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Reading Guide: Chapter 5.2 pages 98-108 Pre AP World History

Early Societies in Mainland East Asia

Society and Family in Ancient China
1. Diagram the social hierarchy in ancient China.

2. Identify characteristics of each social class

a. Ruling elite:

b. Specialized Labor:

c. Merchants & Trade:

d. Peasants:

e. Slaves:

3. Explain the Veneration of Ancestors.

4. Prove this statement with facts: “Ancient China was a patriarchal society.”

5. What influence did women have in ancient China?

Early Chinese Writing & Cultural Development

6. Compare the role of Religion in ancient China to other river valley civilizations.

7. Explain what Oracle Bones are and why were they significant in China?

8. Compare & contrast early Chinese writing to other early written languages. Be specific.
9. Identify the significance of the

a. Book of Changes:
b. Book of History:
c. Book of Etiquette:
d. Book of Songs:

10. Explain how Chinese pictograph writing established cultural traditions that shaped the long-term
development of Chinese Society.

11. What happened to early Chinese Literature?

Ancient China & the Larger World

12. Identify the natural geographic barriers that limit China’s relations with India, Mesopotamia, & Egypt.

13. Characterize the relationship between the Chinese society and the nomadic pastoralists. What were the
effects of those interactions for both groups?

14. Compare and contrast the Yangzi River Valley to the Yellow (Huang He) River Valley.

15. Identify the state of Chu.

16. Chronologically list the societies and dynasties in China from 5000-221 B.C.E.

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