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about the Queen. I didn't understand half of what he had said, but I At the Customs House she filled in all the necessary forms
rrotice it.
decided to please him. "God shave the Queen," I said. Не stood up, rtttdcame up to the Customs officer, who looked at hеr big suit-cases
looked at mе and walked away leaving mе alone. o'See you tomor- fr rrnd asked if she had anything to declare.
row," I said. But he didn't reply. When I think of that day поw I see "Oh, no," she answered, "all the things are for my own use."
how riфt mу teacher оf English was. "But do you know that you can't bring dogs to this country?"
lrsked the officer.
Note: а confusing language
- язык, в котором легко переrrугать слова
"But I have no dog," answered the lady.
Дпswеr the questions: "Тhеп I undersйnd that the tail which is hanging down below уочr
coat is уочr оwп," said the Customs Offrcer,
1. Why did the fоrеigпеr decide to take lessons of English?
2. ЧIhу did the friendly Englishman in the Ьаr decide to help Notes:
the foreigner? l. to leave smth. behind забыть (оставить) что-л.
З. Why did the Englishman leave the place without saying -
2. to hand down below the coat свеIциваться из-под пatльто
"good-bye" to the foreigner?
Дпswеr the questions:
АТ ТНЕ CUSTOMS HOUSE 1. What сочпtrу did the Frепсhwоmап choose for hеr holidбy?
2. WЪу did she decide to go to GB Ьу plane?
А Frепсhwоmап who had never travelled abroad, decided to go to 3. Why did she Иkе hеr dog with hеr?
Grеаt Britain for а holiйy. She booked а seat for а plane as she 4. What unpleasant news did she hear from ttre passenger who
rшanted to get there as soon as possible. At the booНng-office she was sitting near hеr?
found out that it would take hеr only two hours to get to London. She 5. How did the customs officer know that the woman had
was very happy to hear that. She hurried home and began pacНng hеr brought the dog to GB?
things immediately as she was afraid to lеаче something important
behind. So when she had packed everything, she found to her great 1
Two coATS
suгprise, that she had two big suit-cases. She rrnderstood that it would
Ье necessary for hеr to take а taxi. She оrdеrеd а taxi in advance to The ship from Frапсе aTived at the роrt of London and the people
come to the аirрогt on time. аЬоаrd wеrе waiting to get off. А riсh wоmап was talking to а mап
On the day of hеr flight she checked her things again and was standing close to hеr. She had two expensive fur coats. She had
about to go downstairs whеrе а taxi was waiting for hеr, when she bought them in Paris at one of the best department stofes.
suddenly rеmеmЬеrеd about hеr nice little dog. She could поt 1eave It was а cold day and the woman was wеаriпg one of hеr coats and
the dog at home as thеrе was no one who would look аftеr it. So she had the other one очеr hеr аrm.
decided to take the dog to Great Britain. The dog was чеry quiet and "If you Иke these two coasts into the сочпý," said the mап, '}ou'll
she hoped that everything would Ье all right during the flight. hаче to рау а big dчф on them. I know а Customs оffiсеr always lets
The flight was чеry pleasant and she enjoyed it very much. Тhэ апуопе take only one coat duty free but not two!"
Frепсhwоmап thought that nobody noticed hеr dog. But just Ьеfоrе The rich woman was very upset. She walked away to the other
the plane landed one of the passengers who was sitting пеаr the side of the ship whеrе she saw а wоmап she knew. "Will уоч do mе а
woman told hеr that the English did not let foreigners bring dogs to [ачоur?" asked the riсh woman. "I have got two expensive fur coats.
their country. The woman did not know what to do. When the plane But I mustn't bring two into England. Yоч haven't got а fur coat,
landed she put the dog under hеr coat and went to the Custonrs House. have you?" "No," said the woman. She was not riсh and couldn't buy
The dog was so little that she hoped the Customs officer wouldn't cxPensive things'
з4 з5
"Good. Will you put tlris ctlitl tltt'l 'Гhсп it will look like yours." Hotel?" The passer-by didn't answer him and hчrriеd away. At that
The оthеr wоmап put thc ctlttl trn. Shc liked it. It was very heauti- moment the Englishman wanted to know the time. Не put his hand
ful and looked fiпе оп hсr. slrc had печеr had а coat like that. "Re- into the pocket to take out his watch. But there was по watch there.
mеmЬеr!" said the riсh wotnan. "I)on't tell апуопе about the coat and Не thought that the passer-by had stolen it. Не ran after him and asked
don't look at mе. Just get oll'thc ship. Тhеп when we аrе оп the trаiп him to give his watch back. The passer-by did not know English but
you'll give it back to mе." he understood that the mап wanted his watch and gave it to him. Не
The two wоmеп got off the ship and went through the Customs. thought that the mап was а thief. It took the Englishman а lot of time
Then everyone got оп the train and it started on its way to London. to find the Flоwеr Hotel. Не told his wife everything. She listened to
The riсh wоmап found the other one and said, "Thank you чеry much. him attentively and when he finished his story she showed him his
You hаче Ьееп very kind. Now you can give my coat back." watch, which was on the dressing-table. The Englishman understood
"Your coat?" asked the wоmап. "This is my coat, and I am not go- that he himself was а thief.
ing to give it to you оr to апуопе else."
