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Presented to the Faculty of the

School of Business and Management

Xavier University - Ateneo de

Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Subject


Submitted by:



Submitted to:



This is to certify that we assume full responsibility for the work titled “FROM SCROLL TO CART:


IMPULSE PURCHASES” submitted as a requirement for the degree Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration at the School of Business and Management, Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan

that the work is our own, that this is original except as specified in the acknowledgments, footnotes,

or in the references and that this has never been submitted to this or any other school for a degree or

for other requirements.


November ___, 2023


November ___, 2023


November ___, 2023

November ___, 2023


November ___, 2023

AIKHIE BABARAN, UA-O, AWESOME JOHN as a requirement for the degree of BACHELOR OF
SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION has been examined and is recommended for Oral

Toni Rose T. Fabroa, DBM




Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ______.

____________________ ____________________

Panelist Panelist

Approved and accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration.


Dean, School of Business and Management
December 2023

The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who helped finish this thesis.

The advice, assistance, and encouragement I have had along the way have been priceless.

We owe thanks to the mentors and advisers who guided the research by offering their insightful


The researchers also thank their friends and coworkers for their informative talks that improved the

quality of their work.

We offer our gratitude to the organizations who supplied the tools and infrastructure necessary for the

completion of this study.

The researchers are appreciative of their families' constant support and belief in them.

Finally, the participants are thanked for their invaluable contributions and acknowledged for giving freely

of their time and ideas.










Introduction 1

Theoretical Framework 3

Conceptual Framework 5

Statement of the Problem 10

Hypothesis 10

Significance of the Study 11

Scope and Limitations 12

Definition of Terms 12


Research Design 19

Research Environment 19

Respondents and Sampling Procedure 20

Research Instrument 21

Validity and Reliability of Instruments 21

Data Gathering Procedure 22

Statistical Treatment 22

Scoring Guidelines 23

Ethical Consideration 23



Tables / Computations of Cronbach’s Alpha 29

Resume / Curriculum Vitae 30

Survey Questionnaire 35

Chapter 1



Social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives. Over the past few years,

it has functioned as a facet for entertainment, communication, business, education, and most

importantly, it has become one of the most effective tools for marketing. Among these platforms, TikTok

has emerged as a prominent player, captivating the attention of millions worldwide through its innovative

short-form video content. Tiktok’s rise to world domination began in early 2018 when it surpassed social

media giants Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Youtube in downloads (Paul, 2022), in 2020, at the

heat of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the app’s explosive growth bolstered like wildfire, it racked up

downloads and reported a 45% increase in monthly active users between July of 2020 to July of 2022.

According to Ruby (2023), currently, Tiktok reports 1.1 Billion monthly active users and according to

Baclig (2023), 43.4 Million of those users come from the Philippines who are aged 18 and up while 58.2

percent of that number is reached by marketers through the platform’s ad service. Tiktok accomplished

in 4 years what Facebook and Instagram took 10 years to achieve.

This growth can be attributed to its large and engaged community which allows many videos to

become viral and gather views. According to Yang (2022), Tiktok is an addictive form of entertainment

due to its endless cycle of short-form videos which follows a tailored algorithm. This algorithm shows

the users the types of videos they are interested in based on their interactions; from views, comments,

follows, and likes. Thus, each user has an enhanced experience on Tiktok as their feed is uniquely

tailored to their interests. Furthermore, Tiktok also takes advantage of our environment and lifestyle.

In today’s fast paced society, most users no longer have time to watch long videos such as YouTube.

Thus, preferring short and concise content. Tiktok videos typically range from 15 seconds to one minute.

This encourages app users to make their posts attention grabbing, visually appealing, and engaging.

On the other hand, it encourages users to stay on Tiktok or make a habit of enjoying its short-form


Tiktok is also a large player in social media marketing boasting a forecast of $15.2 Billion Ad

Revenue in 2023, defying the digital ad market slowdown (Cameron, 2023). The app uses innovative

marketing strategies that allows brands and products to reach their target audience. These methods

are often very engaging and creative. Examples of these are (1) Influencer collaboration, many brands

partner with Tiktok influencers, users with a lot of followers, to showcase and promote their product. (2)

Viral Brand Challenges, brands have leveraged Tiktok’s viewer reach and engagement by creating

enjoyable challenges which boost brand awareness. (3) Innovative Content Format, Tiktok marketing

has evolved into a wide range of content. These methods are new, effective, and creative; which range

from Point of Views, Honest Reviews, Try on Hauls, and more. Lastly, Tiktok also has a Yellow Basket

feature which allows sellers to link their products to their videos. These sellers are called “affiliates” and

earn commissions per product sold. Due to the incentive, Tiktok influencers and sellers are motivated

to create effective video advertisements which drive up product sales and brand awareness.

According to Fox (2023), in 2021, there were around 2.14 Billion unique online shoppers globally.

