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yementary Practic,, ‘ ord Languag es ne st x0 “i, 3: wy) Has a The Truth about Tarantulas The Sentence and Its Parts The Curse of Tutankhamen - Fact or Fiction? Phrases and Clauses The Lost City of Atlantis Compound and Complex Sentences Killer Insects Verbs and Tenses UFOs - Encounters and Cover-ups Pronouns The True Discoverers of America Direct and Indirect Objects The Marathon of Hope Verbals: Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives Proud to Be Canadian Sentence Sense Review Test Answers The Truth about Taranfulas When people think of Tarantulas, they think of dangerously venomous spiders that kill instantly. The fact is Tarantulas are not harmful to mankind: Their sting might cause discomfort but certainly not death. The tarantula venom does cause instant death to insects, but may take days to affect small animals such as birds, frogs, and lizards. The North American tarantula belongs to the Mygalomorph classification of spiders. They are large, hairy spiders with strong limbs that feed on insects and small animals. During their lifespan of approximately ten years, they frequently grow too large for their skin. When this occurs, they shed their skin, which occurs fifteen times between birth and adulthood. North American tarantulas are found in Central and South America, Mexico, and the United States, Tarantulas make their home in burrows under the ground. They are nocturnal hunters, surfacing only at night time to look for food. The giant species in South America feeds on frogs, lizards, and snakes. Tarantulas, including the largest species, cannot chew on their victims. They paralyse their prey with their venom and then crush them with their jaws. They begin with the head of their victim, and continue to devour the entire body sucking out the juices. It can take an entire day for a tarantula to devour its prey. Not only are tarantulas of no danger to mankind, they are also kept as pets. The spotted Mexican species is the most popular house pet. The trend of keeping tarantulas as pets has resulted in a drastically reduced number of this particular species living in the wild. mitiontcrtiade Decide if the statements are true v or false x. Tarantulas have a reputation of being dangerous. Tarantulas have strong limbs. Tarantulas hunt at night. First, the Tarantula paralyses its victim. tie aR ens Some people keep Tarantulas as pets. ee 1 Tarantulas have excellent teeth for chewing. There are no more Tarantulas living in the wild Tarantulas cannot kill small animals instantly. Tarantulas are found only in Mexico. The Tarantula lives over 20 years. Tarantulas live underground. Tarantulas go through a process of shedding their skins. Tarantulas are not found in North America. Tarantulas feed on the juices of their prey. A Tarantula bite can kill a human being. Tarantulas belong to the Mygalomorph classification. When a Tarantula is eating a larger animal, it starts with the tail. Tarantulas moult up to 30 times in a lifetime. Tarantulas are not found in Central America. The Mexican Tarantula is a popular pet mitentcrttn Boe Match the meanings below with the underlined words in the passage. victim (AB) 2. eat . fall off (Costas) 4, at night . tunnels Ciuctow's) 6. often . poisonous ang) 8 . grouping (faa) 10. arms and legs _ new custom (ae) 12, intitation immediate Casi) 14. stiffen ae) (ins Li) Cosine) . whole Gere) Ces) Ce) Cage) The Senfence and Ifs Parts ——~ The sentence as The subject performs || the action of the predicate. The bare subject is usually a noun or pronoun; the bare predicate isa verb and its helpers. - mifeatortind Draw a line separating the subject and the predicate and underline the bare subject and the bare predicate in each sentence below. 1. The scary tarantula is not really scary at all The tarantula venom is deadly to insects. The North American tarantula is a large, hairy spider. Ten years is the expected lifespan of a tarantula. Tarantulas paralyse their victims before crushing them with their jaws. oaneon A popular house pet is the spotted Mexican species of tarantula. get —— _— Sentence Modifiers - Adjectives and Adverbs [| Adfectves describe nouns and pronouns adverbs describe verbs. miteniertinBr Place an adjective and adverb in the spaces provided in each sentence below. amateur happily lucky long slowly tiny high loudly tall wearily desperately heavy 1. The ____boy smiled ___ when he won the prize 2. Aftera_____ day at school, they ____ walked home. 3. The ___ dog barked 4, The _______ building soared ______ above the others. 