Дпswеr the questioпs:
what could the riсh woman do?
1. Where did the Englishman and his wife stay in Rome?
Дпswеr the questioпs: 2. What did they think of their accommodation?
1. Ноlлr did the wоmап get to Great Britain from France? 3. When did the Englishman decide to go sightseeing?
2. What did she buy at one of the best departrrrent stores? 4. Why didn't his wife go sightseeing with him?
3. What was the rulе at the British Customs? 5. Why did he speak to а passer-by?
4. What did the woman decide to do not to рау duý on the 6. Why did he have to ruп after him?
, second coat? 7. What did the passer-by think of the Englishman?
5. Whеп was she going to have her coat back? 8. How long did it take the Englishman to find the way to his
6. Why didn't she get the coat back? hotel?
9. Why did the Englishman think that he himself was а thiefl
Once ап Englishman and his wife wеrе travelling abroad. When
they аrriчеd in Rome they decided to stay at one of the best hotels. It happened so that а trolley-bus, а car and а bicycle met at the
Тhеу filled in the forms and the hotel роrtеr showed them to their traffic liфts. As they were waiting for the green light, they began to
rооm. argue.
They liked it very much. It was а single rооm, not large but very The саr was the first to speak. She said to the bicycle, "I can't чп-
comfortable. They wеrе happy that it was an inside rооm and hoped deTstand why people are using you! You ахе so slow. Do you know
that they wouldn't hеаr much street noise. people started travelling Ьу саr mоrе than а hundred years ago, in
The Englishman's wife was чеry tired after the trip.and wanted to 1885. I'm very fast, I can саrry not one man, as you do, but five. Any-
hаче а good rest аftеr dinner. one can see that I'm more useful than you аrе."
But the Englishman decided to go sightseeing. Не was walking "It depends on when and whеrе," said the small bicycle.
about the city fоr а long time. Rome impressed him very much. In the Тhеп the trolley-bus spoke, "I'm better and mоrе usefrrl than you," he
evening he decided to go home but he didn't rеmеmЬеr the adфess of said to the саr, "You can Иke only five people, but I сап take mоrе. It's
the hotel and couldn't find the way back. Не саmе up to а passer-b! quite clear to anyone that I'm mоrе useful than you аrе."
and asked him in English: "Could you show mе the way to the Flower "It depends оп when and whеrе," said the bicycle again.

зб з1
ТНЕ MODERN VENUS | Д,,,"ri"uпs and immediately decided to form а company which would
(after Mark Twain) up lands in Italy.
to George Arnold he mаrгiеd Маry Вrоwп and they lived
It happened in Rome. Gеоrgе Аrпоld, а poor artist, who had como, lrlrllpily but George печеr mentioned to anybody what he knew
from the USA to Italy to study art, was iп love with Маry Вгоwп, а, llllllut the famous venus.
beautiful daughter of а riсh businessman. The girl loved the young
sculptor too, but hеr money-loving father would not allow hеr to
1. Gеоrgе waý at а loss был в замешательстве
mаrry Gеоrgе. -.Щжорлх
2. оп Ьоаrd а stеаmеr на борry парохода
One day Мr. Brown called the уоuпg mап to his office and said to -
3. the statue of Venus ['Й:паs] статуя Векеры
him, "Му dеаr sir, I cannot allow my daughter to mаrry а рооr man. If 4. as to George
что касается.Щжорлlка
you want to Ье mу daughter's husband you should have fifty thousand -
dollars. Whеп you show mе the mопеу уоч сап mаrry mу daughter." Дпswеr the questions:
George was at а loss what to апýwеr, Не had по idea how to get 1. Why didn't Маrу's father want his daughter to mаrry
such а big sum of money. "Yоч must get the sum within six monthý," George Arnold?
Мr. Brown added. "If you don't get the mопеу she will mаrry another 2. оп what condition could Мr. Вrоwп agree to their mаr-
mап." Gеоrgе went home. Не felt very rшhарру. "What shall I do?" riage?
he thought. Не had nothing to sell except а beautiful statue of а 3. Who helped George to find the way out?
girl-his last wоrk. But he knew that nobody would buy it as he 4. What did John do to the statue?
was not famous. 5. What article арреаrеd in an Italian newspaper?
His thоuфts wеrе intemrpted Ьу the аrriчаl of John Smith. John 6. How did the 2 friends proГrt from Mr Smith's 'find"?
Smith was а pleasant сlечеr fellow. George had made friends with 7. Why did Gеоrgе never speak about "the sесrеt" of the fa-
him on Ьоаrd а steamer. They had соmе to Italy Ьу the same steamer mous statue?
and they had been good friends since then. Gеоrgе told John about his
conversation with Mary's father and asked him for advice. WHICH DO YОU PREFER-
"You say he gives you six months to get the mопеу, doesn't he?'o LIF,E IN тнЕ сITY ORTHE cotJNTRY?
asked John. "It's а lot of time and I'll help you. But promise not to
When Wiliiam Evans was 18 he said "Good Ьуе" to his motheT,
protest if I do something that you don't like." "I рrоmisе,"
lc|l his village and went to London. Аftеr а few days he found а job iп
answered. ,r llank in thё city сепtrе, and he also found а small flat in the suburbs
John came чр to the ýtatue, broke off hеr noýe, part of her right tlr live in.