This means that over a quarter of the global population are internet users with access to at least one e-

commerce site, and they’ve decided to make at least one purchase online. Considering that only 60%

of the world’s population has access to the internet, this means that nearly half of internet users use it

to shop online. With this, it would be significant to see the contribution that TikTok makes to this gigantic


Overall, Tiktok’s user volume and effective social marketing makes it one of the leading platforms

in terms of active users and advertising revenue as mentioned in the aforementioned studies. Amid the

growing trend in online shopping, Tiktok is a significant player in driving sales. However, online

shopping is proven to drive impulse purchases. Many would call this “budol”. Due to the convenience

of shopping at the palm of one’s hand, many individuals struggle with proper decision making before

making purchases. Compulsive shopping, known as “oniomania,” was first described in the early 1900s

by the German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin. Around that time, many people still believed in the concept

of Homo economicus — a 19th-century idea that viewed people as rational decision-makers who always

act in their own self-interest.

Today, Homo economicus is extinct: Decades of psychological and economic research has

shown that what often drives one’s spending behavior is not rationality but emotionality. Today, impulse

purchases are defined as the sudden or immediate purchase of a product without pre-shopping

intention (Keenan, 2023). It occurs when a shopper experiences an urge to buy a product, often

spontaneous and without hesitation and sometimes these purchases are followed by a temporary sense

of satisfaction or even regret and dissatisfaction with the product or service as users lack purchasing

discernment. These innovative marketing strategies involve partnerships with influencers, viral brand

challenges, and more. These drive up engagement and brand recognition for many products. As social

media evolves, businesses are keen to leverage these platforms to connect with potential consumers

in novel ways, giving rise to the phenomenon of social media marketing.

Theoretical Framework

Affective Valuation Theory

This theory suggests that emotions play a significant role in impulse buying. Consumers make

impulsive purchases to regulate their emotional states, seeking pleasure, excitement, or relief from

negative emotions. Emotional responses are central to triggering spontaneous buying behavior. The

first premise of AVT is that how people ideally want to feel ("ideal affect") differs from how they actually

feel ("actual affect"). The ideal effect of making an impulse purchase often differs from the actual effect,

a scenario of expectation vs. reality (Tsai, 2007).Scholars observed an evident connection between

user engagement and Tiktok’s algorithm optimization (Zhao, 2021). This optimization involves continual

improvement and personalization of content shown in the user’s feed as it was programmed to observe

and analyze user behavior, preferences, and interactions. This tactic often traps the users into an

endless cycle of scrolling. Furthermore, a previous study also highlights the importance of the flow of

experience. This is an internal psychological feeling of enjoyment, concentration, and time distortion in

a user’s addiction behavior (Zhao and Zhou, 2021). As users are engrossed in short-form content, they

lose track of time and enjoy scrolling for more content. Thus, a positive relationship between users who

indulge themselves in this flow and Tiktok engagement.

Thus, impulse purchases and Tiktok content engagement are both influenced by emotions (Sun

et., al 2015). Impulse buyers seek emotional satisfaction through their purchases which often leaves a

gap between their expectation and actual emotions. On the other hand, a user’s addictive nature stems

from the emotional gratification derived from the optimized algorithm (Smith and Short, 2021). Thus,

emotions play a significant role in both impulsive actions and addictive behavior.

Instant Gratification Theory:

Instant gratification was first coined by Sigmund Freud. It is the immediate satisfaction or

pleasure gained from a thing or an experience without any delay, basically the complete opposite of the

infamous delayed gratification. With impulse purchases being defined as unplanned or spontaneous

purchases by a consumer when exposed to a stimulus (Parboteeah, 2005). These instances can

happen when products are priced low or when there is a new product. Such stimulus can involve product

sampling or product showcasing. The Instant Gratification Theory suggests that customers desire

immediate rewards or instant gratification. These desires can be immediately satisfied by the products

that they see and purchase (Pradhan, 2018). Therefore consumers indulge in spontaneous purchases

that lack discernment and careful consideration of long-term consequences.


Attention Economy Theory

The concept of attention economy was first coined in the late 1960s by Herbert A. Simon,

characterizing the problem of information overload as an economic one. However, the concept has

become increasingly popular with the rise of the internet making content (supply) increasingly abundant

and immediately available, and attention becoming the limiting factor in the consumption of information.

Davenport and Beck (2001) first define the "economics of attention" as an approach to the management

of information that treats human attention as a scarce commodity and applies economic theory to solve

various information management problems. We are increasingly living in an “attention economy” rather

than an “information economy”.In today's digital age, attention is a scarce resource. Davenport and

Beck (2001) first define the "economics of attention" as an approach to the management of information

that treats human attention as a scarce commodity and applies economic theory to solve various

information management problems3. We are increasingly living in an “attention economy” rather than

an “information economy”. Short-form videos, often less than a minute long which is where the entire

platform of TikTok is built upon, are designed to capture and hold viewers' attention in a brief period.

Attention Economy theory suggests that short, engaging content is more likely to retain users' attention,

making them more receptive to marketing messages.

