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Chapter 10 Present and Past Participles as Adjectives

an annoying noise ( = the noise is annoying)
an annoyed girl ( = the girl is annoyed)

1. 現在分詞 (Present Participle)

當使用現在分詞 (ing 形式) 時,它所描述的名詞是活動的執行者 (performer)
例句: It is a swimming cat. ( = The cat swims.)
(it / be / sleep / baby)

2. 過去分詞 (Past Participle)

當使用過去分詞 (ed/en 形式 )時,它所描述的名詞是活動的接受者 (receiver)。
例句: This is a moved car. ( = The car is moved by someone/something.)
(we / find / steal / money)

- 使用現在/過去分詞並不取決於句子的時態
The cat swims. → It is a swimming cat.
The cat swam. → It was a swimming cat.

- 現在分詞有時用於表達主動的意義,而過去分詞有時用於表達被動的意義

The story frightened the citizens. - It was a frightening story. (主動)

- The frightened citizens felt worried. (被動)

The movie interests the audience. - What an interesting movie it is! (主動)
- The interested audience do not want to
stop watching the movie. (被動)

- 用作形容詞的分詞可以跟在它們要修飾的名詞之後,並使用如 “be/become/seem” 等等
的連接詞 (linking verbs) 來連接

The news is shocking.

The talent shows are satisfying.

He seems puzzled.

Eddy became exhausted after the field trip.

A. Fill in the blanks with correct participles of verbs given in the box.

bore tear break excite

change relax worry boil
tire park encourage shock

1. Mr. Au was a busy businessman before. After he has decided to retire, his life is
more ________________________ now.
2. The ________________________ kettle filled the kitchen with steam.
3. Look at this ________________________ dress. My naughty dog Bobby bit it
when I was out for dinner last night.
4. The President’s statement is ________________________. We are going to make
our country strong again.
5. Nowadays, more and more couples are getting divorced. The increase in divorce
reflect a ________________________ attitude to marriage and relationships.
6. When you are parking your car in a perpendicular spot, you should ensure that
your car is at least 8 feet away from any other ________________________
vehicles on the driver's side or passenger's side.
7. All the staff were very ________________________ to hear the news of their
boss marrying a famous football player.
8. The ________________________ speaker put all the listeners to sleep during his
9. The overly ________________________ boys are now running around in the
park. Come and ask them to calm down!
10. The survey has revealed some ________________________ results – the birth
rate is getting lower every year.
11. Rachel is ________________________ of her job. She has been a waitress for
five years. Maybe now it is the time for her to make a change.
12. The wind was blowing through the ________________________ bedroom
B. Read the following sentences. If the sentence is incorrect, write the correct one
in the blank. If not, put a “✓” in the blank.

1. The falling leaves covered the path and made it quite slippery.

2. The firefighters are trying hard to put out the fire of the burnt houses.

3. Ten corpses were found near the collapsing building last Friday.

4. A cup of hot chocolate is comforted to everyone on a cold winter's day.


5. Mrs. Wong was mystified, because no one had ever taught Karen to dance.

6. Weeks later, however, a letter arrived with the puzzled news that Grace did not
get the scholarship.

7. The challenged Math equations have made me confusing a lot.

C. Use the given words to write sentences. Make sure there are no grammatical

1. [students / get / freeze / by / freeze / weather / last week] [parents / be / very /

concern / that]



2. [my / little / brother / be / frighten / by / frighten / Halloween costumes] [however

/ I / find / them / quite / amuse]



3. government / alarm / coming hurricane / for / situation / be / alarm


4. [abandon / child / cry / three days / without / stop] [he / be / heartbreak]



5. it / be / so / frustrate / no matter / how much / I / study / cannot / seem /

remember / these ten / Spanish words



6. [interest / story / tell / by / professor / make / compel / point] [I / inspire / by /

what / he / say]


D. Read the story below and fill in the blanks with correct participles of verbs

It was Boxing Day again and my two sons were 1. _________________ (thrill) at
the prospect of unwrapping all the 2. _________________ (tempt) boxes that lay
around the Christmas tree. I was 3. _________________ (excite) about giving
them their presents but also a bit 4. _________________ (worry) because I did
not want to make them 5. _________________ (disappoint) again. There was
nothing more 6. _________________ (depress) than a child with a
7. _________________ (disappoint) present in their hands.

That was what had happened the year before. When my elder son opened his
present, I was 8. _________________ (dismay) to see how
9. _________________ (displease) he was with his new toy. It was
10. _________________ (devastate). But now it would be different because I
knew exactly what they really wanted. I had swallowed my pride and asked my
wife about what our children really wanted.

When they were unwrapping the presents, I was concentrating on their facial
expressions, and it was so 11. _________________ (gratify) to see the joy in their
eyes! They were totally 12. _________________ (amaze) to see they were the
new owners of an X-box with countless games. It was a 13. _________________
(move) scene. And I was so 14. _________________ (relieve) to see that this year
I had not failed them.
E. Read the following passage. Identify the mistake in each numbered line by:
(a) Wrong word: underline the wrong word and write the correct answer
above it; (b) Extra word: cross out the extra word; (c) Missing word: mark the
position of the missing word with a “^ ” and write the missing word above it.
If there is no mistake in the numbered line, put a “✓” at the end of the
numbered line.

In a World Shaped by Humans, Can “Edens” Truly Exist?

1 Our impact on the planet is great that scientists say it marks a new

2 stage on the geological timeline. Human interference, poaching

3 and illegal logging, cause revocable damage to our natural world. But,

4 some of our wondrous lands are more protecting than others. Perhaps in

5 part, due to their isolate nature. It is possible to say the Namib Desert is one

6 of the eden on Earth. The Namib Desert in Africa is believed to be the

7 world’s the oldest desert, and is at least 55 million years old. Annual rainfall

8 here can be as low as 2mm and temperatures vary wildly, of below

9 0°C and above 50°C recording in the same location. Even an unforgiving

10 place like this is an Eden – and that is down to thick fog. It creates dew,

11 which allows life such as the welwitschia to survive. It is a plant thinks

12 to date back to the Jurassic period and although it can live to 1,500

13 years old, it only never grows two leaves, each of which can be up to 4m
14 long. And although the dry riverbeds suggest arid landscape, water

15 flows underground, creating “oasises” on the surface. It allows the growth

16 of trees such as the Camelthorn, whose roots can tape water sources up

17 to 50m below. There is a surprised array of animal-life too: rhinos, lions,

18 and the black-faced impala, to name and a few. Many animals have

19 adopted well to this climate, such as elephants that go four days without

20 water or using their tusks to dig waterholes, and the gemsbok (a large

21 antelope) manages to keep a cool head – literally – through rapid

22 breathe. This pumps blood through vessels around its nose that cool it down,

23 keeping its brian suitably chilled even if its body temperature is over 40°C.

Extracted and edited from

F. Translate the sentences from Chinese to English. Participles should be used
in the highlighted parts. Make sure there are no grammatical mistakes.

1. 會哄人的(charm)推銷員昨天說服那個高個子男人買了一輛小車。 那是多麼


2. 他的故事通常不是很引人入勝的(intrigue),但上星期我們被他告訴我們的



3. 火山噴出熔岩時發出具威脅性的(threaten)聲音,住在附近的村民嚇壞了


4. 你認為科幻電影(science fiction movie)的導演故意製作令人費解的(confuse)



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