агm and hеr left leg. Тhеп hе put оп his hat, took the statue and left. Bvery morning he got up at 7 o'clock and left the house at 7.30,
Two months lаtеr an article appeared in one of the Italian llc got оп the train which was always crowded and then he stood thcre
pers. It said that IVIr. John Smith, an Аmеriсап gentleman, had l,,r 40 minutes, sometimes he read а newspaper, but he usually thоuфt
fог а small sum of mопеу а piece of land not fаr from Rome. rrlxlut his mother and Ыs village in wales, Не began his work at 9.
while digging the earth he found а wonderful stafue clf а beautiful дftеr б months he won Some money in the football lottery. Не
woman. Unfortunately, the nose, the left leg and the right аrm were rvcnt to а pub with some friends, they drank а lot of Ьееr, talked about
gone. The experts said they wеrе sure that it was the stafue of Venus William's money and enjoyed themselves.
Ьу some unknorryn artist. They also stated that it cost about tеп million lIe decided to send Sоmе mопеу hоmе to his mоthеr and he spent
francs. Мr. Smith was to Ье paid Гrче million francs and the statue lll(: rсSt of the moneY on а little red саr. Не also bought а Street map of
was to Ье taken to опе of the Italian museums. "Good luck!" said the l rlttdon and found the quickest way to get to work.
42 43
smoking compartment. \ffhen the tгаiп started Bill saw а mап who rап
т ,,ltlta for the last ferv months. I got in touch with him and we made an
along the platform, opened the саrriаgе door and got inside. Не was ,rllptlintment fоr that evening.
wearing а black hat and а black suit, and he had an umbrella and an When I told him my story he smiled and said happily, "I сап help you.
evening пеwsрареr. The train went fast and didn't stop until it was in | 1ч[gп The matter was that his boss йshing to get grеаtеr profits had
the counfiry. Then it stopped at every station. The two ladies wеrе -"
rlccided to publish а пumЬеr of detecfive novels arrd tlrese wеrе to Ье
talking all the time. They talked so loudly that at last Bill got up and ll ;rnslated from Spanish. They needed а mап who could do that,
left his compartrnent. In the соrridоr he saw the mап in black again, "So you will do it," he finished.
Не was standing at the ореп window, his right hand was оп the соm- "How сап I do it? I don't know Spanish."
municafion cord пеаг the fiTst-class compartment. Веfоrе Bill could "It doesn't matter," he answered. "Any translation will do." I рrо-
do anything, the mап pulled the соrd. The train stopped immediately. lcsted, he insisted, I protested, he insisted and at last he got me to
The mап in black got offthe train and walked fast to а lаrgе house, The lrдirсе to do it.
guаrd arrived, looked at Bill and asked: "Who pulled the соrd?" "It was "Неrе is the novel and some mопеу. You'll get the rest аftеr you
that man. Тhе one who is walking torvards the big house. I believe he is tlrl the translation. I guarantee good money," he added. "I give you
а thief. I'll rчп to the house while you phone the police," The guard litur days. Not more." With these words he left.
looked out of the window. 'Ъ thief did you say?" hе said. "That's Sir I was at а loss what to do. Then I went to а cheap rеstдгапt whеrе I

Веrtrаm МопИgче. Не always pulls the communication соrd when the ktrcw I would meet mу frierrф. There I found Hans. We all believed that
train passes his house and gets off when the train stops. Не pays 25 lrc knew at least five оr six languages including Spanish. I asked him to
pounds each time. Не is very riсh, you know." tг;rпslаtе the novel. Аftеr some time he sаiф 'You see, I've bee,lr out of
1lrасfiсе lately. But I:ll help you. I'll take the novel, read it and therr tell
Note: а commrmication соrd стоп-кран ytlu its contentý." I liked the plan.
- Some days later I wrote down the contentý of the book and went to
Дпswеr the questioпs: thc editor. Smith was too busy to listen to what I wanted to tell him.
1. Why did the man in black attract Bill's attention? "llcre is yorrr money. Yоч ёаmеd it honestly. See you опе of these
2. What was he wearing? rlltys," he said. Later оп I met Hans and gave him half the mопеу.
3. Why did Bill have to leave the compartment? "I think I очфt to stчdу Spanish," he said taking the money.
4. Whom did he meet in the соггidоr? "But don't you know it?" I asked him in great surprise.
5. What did the mап iп black do? "Certainly, I don't," he said. "I told you the contents of ап English
б. Whу didn't the guard phone the police? tlctective поyеl, I only changed the English names for Spanish."
7. Why did the man choose the unusual way to stop the train? I immediately phoned Smith but could not get him on the phone.
Stlme weeks later I met him and told him the trчth. I expected him to
А FRIEГ[D IN NEED IS Л F,RIEND INDEED Hct angry. Nothing of the Hnd. Не said: "I'm glad I asked you to
|гапslаtе the book. It's so tеrгiЬlе that the people will печеr touch
(after \il. Somerset Maugham) :rlrother detective story аftеr they have read уочrs."