5. The players tried ___towin. 6. Canyinga________ bag, the students trudged —_ home. Grade 5 2 cae See E here are two kinds of articles: definite and indefinite. The definite article “the” refers to specific nouns; the indefinite articles “a” and “an” refer to a noun in general. miitoatcrtn On For each of the following sentences, place the correct article from the choices in parentheses. John read (a, an) book over the weekend. He played (a, an) instrument in the school band. She looked for (a, an, the) house where you live. Peter asked to use (a, an, the) spare bicycle in the shed Take out (a, an, the) garbage behind the house for morning pick-up. He was in (a, an) hurry to catch (a, an, the) last bus, 25. 291000'60 le Name the parts of speech - subject (S), verb (V), adjective (Adj), adverb (Adv.), or article (art) - in the following sentences. es ae ane eee 1. The buming sun shone brightly over the water. s+ es z 2. The boys and the girls played a game of baseball. + + + 3. David walked briskly around the track to warm up. -~ + s+ 4. Slowly and carefully, he carried the glass vase. + 7-_ see 5. An hour after school began, he felt sleepy. *~ es - Fact or Fiction? On November 26, 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter and his wealthy associate, Lord Caernarvon, accidentally discovered the entrance to the tomb of Tutankhamen. The events that followed gave tise to speculation that whoever disturbed the tomb of this famous Egyptian boy king would suffer the wrath of a terrible curse. Tutankhamen died at the age of eighteen in the year 1339 B.C. and was buried with solid gold statues and beautiful ancient artefacts. Carter and Caernarvon discovered the tomb and its treasures, but they also discovered the curse. At the point of the discovery, an eerie cry from a canary being swallowed by a cobra echoed from behind Carter's tent This was thought to be an ‘omen of terrible things to come. A few weeks later, Lord Caernarvon died from an insect bite. At the moment of his death, it was reported that all the lights in the city of Cairo went out simultaneot usly. Even Caernarvon’s dog died mysteriously. Carter, the one who discovered the tomb, sornehow was spared. One theory by a Dr. Ezzerdin Taha claimed that the deaths could be due to some deadly bacteria from the tomb. However, shortly after he offered this explanation, Dr. Taha was killed in a suspicious car accident. Did the curse exist or were the deaths coincidental? Hollywood movie producers who have made numerous films about mummy curses choose to believe ‘that a curse is fact and not fiction. ieee mittenicctieA Circle the correct answer for each statement below. 1 Tutankhamen died at the age of A. 24, B. 18, Cc. 14, Dr. Ezzerdin Taha claimed that deaths linked to the tomb were A. the result of a curse. B, the result of an accident. C. the result of some bacteria. —————— 3. Tutankhamen’s tomb was discovered in A. 1933. B. 1956. C. 1922. 4, Howard Carter was credited with A. discovering the tomb. __B. surviving an illness. C. discovering a ghost. 5. Tutankhamen died in the year A. 212A.D. B. 1339 B.C. C, 1001 B.C, 6. Tutankhamen was buried with A. gold treasures. B. relatives. C. other mummies. 7. The lights of Cairo went out when A. Carter died. B, Lord Caernarvon died. C. the tomb was opened 8. Lord Caernarvon died from A. a bacterial infection. B. aheart attack. C. an insect bite. 9. Dr. Taha claimed that the tomb A. contained deadly bacteria. B. was haunted. C. contained poisonous snakes. mifientoctinBe Match each of the words from the passage in Column A with its meaning in Column B. Write the letters only. Column A 1. associate a A. atthe same time 2. speculation aoe B. antiques 3. wrath eee C. resounded repeatedly 4. artefacts uiiee D. germs 5. curse —— E. something untrue 6. omen = F. sign 7. echoed eae G. friend or business partner 8. simultaneously __ H. revenge 9. bacteria a |. prediction 10. fiction So J. evil wish What was the significance of the canary being swallowed by the cobra? Phrases and Clauses f= =~" A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses. melon A Complete the following sentences with suitable conjunctions. 1. [thas been argued whether not the curse of Tutankhamen is fact ___ fiction. 