02A
Dimensions 120{v7l x 90(H) x r60(D) mm
\Yeight appror 2.0 kg
AC power cnble. Operetion q! de
Options TOP Pole Camp, TOP lnfusron SLrrd. TOP [4u t ple lyinge Pump Stand
a Product speciflcations and.rppe:r.nce are 5Lrbject to chanqe wrthout pror nottce

TOP CorPoration
T9 I 0. senJunakaicho, Adnchr ku. Tokyo 120 0035. Japan
Telr Slil:rpan) :3882 3l0l F.x: SllJapanl 3 3881 I l6l in,lllli iaP r r_,F:ariit at] fPt l.i : a_. rr rl:d I t:!ri

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