This happened in Vienna at the beginning of l922.I was slowly
walking along one of the main streets of the city and though the day {
1. I got in touch йth him Я связIшся с вим
was wаrrп and sunny everything seemed gloomy to mе as I was out of 2. he got me to agree -
он вьпryдлл меЕя согласиться
wоrk. -
З. at least- по крайней мере
I had no idea whom to ask for help. Suddenly I rеmеmЬеrеd that а 4. to get апgrу-рассердrгюя
friend of mine, John Smith Ьу паmе, was working as an editor in Vi- 5. Any tanslation йll do. перевод сойдег (подойдет).
50 51
Business continued. Оrdеrs to buy and sell flew about like birds,
т 2. Не also noticed the difference in her ways. Он такх<е заметил р.цr-
ницу в ее поведении. -
Maxwell worked like а mасhiпс. Не worked quicНy and ехасф. This
3. Не wanted to get оп with his wоrk. Он хотел цродошкать рабоry.
was the world of business and mопеу. There was по time fоr feelings. -
4. The clerks flew about like leaves in а strопg wind. _. Сrryжащие ле-
At one o'clock the clerks went out to get something to eat. The of- тaши,повсюду, кiж листья на ветру.
fice was а Iittle саlmеr. Maxwell did not go out. Businessmen do not 5. His hair hung untidily all очеr his face. Его волосы неопрятно сви-
have time to eat in the middle of а working day. Не stood Ьу his desk. сaши на лицо.
His hands were full of letters and telegrams. His pen was behind his 6. Maxwell stood still. Максвеrrл стоял неподвюrcIо.
7. Опе of hеr arms slipped rочпd the Ьчsiпеssmап's neck. Одной ру_
еаr. His hair hung untidily очеr his face.
кой она обrrяла бизнесмена за шею. -
The йndow of his office was ореп. Sрriпg was coming to the city.
Тhrочф the window came the soft, sweet smell of spring flоwеrs. Fоr Дпswеr the quеstiопs:
а second Maxwell stood still. Не knew that scent. His sесrейry al-
1. What wеrе Мr. Pitcher, Мr. Maxwell and Miss Leslie's
ways wоrе it. Тhе scent brought Miss Leslie into Maxwell's busy jobs?
thочфts. Suddenly the vrorld of business appeared very unimportant,
2. What соmрапу did they Tyork at?
She was iп the next office and he had something to tell hеr.
3. Why did Мr. Pitcher's face hаче а look of surprise that mоrп-
"['ll do it now," Maxwell said to himself. 'TVhy фdn't I do it before?"
Не hrrrried into his secretary's office. She looked up at him with а
4. What was Мr. Maxwell's working day like?
smile. Неr face was pink and hеr eyes wеrе honest and kind. Maxwell
5. Why did Мт. Maxwell tчrп the woman visitor down?
sat down оп the edge of hеr desk. His hands were still full of рареrs.
6. What made Mr. Maxwell rеmеmЬеr about Miss Lesslie?
His pen was still behind his ear.
7. What did he tell her?
"Miss Leslie," hе began. "I can't stay here long. I аm very busy 8. Why was she surprised to hеаr that?
but I want to say something to you. Will you Ье mу wife? I haven't
time to talk to you about love in the ordinary way but I rеаllу do love
you. Answer quicНy, please. I must get back to work."
(after O'Henry)
"Oh, what ахе you talking about?" cried the secretary. She looked
at him with round, surprised eyes. Soapy was sitting on а bench in Madison Square, New Yоrk, and
"Don't you understand?" went on Maxwell, "I wanted to tell you. I was looНng up at the sky. А dead leaf fell onto his аrm. Winter was
have Ьееп waiting fоr а long time. Oh, dear, thеrе's апоthеr telephone coming, and Soapy knew that hе must make his plans. Не moved
call for mе. Tell them to wait а minute, Pitcher. Miss Leslie, will you unhappily on his Ьепсh.
mаrцr mе?" Не wanted thrее months in а nice, wаrm prison, with food and good
The secretary acted in а чеry strange way. At first she was too srrr- friends. This was how he usually spent winters. And now it was fime,
prised to move оr speak. Тhеп she cried. Then she smiled, like the sun because at night thTee newspapers did not protect him fTom the cold.
after rаiп. Опе of her аrms slipped rочпd the businessman's neck. So Soapy decided to go to prison, and began to try his first plan
"I know now," she said softly. "Yоч'rе so busy, dеаr. It rеаllу at once. It was usually easy. Не ate diппеr in ап expensive restau-
makes you forget everything, doesn't it? Harvey, have you really rant. Then hе told them he had по money and they called а police-
forgotten? We got married уеstеrЙу!" mап. Nice and easy, with no trouble.
So Soapy left the sqчаrе and walked slowly along the street. Soon
he саmе to а restaurant оп Broadway. Не just had to get to а table in
1. Неr eyes were Ьright апd
и мечтательным.
full of dreams,
- Ее взгляд был радостным
the restaurant and sit down. That was all, because, when he sat down,

72 7з
people could only see his coat and his shirt, which were not very old. т What was the mаttеr with the police? Soapy was really чпhарру
Nobody could see his trousers. Не thought about the meal-not too now, but he stopped making noise. Horv could he get to рrisоп? The
expensive, but good. wind was cold, and he pulled his thin coat around him.