2. There was an omen of terrible things ____ soon after, Lord Caernarvon died. 3. Scientists knew of the curse ____ they continued to interrupt the tomb. 4. Were the deaths caused by deadly bacteria from the tomb ____ were they the result of supernatural events? 5. Hollywood producers choose to believe that the curse is fact not fiction. eo SS Subordinating conjunctions join dependent clauses to independent clauses. An independent clause is a sentence and can stand alone. A dependent clause begins with a subordinating conjunction, includes a subject and a predicate, but cannot stand alone as a sentence. mln Bon ~~s Fill in the blanks with suitable subordinating conjunctions a provided below. asif whenever eventhough when unless because the rain stopped, the game was still cancelled. they get together, they laugh a lot. he was a little boy, he played with building blocks. We would have no transportation _____ we drove our own car. He explained what happened _____ he was there. She was happy ___________ she found her lost dog. oa Rena Grade 5 ——————— Phrases and Clauses A phrase is a group of words that begin with a preposition, followed by a noun. A clause is a group of words that follows a subordinating conjunction and includes a subject and a verb. mieten On State whether the underlined words in each of the following sentences form a phrase (P) or a clause (C). 1, Because of the heavy rain, the baseball game was cancelled. a 2. The car on the driveway had its lights on. me 3. The students of the local schoo! helped clean up the neighbourhood. —+ 4. Ifhe was asked to play, he would be happy to join the team os The toys in the box belonged to the little boy, hele During the game, the fans cheered wildly. —— Because he was the first to arrive, he got the best seat. enti When we arrived at the stadium, all the good seats were taken — 9. In front of the stage sat the orchestra. 10. Iwas moved to tears when she offered to help me. the following sentences. subject and a verb. ena 1. Because they________ the teachers held a meeting. 2. Afton ney) 9s eee eae eee, thayiate lunch, 3. She saved up all her money because she 4. He invited alllhis friends although 5. Eventhoughthey they still had a good time. 6. He was allowed to go out to play ifhe 7. Nomatterhow the engine aiidin’t start. 8. As soon as she _______________, she closed the door. eS; ) The Lost City of Aflantis For over 2,000 years, thousands of “Atlantologists” (so-called experts on Atlantis) have searched in vain for traces of the lost city of Atlantis. Did the city really exist? If so, where was it located, who were Its inhabitants, and what happened to it? Plato, the Greek philosopher and scholar, described Atlantis as an island of people who became very vain and aggressive. The Atlanteans tried to conquer Athens and many other lands bordering the Mediterranean Sea. | The gods became angry and ordered a volcano to erupt out of the sea, engulfing Atlantis and sweeping it into the ocean to be forever lost. Apparently Plato described the location of Atlantis as being across from the “Pillars of Hercules” which likely refers to the Strait of Gibraltar. With the discovery of America, a theory grew that America was the lost Atlantis. This theory helped to explain the development of the Aztec and Inca civilizations. In 1967, a group of scientists announced that they had found Atlantis close to the Greek island of Crete. What they did find was a lost Minoan city - one that could not compare to the size, wealth, and sophistication of Atlantis. The quest to find Atlantis may have been inspired by the idea that Atlantis was the perfect place to live - a Utopia. So it is likely that mankind will continue to search the depths of the oceans in hope of discovering this dreamland mitioricrtinA en een or You may have to make: ‘Add the suffix to each word from the passage to form a new word. You may ag) have to make changes to the original word. : 1 3, 5, 10 sweeping (pt) 2. vain (ity) ieotting: (erp es acts sd 4. located (tion). compare (son) 6. exist (ence) Grade 7. continue (tion) = __________8._ inspired (tion) 9. aggressive (ion) =_________ 10. scholar (stic) 11, announced (ment) _____________ 12. explain (tion) Ja) WO eee Use a dictionary to look up the meanings of these words from the passage: sophistication, engulfing, theory, inspired, vain, aggressive. Give answers to the following questions. 1, Where did Plato think that Atlantis was located? 2. What does the term “Utopia” mean? 3. What is an “Atlantologist’? 4, What was actually found in 1967 instead of the city of Atlantis? 