Conceptual Framework

TikTok’s rapid growth gave birth to its massive influence across the world. This influence has

affected a lot of things like political ideals, adaptation of various cultures, and most notably, it gave birth

to new and innovative marketing strategies. This study aims to assess the influence of (1) Conciseness,

(2) Credibility, (3) Emotional Appeal, and (4) Reach elements of TikTok’s social media marketing

platform on students’ online impulse purchases in terms of (1) Frequency, (2) Peso amount, (3) Post-

purchase Satisfaction.


Tiktok is notoriously known for its short-form video scheme partnered with their threaded

algorithm. In the modern era of marketing, this scheme is considered as one of the most effective.

According to Mody (2023), there are 5 reasons why this form of content is highly effective for marketing.

1. It is attention-grabbing, easy to share, easy to consume, cost-effective, and gains better engagement

from its reach due to its short and concise nature. Conciseness is the key to turning raw Reach into

Engagements then Influence and ultimately sales.

Part of making social media marketing effective is tackling the challenge of the ever-shortening

attention spans of modern human beings. Today, the average human attention span is 8.25 seconds,

which is shorter than a Goldfish’s that comes in at about 9 seconds (Zauderer, 2023). This makes the

element of conciseness very important. And if anyone is able to master grabbing someone’s attention

in the first 8.25 seconds of interaction and finishing his entire message within less than a minute will

have the potential to rule the world of social media marketing.


Confidence in a product or brand is one of the things that shorten the time needed for a potential

customer to make the decision of buying. That is why credibility is very important. Goldsmith et al,

(2000) stated that we all have that one product or brand in our lives that we tested and have patronized

ever since. This is because we know it’s going to work all the time. A brand or influencer's reputation is

always very important for effective marketing. Without it, business will not stay afloat.

Emotional Appeal

At its most basic form, making impulse purchases is like making a rash decision or choice. And

rash decisions are most often referred to as emotional decision making. Emotions play a huge role in

our decisions, especially at the speed at which we make them. Emotions such as Anger, Frustration,

Fear, Excitement, Euphoria, or Guilt are among the many other emotions that might trigger a “fight or

flight” response that enables us to make split-second decisions without much thought (Morin, 2013).

Marketers all over the world know this and hence use these emotions to their advantage.

Humans, as emotional as we are, it is self-explanatory that the more we are interested in

something, or the more we care about anything, the easier it is for that thing to stir our emotions. With

Tiktok’s algorithm, the platform is able to find out what are the things that make us laugh, smile, cry, or

cringe. Most importantly, it knows how to convince us to buy stuff without directly shoving it into our

face (Lerner, 2015). How well an offering or a content translates a potential buyer’s attention to stirring

up their emotions will always mean a good thing and is the key to gaining influence over the audience.


In the language of Social Media Marketing, Reach is the total number of people who were able

to see a particular content. In a perfect world, every one of TikTok’s monthly active users would see

every piece of content posted on the platform. Reach is the most basic unit of Social Media Marketing

and a

Content, no matter how well made, would be ineffective or useless if it does not get enough reach.

Hence, the importance of reach is emphasized.

In the marketing world, reach is translated as the amount of awareness that a content or offering

can attract from potential customers. Within itself, reach is the seed to where every other step of making

a sale online becomes possible. A potential customer has seen and has been made aware of the

product, this gives way to the next initiative would be to close the sale. However, it is important to note

that Reach does not have any direct correlation to the actual consumption of whatever value the content

or offering was designed to provide. For example, a company could design an advertising campaign

that was able to generate a reach of ten thousand individuals, but these numbers may not generate the

output that the company intended. They may lack other key factors of engagement which show how

much value the offering brought to viewers. However, according to Moxey (2018), in the world of

Marketing, Reach gives birth to Engagements and then Influence. Influence is the ability of the

marketing effort to direct the awareness that Reach generates into a desired customer response. To

establish influence, the content or offer must provide value to the potential customers and make them

feel engaged in a way that they are willing to send value back to the marketer’s way. One way of saying

that the reach of a particular campaign is translatable to potential customers is through measuring the

amount of engagements the campaign is getting. Engagements measure the amount of people who

were engaged with your post or campaign, these are the shares, likes, comments, clicks on attached

links, and etc. According to Terzinski (2022), there is a highlighted importance between reach and

engagements, often they are compared to each other, however you cannot track engagements without

tracking reach, so determining which one is important all depends on what you are trying to achieve.

When raising awareness about a brand or incoming product, then reach alone is absolutely fine. But

when trying to translate that awareness into sales, then it is necessary to measure engagements. In

the context of impulse purchases, these are already closed deals, they are sales that were not even

planned, hence highlighting the importance of engagement in this study.

Impulse Purchases

As stated in the introduction, impulse purchases are defined as immediate purchases without

pre-shopping intention (Keenan, 2023). These purchases are not consciously planned and are often

followed by immediate satisfaction. Emotions such as joy or anger are internal factors while

environmental stimuli is an external factor which encourages a spontaneous purchase. These buying

tendencies are often called “Budol” and “Retail therapy”. To understand the influence of Tiktok’s social

media marketing to students’ making impulse purchases is to be able to translate the decision into a

measurable unit. To make this possible, measuring the frequency, peso amount, and post-purchase

satisfaction of the students’ impulse purchase that is attributed to Tiktok’s social media marketing

campaigns is highlighted.