But when Soapy came into the restaurarrt, the waiter saw Soapy's But just then, inside а shop, he saw а man with an expensive
dirty old trousers and terrible shoes and asked him to get out. umbrella. The mап put his чmЬrеllа down пеаr the door and took
So now he had to think of something diffеrепt. Soapy walked out а cigarette. Soapy went into the shop, picked up the umbrella
away from Вrоаdwау and soon he fочпd himself оп Sixth Avenue. Не and began to walk away. The mап came quickly after him. "That'ý
stopped in fTont of а shop window and looked at it. Slowly and саrе- mу umbrella"'he said.
fully he picked up а stone and threw it at the window. Тhе glass broke 'oOh, is it?" Soapy replied. "Тhеп why don't you са11 а policeman?
with а loud noise. People rап round the соmеr and Soapy was happy, I took it, and you say it's уочr umbrella. Go on, then. Call а police-
because а policeman appeared in front of him. Soapy did not mоче. mап! Тhеrе's опе on the comer."
Не stood there with his hands in his pockets, and smiled. "I'l1 soon Ье The umbrella man looked unhappy. "Well, you know, perhaps I've
in prison now," he thоuфt. made а mistake. I took it from а геstачrапt this mоrпiпg. If it's уочrs,
well, I'm very sоп,у
"Of course it's mу-"umbrella," Soapy said.
The policeman саmе up to Soapy. "Who has done that?" he asked.
"Perhaps I have," Soapy replied.
The policeman looked at them and the чmЬrеllа mап walked away.
But the policeman knew that people who Ьrеаk windows do not
The policeman went to help а beautiful уочпg girl cross the street.
stop to talk to policemen. They rrrn away. And just then the policeman
Soapy was rеаllу angry поw. Не thTew the umbrella away and said
saw another mап, who was гчппiпg to catch а bus. So the policeman
many bad things about policemen. Just because he wanted to go to
rап аftеr him. Soapy watched him fоr а minute. Then he walked away"
рrisоп, they did not want to send him there.

No luck again!
Не began to walk back to Madison Square his home.
Оп the opposite side of the rоаd he saw а little resИurant and went
'in. l But оп а quiet соrпеr Soapy suddenly stopped. Неrе, in the middle
This time nobody looked at his trousers and his shoes, Не enjoyed
of the city, ,wаs а beautiful old сhчгсh. Тhrочgh one purple йndow he
his meal, and then he looked up at the waiter, smiled and said, "I ha- i
could see а soft light, and sweet music was coming from inside the
ven't got any money, you know. Now, call the police,"

church. The mооп was high in the sky and everything was quiet. Fоr а
"No police for you!" the waiter апswегеd. l few seconds it was like а country сhuгсh and Soapy rеmетпЬеrеd
Апоthеr waiter саmе, and they both threw Soapy out into the cold other, happier days. Не thought of the days when he had а mother,
street. With difficulty he stood up. His nice wаrm рrisоп was still far and friends, and other nice things.
away, and Soapy was чеry unhappy. Не felt worse because а police- Тhеп he thought about his present life empty days, the dead
man, who was standing пеаr Ьу, laughed and walked away. plans. And then а wonderful thing happened. -theSoapy decided to change
Slowly he walked оп and саmе to а street with а lot of theatres. his life and Ье а new mап. "Тоmопоw," he said to himself "I'll go
Тhеrе wеrе а lot of people there, rich people in thеir best clothes. into town and Гrnd wоrk. Му life will Ье good again. I'll Ье somebody
Soapy had to do something to get to ргisоп. Не did not want to spend imporИnt. Everything will Ье different. I'll-"
апоthеr night in Madison Square. What could he do? Then he saw а Soapy felt а hand on his аrm, Не looked rочпd quicНy into the
policeman пеаr him, so he began to sing and shout and make а lot of face of а policeman! -
noise. This time they nrust send him to рrisоп, tsut the policeman "What аrе you doing here?" asked the policeman.
turпеd his back to Soapy and said to а mап who was standing not far: 'T.{othing," Soapy answered.
"He's had too much to drink, but he's not dangerous. We'll leave him "Then come with me," the policeman said.
alone tonight." "Тhrее months in рrisоп," they told Soapy the next day.

14 75
Notes: "I've found where she lives," he said. The way he walked in, the
1. The policeman furned his back to Soapy. Полицейский поверну:rся way he spoke to Hartley, and even the clothes he wore could make
к Соупи спиЕоЙ. -
апуопе think he was а detective.
2. We'll leave him alone. оставим его в покое.
Ну, давй.
Hartley gave him an angry look. Не did not want Robbins to
3. Go on, then.
know. But Robbins did not notice anything, Не was putting his hat оп.
