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Wearpack is a work safety clothing that must be worn in several fields of work.

are mandatory for workers who have special professions with a high level of difficulty and
require special security, such as mine workers, ship mechanics, workshop mechanics,
firefighters, as well as outdoor workers and similar jobs. The function of wearpacks in
general is to protect the body from things that can harm or cause accidents while working and
other functions, namely as an identity. The identity function aims to homogenize workers and
show the identity of the position. Suppose work clothes of different colors between welding
workers and electric workers. The special feature of wearpacks is that they are fire proof and
are generally equipped with reflective material (scotlite).

The symbol that we often find in the work environment with the words prioritizing
occupational safety and health in Green Over White Base Color is the symbol of K3. The
symbol of K3 (Occupational Safety and Health) and its meaning are contained in the
Kepmenaker RI 1135 / MEN / 1987 concerning the flag of occupational safety and health. the
following is an explanation of the meaning of the K3 (Occupational Safety and Health)
Emblem Shape K3: Cross Circled Eleven-Toothed Wheels In Green Over White Base Color.
The meaning of the K3 symbol:
– Cross : Free From Accidents And Occupational Diseases (PAK).
– Gears : Works With Physical And Spiritual Freshness.
– White Color : Clean And Holy.
– Green Color: Safe, Healthy And Prosperous.
– Eleven Wheels: Eleven Chapters in Law No. 1 of 1970 concerning Work Safety.

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