One of the variables that will be able to help measure the scale of TikTok’s social media

marketing to students making impulse purchases is to measure how frequent do the students make

such purchases attributed to TikTok’s social media marketing schemes. It is recognized that impulse

purchases are made not only because of TikTok’s Influence hence only the purchases attributable to

it will be measured.

Post-purchase Satisfaction

The final variable in measuring the influence of TikTok’s social media marketing to students

making impulse purchases is to measure satisfaction of the students in the purchases that they have

made, whether their expectations were met.

Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework that the researchers have adopted to guide their

efforts and structure the study.


Figure 1. Schematic Presentation of the Study


Statement of the Problem

The primary objective of this study is to examine how TikTok social media marketing might

impact the buying behavior of students in a setting. Specifically the research aims to address the

following issues;

1. How do the respondents rate TikTok's social media marketing influence in terms of the following


1.1 Conciseness;

1.2 Credibility;

1.3 Emotional Appeal; and

1.4 Reach?

2. How do the students rate their online impulse purchases in terms of:

2.1 Frequency; and

2.2 Post-purchase satisfaction?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the elements of TikTok social media marketing and

online impulse purchase?


Problems 1 and 2 are hypothesis-free. In relation to problem 3, the null hypothesis was subjected

to testing at a significance level of 0.05.

H01: There is no significant relationship between the elements of TikTok social media marketing and

students’ online impulse purchases.


Significance of the Study

The study will clarify the influence of TikTok’s innovative social media marketing to students' online

purchasing behavior and social media marketing, notably on purchases made without pre-planning,

otherwise known as impulse purchases. The following people stand to gain from this research:

● Consumers: Students and other customers will benefit from the study's understanding of the

possible causes and impacts of their impulsive TikTok purchases. This knowledge may result in

better decision-making and a decreased propensity for impulsive purchases.Students may

create ways to better control their online buying behaviors with the help of the study's insights,

which may result in increased financial stability and frugal spending habits.

● E-commerce Businesses: E-commerce platforms will be able to modify their user interfaces,

product suggestions, and advertising strategies once they have a greater knowledge of how

TikTok affects impulse purchases. This may then result in higher conversion rates and greater

consumer involvement.

● Marketing Experts: This study's findings will give advertisers a thorough grasp of how TikTok

affects students' impulsive buying habits. By using this information, marketing tactics may be

improved, content production can be made more effective, and campaigns can be made to fit

the psychology of impulsive purchasing.

● Researchers: The results of this study can add to the body of knowledge already available on

consumer behavior, social media marketing, and impulsive buying. It may be used as a starting

point for further investigation, resulting in a better comprehension of the connection between

social media platforms and purchasing behavior.

● Students : Awareness on marketing schemes and algorithms used by tiktok and various social

media platforms as well as its effect on buying behaviors. This research can contribute to a

broader understanding of how social media impacts consumer behavior, particularly among the

younger demographic of students.

Scope and Limitations

The goal of this study is to determine how TikTok social media marketing influenced students'

online impulse purchases. The study specifically tries to assess how TikTok marketing campaigns,

schemes, and algorithms influenced students' impulse to make unplanned purchases while browsing

on TikTok’s platform.

Furthermore, the study will concentrate on a target population of students, taking into account

variables like age, gender, as well as potential interactions between these populations and TikTok

marketing stimuli. It is only open to university students enrolled for the first semester of the academic

year 2023–2024 in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. The respondents are only those who made impulse

purchases due to any of TikTok’s social media marketing schemes. Quantitative data from surveys and

interviews, will be analyzed for the study.

The outcomes of this study may only be partially generalizable to other groups or platforms aside

from TikTok or students. Due to the study's exclusive emphasis on students' TikTok-influenced impulse

purchases, the findings might not be generalizable to a larger population.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined:

Social media marketing- may be thought of as a type of digital marketing strategy that makes

use of the reach and influence that social networks have over target audiences. It includes both the art

and science of creating captivating content, encouraging genuine connections, and utilizing social

media's viral nature to accomplish corporate goals.


For this study, social media marketing is the methodical application of online communities and

social media platforms to the promotion of goods, services, or brands. In order to accomplish marketing

objectives like raising brand awareness, boosting website traffic, or generating leads and sales, it entails

developing and sharing content, interacting with users, and using a variety of strategies.

Conciseness- is the trait of being consice and to the point in communication, expressing

information clearly and effectively without adding extraneous details or using excessive language.

Conciseness is emphasized as a communication guideline in this study because it ensures that

the intended message is clearly received without overwhelming the listener with unnecessary details

and consuming too much time.

Credibility- This refers to the believability, reliability, and trustworthiness of a source, person,

organization, or information. It is often assessed based on expertise, consistency, transparency, and

factual accuracy.

In this study, credibility is a measure of the degree to which something can be considered

trustworthy and dependable. It is a critical factor in influencing how individuals perceive and accept

information or messages.