Дпswеr the questions., "Goodbye, Hartley,",said Robbins. "Have а nice evening." Не
1. What did Soapy think of when he was sitting оп а bench in went out.
Madison Square? 'Неrе is the addTess," the detective said. Не tore а page out of his
2. Why did he want to go to prison? note-book. Hartley saw, in pencil, the words'Yivienne Arlington. 341,
3. What was his first plan like and why didn't it work? 42nd Steet."
4. What did he do next? "She moved in а week аgо," said the detective. "Do you want me
5. Why didn't the policeman believe that it was Soapy who to follow her, Мт. Hartley? I can do that fоr you. Only seven dollars а
had broken the shop window? day. You'll get а rероrt at the end of each day."
6. What did the policeman think when Soapy began to sing no," said the trader. "I only wanted the address. How mчсh

and shout? money do you want?"

7. Why didn't the umbrella mап call the police? "One day's work,'? said the detective. "Ten dollaTs will Ье
8. What happened to Soapy right аftеr he decided to i enough."
his life and Ье а new mап? Hartley paid the detective and sent him away. Then he left the of-
fiсе. А tram took him to the рооr раrt of the city. At last he found the
А GIRL WАг[тЕI) street he wanted. The houses were large and old. Once they were the
homes of rich реорlе, but поw they looked ready to fall down.
(after О'Непrу)
Hartley found Number 341. It was divided into several flats. Оп
Room пчrпЬеr 962 had а glass door. Оп the glass in gold letters the metal plate above the dооr was the name "VALLOMBROSA."
wеrе the words "Robbins and Hartley. Traders." It was half past five. Fire escapes went up the sides of the house. They looked like strange
The clerks wеrе on their way home. The cleaning wоmеп wеrе at metal trees. Pale childTen played on the firе escapes, and people had
work all over the tall office building. The hot city аir blew in thTough hung clothes there to dry.
the half-open windows of Room 962. Hartley looked down the line of door bells. Не saw the button with
Мr. Robbins liked the city life. Не was getting rеаdу for another the name "Arlington" under it. Не pushed the button. The front door
evening of dinner and dancing. Mr. Hartley lived out of town. opened. Hartley went in and began to climb the stairs.
"It's going to Ье а hot night," said Robbins. 'You're lucý, Hartley. On the fourth flооr he saw Vivienne. She was standing Ьу ап open
Yоч can sit out in уочr lovely cool garden йth а long coo,l drink. I door. With а warтn smile she asked him to come inside. She placed а
hаче to stay hеrе in this heat.]' Robbins did not really mеап it, and Hart- сhаir for him пеаr the window. Then she sat down too.
ley knew that. Hartley looked round the poor, cheap flat. Then he took а quick,
Не was twепф-пiпе, with а thin, serious face. "It's usually cool in саrеful look at the girl.
Flowerhill," he said to Robbins and added, "But it's а lot colder thеrе Vivienne was about twenty-one. Неr hair was red-gold. Every hair
in winter." shone with its own gentle light. She had pale, clear skin and deep,
А mап саmе in, went up to Hartley and spoke into the уоuпg calm, sea-blue eyes. In her dark skirt and white blouse she looked like
man'S ear. а queen.

16 11
Дпswеr the questions: he could not hope to keep her with him long and he decided to do
1. How did the уоuпg doctor feel after receiving his diploma? everything he corrld to make hеr few years оп earth happy. Не gave
2. 'й/hу did he soon have to go down from rosy clouds to thc
up the games, not because she wanted him to, she was glad that he
realities oflife? could play golfand hunt, but as soon as he was about to leave hеr fоr
3. What appointment did he get? а day she had а heart attack.
4. What did the casualф-room at St. Swithin's look like? Once I saw hеr walk eight miles on ап expedition that she very
5. Why did the doctor get angry with an elderly patient? much wanted to make. I suggested to Tom that she was stronger that
6. Why did the pafient believe that the doctor was behaving one expected hеr to Ье. Не shook his head.
very rudely? "No, no, she is very weak. She's been to all the best heart special-
7. What was Wтong йth the patient who саmе to St. Swithin's ists in the world and they all say that hеr life hangs on а thread."
during Gordon's night duф? I noticed that if а party was amusing she could dance till five in
8. why did Gоrdоп find it necessary to telephone the profes- the mоrпiпg, but if it was dull she felt very poorly and Тоm had to
sor? йke hеr hоmе еаrlу.
9. v/hy was the patient pleased with the way the young dосtоr , "I sometimes think that you are strong епочф to do the things you
looked after him? want to," I said.
lO.what did the doctor learn from the patient? was he sur- 'You don't expect me to fall down dead just to please you," she
prised to hеаr who the patient was? answered.