Emotional appeal- refers to the deliberate use of feelings like joy, sorrow, enthusiasm, or

empathy to engage the target audience more deeply. It entails developing content and message that

speaks to the emotions, ideals, and aspirations of the target audience. Invoking emotional reactions is

intended to motivate engagement, brand loyalty, and action.

For this study, emotional appeal in social media marketing can be conceptualized as the

purposeful creation of material, graphics, and language that elicits particular emotional responses in

the audience. In order to evoke feelings that are consistent with the goals of the brand, this may involve

the use of storytelling techniques, realistic scenarios, motivational stories, or empathic messaging. For

instance, a company might employ touching tales to foster a sense of affinity or fervor in preparation

for the introduction of a new product


Engagements- a brand or organization's interaction, communication, and participation with its

target audience on various social media platforms is referred to as social media engagement. It denotes

how much a person engages with, consumes, shares, and reacts to the content that a brand shares.

Engagement takes into account both qualitative and quantitative factors, like the audience's emotional

connection and level of trust, in addition to quantitative measures. It is a useful gauge of a brand's

influence, online presence, and capacity to develop close bonds with its customers.

In this study measuring individual user activities and behaviors on social media platforms

enables operationalization of engagement. Following are some important factors and indicators that

affect social media engagement, including likes and responses, comments, shares and retweets,

followers and follower reciprocation, mentions and tags, time spent, and engagement rate.

Emotional Response - An emotional response is a reaction or feeling triggered by a specific

event, situation, thought, or external stimulus. It involves the experience of emotions such as happiness,

sadness, anger, fear, or surprise, which can manifest through physiological changes (like increased

heart rate or tears), cognitive processes (such as thoughts and perceptions), and behavioral

expressions (like smiling or crying). Emotional responses vary from person to person and are influenced

by individual experiences, cultural factors, and personal interpretations of the stimuli.

Reach - The total number of distinct people or audience members who have been exposed to a

certain message, advertisement, or piece of content via a particular media or platform is referred to as


Reach is a parameter used in this study to gauge the potential reach of communication or effect.

It represents the extent of a message's dissemination and the possible audience it could have.

Student Online Impulse Purchase- A student online impulse purchase refers to a spontaneous

buying decision made by a student, typically in an online context, without much prior planning or

consideration. This could involve purchasing products or services that were not initially intended to be


In this study a student online impulse purchase is characterized by its unplanned and

emotionally-driven nature. It's a purchase made on a whim, often influenced by factors like attractive

discounts, persuasive marketing, and the desire for immediate gratification.

Attributable Frequency - refers to the number of times a student has made an unplanned

purchase or otherwise called an impulse purchase attributable to TikTok social media marketing

Peso Amount of Attributable Purchases-The peso amount of attributable purchases in social

media marketing represents the monetary value of sales or transactions directly linked to a specific

marketing campaign, initiative, or social media activity. It reflects the revenue generated as a result of

measurable actions taken by users who were exposed to and influenced by a particular marketing effort.

For this study, calculating the peso amount of attributable purchases involves using tracking

tools and analytics to attribute sales or conversions to specific social media marketing activities. This

can be achieved through the use of tracking pixels, unique coupon codes, referral links, or other tracking

mechanisms that connect customer actions (e.g., purchases) to social media interactions. By

determining the revenue generated from these attributable actions, marketers can assess the ROI

(Return on Investment) of their social media campaigns.

Post-Purchase Satisfaction- In social media marketing refers to the level of contentment or

fulfillment experienced by customers after making a purchase that was influenced or facilitated by social

media interactions. It encompasses the customer's overall perception of the product, the buying

process, and their interaction with the brand, all of which contribute to their satisfaction.

For the purpose of the study, post-purchase satisfaction is assessed through various methods,

including surveys, feedback forms, online reviews, and sentiment analysis. Marketers and businesses

seek feedback from customers who made purchases influenced by their social media marketing efforts.

This feedback can help gauge customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and inform

strategies for enhancing the overall customer experience. High levels of post-purchase satisfaction

often lead to customer loyalty, repeat purchases, and positive word-of-mouth marketing on social


Impulse Purchase -An impulse purchase in social media marketing refers to a buying decision

made spontaneously and without extensive prior planning or consideration. It is often driven by

emotions or external triggers, such as seeing a compelling social media ad, an influencer's

recommendation, or a limited-time offer. Impulse purchases are typically characterized by quick,

unplanned actions.

For the purpose of the study, an impulse purchase can be identified by tracking specific metrics

and behaviors on social media. For instance, a sudden spike in website traffic or conversion rates

following the launch of a social media ad campaign may indicate that users are making impulse

purchases. Understanding the factors that trigger these impulsive buying decisions helps marketers

tailor their content and promotions to encourage such behavior

Influence- Influence in social media marketing refers to the ability of individuals or entities to

shape the thoughts, behaviors, and decisions of their online audience. It is the capacity to inspire trust,

credibility, and authority within a specific niche or industry. Influencers often leverage their expertise,

authenticity, and reach to impact the opinions and actions of their followers, ultimately driving

engagement and conversions.

In this study, influence is operationalized by identifying key individuals or accounts (influencers)

within a particular domain. Metrics such as follower count, engagement rate, and the ability to sway

audience opinions are used to assess an influencer's impact. Brands collaborate with influencers to

promote products or services to their engaged and relevant audience, aiming to benefit from the

influencer's credibility and reach.

Marketing- in the context of social media refers to the strategic process of creating, promoting,

and delivering value to a target audience through various digital channels and platforms, with the goal

of achieving specific business objectives. It involves understanding customer needs, developing

compelling content and messages, and utilizing social media tools to reach, engage, and convert

prospects into loyal customers.

For this study, marketing involves the implementation of marketing strategies on social media

platforms. This includes creating and curating content, managing social media profiles, running paid

advertising campaigns, monitoring metrics, and adapting strategies to optimize performance. The

objective is to build brand awareness, generate leads, increase sales, or achieve other marketing goals

using social media as a primary channel.

Social media- is a digital communication platform that enables users to create, share, and

interact with content and connect with others online. It serves as a virtual space where individuals and

businesses can share information, engage in conversations, build relationships, and express

themselves through text, images, videos, and other multimedia formats.

For this study,social media comprises a range of online platforms and tools, including but not

limited to platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, and Snapchat. It

involves the creation and sharing of content, engagement with followers and users, the use of analytics

to measure performance, and the implementation of marketing strategies to achieve specific business

objectives, such as brand awareness, lead generation, or sales conversion. Social media marketers

leverage these platforms to reach and connect with their target audience effectively.

TikTok - is a well-known social media network that enables users to engage with a wide variety

of creative material and create, share, and discover short films that are frequently set to music.

For the purposes of this study, "TikTok" refers to the social media platform where users can

create and view brief movies, usually lasting between 15 and 60 seconds, as well as interact with other

kinds of user-generated material.


Chapter 2


In this chapter the following necessary parts will be discussed; Research design, research

environment, respondents and sampling procedure, research instrument, validity and reliability of

instrument, data gathering procedure, statistical treatment, scoring guideline, and the details necessary

for the research instrument.

Research Design

This study employs a descriptive causal research design to investigate the influence of TikTok

social media marketing on students' impulsive online purchasing behavior. According to Reichheld

(2021) descriptive research design aims to phenomenon, situation, or population. More specifically, it

helps answer the what, when, where, and how questions regarding the research problem rather than

the why. Meanwhile causal research design has been deemed well-suited for this research as it allowed

the researchers to establish cause-and-effect relationship between variables. According to Bhandari

(2021), causation means that a change in one variable causes a change in another variable. Both of

which are the necessary tools to provide empirical evidence concerning how factors such as

conciseness, credibility, emotional appeal (encompassing emotional response and relatability), and the

extent of TikTok marketing reach (including user engagement) collectively influence students' impulsive

online purchasing decisions.

Research Environment

This study will be conducted at a private university at 73 Corales Ave. Cagayan de Oro City,

Misamis Oriental, run by the Society of Jesus, it was founded in 1933. It was named in honor of the

Jesuit missionary St. Francis Xavier. The institution comprises nine academic units, including three

schools (Education, Business and Management, and Medicine) and six colleges (Agriculture, Arts and

Sciences, Computer Studies, Engineering, Nursing, and Law). Grounded in its core values of promoting

social responsibility. The university remains committed to actively addressing the pressing societal

challenges in Mindanao and the Philippines. This commitment is exemplified through the continual

refinement of academic offerings and the strengthening of community outreach initiatives that tackle

important issues, including education, poverty alleviation, environmental conservation, sustainable

development, and the pursuit of social equity.

Respondents and Sampling Procedure

According to information from the school's registrar, Eight-Thousand and Two (8,002) students

were registered for the 2023–2024 school year's first semester.

College students are active at making impulse online purchases, they were chosen as

responders. Moreover, in China, college students have more disposable money than junior high school

students and senior high school students, so the possibility of impulsive buying is also higher (Chen et

al., 2021). In a similar study, conducted by Chen (2022), college students were chosen as the sample

for three main reasons. First, compared to other age groups, young people are more impulsive

(Pechmann et al., 2005). Second, young people are the main users of social media (Van Tran et al.,

2022). College students who grew up in the Internet age are more inclined to use social media to

communicate than to engage in face-to-face communication (Punyanunt-Carter et al., 2018). Third,

young people are the main force of online shopping (Van Tran et al., 2022). The research model is

going to test using data collected from college students by employing a professional questionnaire

platform through random sampling method. Applying Cochran's formula, the sample size for the given

population is 365 considering the margin of error of 5%, with a confidence level of 95%, and a 50%

response distribution.

Research Instrument

In order to gather the needed data for this research, a 30-item structured questionnaire was

utilized. It is divided into three (9) parts: the first section includes filtering respondents with the aim of

making the survey only accessible to respondents who used the social media platform Tiktok, as well

as those who have admittedly made an impulse purchase online. The second part up to the ninth of the

instrument are questions regarding the variables of TikTok social media marketing. It covers the

independent variables which are the elements of tiktok social media marketing: conciseness, credibility,

emotional appeal and reach as well as the dependent variables which are the attributable frequency

and satisfaction of the impulse purchases made by the students. A four-point Likert scale was used to

assist the respondents in expressing how much they rated each of the elements in context to the

students' impulse purchase, the satisfaction of the students after purchasing products online, and the

intensity of Tiktok use that affects impulse purchase behavior.