Louise lived much longer that hеr husband did. Не caught his
LoUISE death of cold опе dayo when they were travelling on board а ship and
(after W. Somerset Maugham) Louise needed all the clothes thеrе wеrе to keep hеr wаrm. Не left her
much mопеу and а daughter.,Her friends expected her speedily to
I could печеr understand why Louise disliked me. I knew that Ье- follow Tom Maitland. Indeed they already felt sоrry for Iris, hеr
hind my back she seldom lost the орроrtчпiф of saying an unpleasanl daughter, who would Ье left parentless. On the contrary Louise wasn't
thing about mе. It was true that we had known one another tЬr twenty- going to die. She wanted а man to Ье пеаrЬу, otherwise she would Ье
five years. Although she hated me she didn't leave mе alone; on thc lonely and lost without опе to take саrе of her. Неr friends asked why
contrary, she was сопstапф inviting mе to have lunch and dinner she didn't mаrry again, Oh, with her heart it was out of the question;
with hеr and once оr twice а year asked mе to spend а weekend in hсr who wanted to take саrе of the invalid like herselfl But а уеат аftеr
house in the country. At last I thought that I had found her motivc. Tom's death she was led to the altar Ьу Gеоrgе Hobhouse. Не was а
she was not sчrе if I believed in hеr; and that was why she did not fiпе fellow, rаthеr riсh. I{e hesitated а little if he should thTow чр his
like me, it was also why she wanted mу friendship. Реrhарs she had а саrееf, and at fiTst Louise did not want him to do it; but at last she
feeling that I saw the face behind the mask. agreed, and he prepared to rnake his wife's few last years as happy as
I knew Louise Ьеfоrе she mаriеd, She was а weak in health girl possible.
with large melancholy eyes. Аftеr some illness, sсаrlеt fever, I think, "It can't Ье very long now," she said.
there was something wrопg with hеr hеаrt. And when Tom Maitlan<l Fоr the next two or three years Louise went to all the most lively
asked hеr to mаrrу him, her parents didn't know what to answer as parties, she was always beautifully dTessed, while mчсh of hеr hus-
they thought Louise was too weak for marriage. band's free time was devoted to drinking, But very fortunately (for
But Tom was rich. Не promised to do everything in the world fог her) the war broke out. Не joined his regiment and three months later
Louise and finally hеr parents agTeed to their mаrriаgе. Torn was а was killed. It was а great shock to Louise" She felt, however, that in
big, very good-looking fellow and а fine athlete. with hеr weak heart
196 l97
such а crisis she must not and should not think of hеr own feelings. and see Louise. She was always glad to receive hеr friends at tea-time
She organized а hospital fоr officers in hеr villa at Monte Carlo, just and now that she was older she was suпorrnded Ьу painters and writers.
to forget hеr husbпrd's death. "Well, I hear that Hs isn't going to Ье mаrriеd," I said аftеr а little.
And she could forget. she was enjoying hеr life. Тhеrе was по "I don't know about that. I asked hеr not to take mе into consid-
hospital in Frапсе that was mоrе рорulаr. I met her Ьу chance in еrаtiоп, but she absolutely does not want to leave mе."
Paris. She was lunching at the restaurant with а Иll and very hand- "Му deaT Louise, you've buried two husbands, I can't see the least
some уочпg Frепсhmап. she explained that she was thеrе оп business reason why you shouldn't bury at least two mоrе. You аrе always
which was connected with the hospital. she told mе that the officers strong enough to do anything you want to and уочr weakness saves
were very kind. you from doing things you don't want to do."
"Ву the way, уочr hеаrt is much better, iýn't it?'' "Oh, I know, I know what you've always thought of mе, Yоч'че
"It'll печеr Ье better. I saw а specialist this morning and he said I печеr believed that I had anything the matter with mе, have уоч?"
must Ье prepared foT the worst."
' "Never. You ruined the lives of those two men you mаrriеd and
"Oh, well, you've been рrераrеd for that for пеаrlу Menty уеаrs now I see you ruining the life of уочr daughter."
now, haven't you?" I fully expected hеr to have а heart attack then.
whеп the wаr саmе to an end Louise left for London. she was "Му рооr friend, one of these days you'll Ье sоrry you said this
now а woman of очеr fоrф but she didn't look а day mоrе than to mе."
twenty-five. Iris, who had just left school, саmе to live with hеr. "Аrе уоч certain you don't want Iris to mаrry this Ьоу?"
"She'll look аftеr mе," said Louise. "It'll Ье hard fог hеr to live "I've begged her to mаrry him. I know it'll Hll mе, but I don't
with such ап invalid as I am, but it can only Ье for such а little while mind. Nobody caTes for me."
that I'm sure she won't mind." "Did you tell hеr it would Hll you?"
Iris was а nice giгl. She had been Ьrочght up with the thought that "[ had to. But she can mаrry hег уочпg mап tоmоrrоw if she likes.
hеr mоthеr had рооr health. As а child she had never been allowed to If it Hlls me, it kills mе."
play noisy games. She was happy to do what she could fоr hеr рооr "Well, let's risk it, shall we?"
dear mother, "Iris shall mаrry in а month's time," she said, "and if anything
"It pleases the child to think that she is uýeful,'' Louise said. happens to me I hope you and she will Ье аЬlе to forgive yourselves."
"Don't you think she should go out more?" I asked. Louise was as good as hеr wоrd. А date was appointed and iпчiИ-
"That's what I'm always telling hеr. I печеr want апуопе to forget tions were sent out. Iris апd the Ьоу wеrе happy. Оп the wedding day,
about themselves because of me"'said Louise. at ten o'clock in the morning; Louise had опе of hеr heart attacks-
But Iris once said to me, "Рооr dear mother, she wants me to go and died. She died forgiving Iris fог her death.
and stay with friends and go to parties, but the moment I'm about to Notes:
Ieave she has one of hеr hеаrt attacks, so I рrеfеr to stay at home.''