Validity and Reliability of Instrument

With the related literature as the basis, the researchers structured the survey and established

its validity with the help of three experts. Additional questions were added for each variable and more

research experts have been sought out who are more associated in the field, a suggestion from a

research professor of the MBA program. She highlighted the importance of scoring each statement on

the degree of relevance and a need to compute a content validity index (CVI) which will be performed

by the researchers.

Following the suggested improvements from the experts, a pilot study was conducted. The

research instrument was specifically distributed to (30) students enrolled in different colleges of S.Y.

2023-2024 in Xavier University who had made an online impulse purchase and who were not included

in the final list of respondents. By conducting a pilot testing, the reliability of the research instrument

has been tested and according to Collins (2007) should yield a Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.70 or higher. The

result of the pilot testing rendered a Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.84 or "good". This means that the instrument

can be granted to the actual survey.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will utilize Google Forms to conduct an online survey only accessible to Xavier

University which will be filtered by requiring the survey participants to input their Xavier University

Students’ Email making the survey exclusively within the University Organization. The survey will also

be filtered by making the rest of the survey only accessible if the participant answered yes to the first

two questions being of whether or not they use Tiktok and have admittedly made an impulse purchase

online that they can recall. The survey was handed out by approaching random students around the

university and asking their consent to participate in a quick online survey, a QR code or link will then

be presented to them wherein if scanned would direct them to the Google Form.

As soon as the respondents opened the survey, they were immediately greeted by the cover

letter which gave them information about the background of the study, the researchers, and the aim of

the study. The moment they scanned the QR code, they already gave their consent to be one of the

respondents of this research. All the respondents were given a copy of the receipt for their participation

after they completed the survey.

Statistical Treatment

Following the data gathering procedure, the respondents' responses were recorded by directly

linking their responses to a Google Sheet with their respective university emails being their designated

respondent serial number. The researchers started off with a composite score calculation for each of

the elements by taking the mean (average), or the sum of the responses across the elements so they

may be properly represented in the assessment. The researchers then proceeded to compute the

descriptive statistic in the form of standard deviation for the composite scores that gave an overview of

the central tendency and variability of the elements.

Finally, the researchers conducted an multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) which

showed the collective impact of the elements of the independent variable across the elements of the

dependent variable.

Scoring Guideline

Each item answered by the respondents was assigned to a specific numerical code provided

by the researcher prior to data collection.

Elements of TikTok Social Media Marketing and Online Impulse Purchase

Point Scale Range Description

4 3.01 - 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.01 - 3.00 Agree

2 1.01 - 2.00 Disagree

1 0.99 - 1.00 Strongly Disagree

Ethical Considerations

This section encompasses the ethical considerations of the study. The researchers acknowledge

the importance of adhering to ethical standards, thus making it a requirement to apply these standards

during the gathering, processing, and dissemination of information related to this study.

Research Details. This study aims to understand the relationship between Tiktok social media

marketing and the online impulse purchases of students. As discussed in Chapter 1, the elements of

Tiktok marketing are: consciousness, credibility, emotional appeal, and reach. This study aims to

assess the influence of these elements on TikTok’s social media marketing platform on students’ online

impulse purchases in terms of Frequency and Post-purchase Satisfaction. It also aims to understand

the impulse purchase phenomenon influenced by Tiktok through the aforementioned theoretical

frameworks such as Affective Valuation Theory, Instant Gratification Theory, and Attention Economy

Theory. For this research, the chosen respondents will be college level students from Xavier University

Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City. The researchers are Business Administration university

students majoring in Marketing Management and Financial Management. This makes the study

relevant, insightful, and valuable.

Details of the Respondents. As the study focuses on Tiktok’s marketing elements as

mentioned previously, and their influence and/or correlation to the impulse purchasing habits of

students, the researchers made certain that all survey participants were all college student enrollees of

the first semester of S.Y. 2023-2024 of a private university in Cagayan De Oro. The researchers

guaranteed that all students were selected at random and were not below the age of 18 years old.

Furthermore, it was prioritized that all participants were not influenced by any external elements or third

parties, and were the sole decision maker in the purchase process. They were also required to have

had previous experience in online purchasing prior to data collection.

Risk and Risk Management. The participants were assured by the researchers that taking part

in the study only consisted of answering a Google form that would not take more than 15 minutes of

their time. The research instruments remain concise and stress-free to assure that all participants had

an uncomplicated and straightforward experience while participating. The contact information of the

researchers was provided in any instance that the participant had any inquiries regarding the survey

material, its intended purposes, or if they ever wished to withdraw from the study completely. All

participants took the survey voluntarily, while simultaneously having all options for inquiry and

withdrawal open at all times.

The respondents were assured that their academic standing would be completely separate and

unaffected by the study. Should participants feel there has been any present or potential ethical,

technical violations or breaches, they were free to report this to the existing appointed committee that

handles such situations.

Confidentiality and Anonymity. Gathering sufficient data for the study is the primary objective.

In order to comply with ethical standards of personal information privacy, the researchers strictly

complied with the Republic Act 10173, or the Data Privacy Act of 2012, in order to ensure the

information safety of all participants involved. All respondents were randomly selected and not

influenced in any way into participating.

The full burden of responsibility in ensuring the safety and confidentiality of information gathered

in this study will be on the researchers. All identities will remain completely anonymous throughout all

stages of the study. Whether it is data analysis, data application, or the publishing of data through

trusted publications and outlets, all information will remain protected. When the study was concluded,

all findings, including the online surveys, were encrypted, and all Email addresses associated with the

study were deleted, ensuring no remaining digital footprint of said information remains present.

Furthermore, the data gathered will be privately stored online, and if deemed necessary, would be

properly disposed of.

Benefits. The participants were not compensated or rewarded in any form. As previously stated,

they participated in this study through conscious and uninfluenced volunteering.



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Cronbach Computation

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Aranas, John Mark U.

Address: Cugman, Cagayan de Oro City
Contact No.: 09264946741


Date of birth: July 21, 2001
Place of birth: Cagayan de Oro City
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 74 kg
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: English, Filipino and Cebuano
Skills: Service waiter and basic skirting


Primary Level
Gusa Elementary School
Cagayan de Oro City

Secondary Level
Junior High School
Agusan National High School

Senior High School

Capitol University
Cagayan de Oro City
Strand: STEM- Engineering
Xavier University – Ateneo De Cagayan
Cagayan de Oro City
Course: BS and Business Administration major in Financial Management
2023 (present)

Name: Chiu, Isabela Julia U.

Address: St. Ignatius Street, Kaus, Cag. de Oro City
Contact No.: 09778508811

Date of birth: January, 3, 2002
Place of birth: Cagayan de Oro City
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 40 kg
Gender: Female
Religión: Protestant
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: English, Filipino and Cebuano
Skills: Video Editing, Graphic Design, Public Speaking


Primary Level
Oro Christian Grace School
Macasandig,Cagayan de Oro City

Secondary Level
Oro Christian Grace School
Macasandig,Cagayan de Oro City

Senior High School

Oro Christian Grace School
Macasandig,Cagayan de Oro City
Strand: Accounting, Business, and Management (ABM)

Xavier University – Ateneo De Cagayan
73 Corrales Ave. Cagayan de Oro City
Course: Bachelor in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management
2023 (present)

Name: David, Yeshua Marion

Address: 78 Julio Pacana St. Barangay 23, Cag. de Oro City
Contact No.: 09059111589

Date of birth: September 12, 2000
Place of birth: Pagadian City
Height: 5’6
Weight: 60 kg
Gender: Male
Religión: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: English, Filipino and Cebuano
Skills: Financial Analysis, Reporting, and Forecasting


Primary Level
Zamboanga Sto. Nino Village School
Sto. Nino Village, Zamboanga City

Secondary Level
Zamboanga Del Sur National High School (DOST)
Sta Maria,Pagadian City

Senior High School

Zamboanga Del Sur National High School SHS - Stand Alone
Sta Maria,Pagadian City
Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS)

Xavier University – Ateneo De Cagayan
73 Corrales Ave. Cagayan de Oro City
Course: Bachelor of Science and Business Administration Major in Financial Management
2023 (present)

Name: Tiu, Aikhie B.

Address: Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City
Contact No.: 09976442608

Date of birth: January 16, 2001
Place of birth: Cagayan de Oro City
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 65 kg
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: English, Filipino and Cebuano
Skills: Video Editing and Basic Graphic Design


Primary Level
Balulang Elementary School
Villa Verde, Cagayan de Oro City

Secondary Level
Junior High School
Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School
Velez Street, Cagayan de Oro City

Senior High School

Liceo de Cagayan University
Rodolfo N. Pelaez BCagayan de Oro City
Strand: ABM

Xavier University – Ateneo De Cagayan
73 Corrales Ave. Cagayan de Oro City
Course: Bachelor of Science and Business Administration Major in Financial Management
2023 (present)

Name: Ua-o, Awesome John M.

Address: Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City
Contact No.: 09054735084

Date of birth: July 6, 1999
Place of birth: Cagayan de Oro City
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 70 kg
Gender: Male
Religión: Iglesia Filipina Independiente
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: English, Filipino and Cebuano
Skills: Leadership and Graphics Design


Primary Level
Bongbongon Elementary School
NHA, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Secondary Level
Junior High School
Cagayan de Oro National High School
Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro City

Senior High School

Liceo de Cagayan University
Rodolfo N. Pelaez BCagayan de Oro City
Strand: ABM

Xavier University – Ateneo De Cagayan
73 Corrales Ave. Cagayan de Oro City
Course: Bachelor of Science and Business Administration Major in Financial Management
2023 (present)



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