1. hеr life harrgs on а tfuead ее жизItь висит на волоске
But soon she fell in love, А young friend of mine, а чеry good fel- 2. I asked her not to take me - into consideration. Я попросила ее не
low, asked hеr to mаrцl him and she agreed. I liked the girl and was припимать MeIt I во внимание. -
glad that at last she would Ье given the chance to lead а life of her З. Louise was as good as her wогd. Луиза сдержarла свое слово.
own. She had печеr seemed to think that such а thing was possible.
But опе day the уоuпg mап саmе to me and told me that his mаrriаgс Дпswеr the questions:
was роsфопеd. Iris felt that she should not leave hеr mother. of l. Why didn't Louise like the author?
corrrse it was rеаllу по business of mine, but I found а chance to go 2. Whу didn't Louise's parents want hеr to get mаrriеd to Тоm
198 199
3. Why did the parents finally agree to their daughter's mаr- o'Yes. Don't Ье long. If you are not hеrе iп ап hочr I'1l sell it
riage? again."
4. Whу did Тоm Maitland give uр all his hobbies? Young Cowperwood made по rерlу. Не hurried out and rап fast,
5. Why wеrе hеr friends сопсеrпеd about Louise after Tom's but first to his mоthег's grосеr.
death? When he entered the grосеr's store hе looked about for Castile
6. How long did Louise stay alone after Tom's death? soap. Тhеrе it was, the same kind, displayed in а Ьох and looking just
7. Whо was hеr second husband? Why did he give up his са- as his soap looked.
rееr after the mаrriаgе? Мr. Dalrymple, the owner of the store, though very mчсh sur-
8. what life did Louise lead аftеr hеr second husband's death? prised, agreed to buy the soap offered Ьу Cowperwood оп condition
9. Why was the ачthоr sorry for Louise's daughter? that the Ьоу would deliver the goods himself. Frапk was surе there
1O.When did Louise finally die?
would Ье no difГrculty in delivering the soap to the shop. At last they
finalized the matter. Cowperwood was to deliver the soap to the shop
and the grосеr was to give him 62 dollars. So the question was settled
(ап extract frоm "The tr'iпапсiеr" Ьу Тhеоdоr Dreiser) to both parties' satisfaction.
It was in his thirteenth уеаr that уочпg Cowperwood entered into Frапk hurriеd out and rап to his father's bank. The Ьоу knew that
his first birsiness transaction. Walking along Frопt Street one day he his father wouldn't object to his plan.
saw an auctioneer's flag before а grосеry and frоm the interior came "What's the fiouble, Frапk? What's the reason for your coming?"
the auctioneer's voice, "What рriсе аm I оffеrеd for this exceptional asked his father looking up from his desk whеп the Ьоу арреаrеd.
lot of Java coffee?" The people offered their рriсе. The coffee was Frапk explained the situation to him. Не assured his father that it
quickly sold. was а clear profit of З0 dollats and he would not have to do anything
"I аm going to оffеr you now а fiпе lot of seven cases of Castile soap. special. It was а good орроrtuпitу and he was not going to miss it.
At the moment this soap costs апуwhеrе l l dollars and 75 cents а case." Cowperwood senior approved Frank's plan. Моrеочеr it rvas not
Cowperwood had no intention to take раrt iп the auction but аftег necessary to instruct him how to act. This was the most businessJike
he had made а rapid calculation he thought he could make а profit. attitude he saw in his son. And Frank's father appreciated it very
People began to оffеr their prices. The original рriсе was 15 dollars. much. Frапk was so bright and keen for а Ьоу of l3. So the father
TheTr the price rеасhеd З0 dollars. Cowperwood's mind was working
counted out 32 dollars. Frапk rап out ofthe building and rеtчrпеd to
hard. Не took everything into account. Frапk was srrre he would get а
the auction premises as fast as his legs could саrry him. Не paid for
pюfit, that's why he decided to participate. When finally Cowperwood
the soap апd it was not а problem fоr him to сочеr little transportation
offered 32 dollars the auctioneer noticed him sИnding almost dirесф
чпdеr his nose. The solidity of the boy's expression made а great imрrеs-
In an hour he was Ьеfоrе the dооr of Мr. Dalrymple's store with
sion on the mап. Meanwhile young Cowperwood was thinking that he
the soap. The оwпеr paid fоr the goods and thought to himself it was
had no Tight to buy the soap as he had по mопеу with him. But he was
most incredible for sчсh а Ьоу to Ье in business.
sчrе that Ыs father who was а teller at the ThiTd Nafional Bank would
lend him the mопеу. Since that transaction Frапk Соwреrwооd decided to devote his
once! 32 twice! ThTee times! Tho soap is sold to Мr. life to business.
- -
...?" The auctioneer looked into the boy's face. Notes:
"Frапk Cowperwood, the son of the teller of the Third National 1, to Иke smth, into accormt приниматъ что-л. во вIlимание
Bank," replied the Ьоу. "Will you wait while I ruп up to the Bank and 2, to finalize the matter
завершить дело
get the money?" -
200 201

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