5. Why were the gods angry with the Atlanteans? 6, What geographical area did the “Pillars of Hercules” likely refer to? 7, Who was Plato? Your viewpoint: What do you think would be the most exciting part of discovering the lost city of Atlantis? : a 7 Compound and Complex Semfemces =~" Compound Subject and Verb A sentence may have more than one subject and one verb. EXAMPLES : Paul and Michael walked to school together. | Paul and Michael will run and hide when they are called. f tteatanta A 2a Underline either the compound subject or compound verb in each sentence below. 1, Researchers and scientists have always been interested in the city of Atlantis. Did Atlantis exist or was it a myth? Scientists will search for but not find the true Atlantis. The Aztec and Inca civilizations were thought to be connected to Atlantis. The Greek philosopher and scholar, Plato, described Atlantis as vain and aggressive. rig ae 2 <== | Compound Sentences Two independent clauses joined by a conjunction create a compound sentence. EXAMPLE: You are fond of movie-going but | prefer watching videos at home. | witieatcctinBe Choose suitable independent clauses from Column A and Column B to form compound sentences. Add your own conjunctions and write the new sentences in the spaces below. ARON they enjoyed the rides 1. The boys wore their boots | | presented it in front of the class 2. The children went to the fair || could not find anything suitable 3. She looked for a gift | the game was over 4. He prepared his project | they would keep their feet dry 5. | | The referee blew his whistle | Grade 5 =—" Complex Sentences A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. EXAMPLE: Although he came in late, the teacher did not say a word. millers Coe When the dependent clause comes first, its followed by a cor Be Write complex sentences by choosing the suitable dependent clause on the left in each group and match it with the independent clause on the right. 1. @) Because he was the tallest boy in the class the teacher put him at b) Although he was the tallest boy in the class. J’ the back of the class. 2. Q) If the students finished all their work } it was time to return to the b) When the bell rang classroom 3. a) Whenever they played football someone got injured. -b) Once they had finished the game. } oS ae 4, a) Because she had forgotten to bring her lunch she ate in the bb) Although she had forgotten to bring her lunch J restaurant. 5. a) While the students were busy reading ‘the chalk ke in his hand. ') As the teacher was writing on the board } eee : 14 There are more than a million species of insects that inhabit our planet. Fortunately, most of these are harmless, or at the most, seasonal annoyances that we can tolerate. However, there are some insects that cause great difficulties for mankind, and in some cases even death. For years, the United States has been on alert for the onslaught of killer bees. In 1990, they arrived. Killer bees were created by Dr. Warwick Kerr, a German-American scientist from Brazil. In 1956, after a trip to Africa, Kerr noticed that the African honeybee produced much more honey than the European bee. The European bee, common to North America, is a non-aggressive bee, unlike the African bee which is extremely aggressive and attacks in swarms. His plan was to cross-breed the two bees creating a hybrid bee that would have the calm of the European bee and the honey producing ability of the African bee. Disaster struck when some of the African bees escaped and bred with the European bees producing bees with the same aggression as the African bees. In the 1970's, reports started to come in of humans being attacked and killed by swarms of these bees. In one case, killer bees living on a farm house roof attacked and killed two horses, a dog, and then turned on the farmer. He was covered by hundreds of bees and died of heart failure during the attack. The killer bees started to move north heading towards the United States. In 1990, the first of these deadly invaders was discovered near the Texas border causing panic among the US residents. Although killer bees are highly aggressive and dangerous, precautions can be taken to offset the risk of injury or death from an attack. These include avoiding areas where they nest, and seeking medical attention immediately after being stung. It is estimated that when the killer bees spread throughout the United States, they will cause approximately 100 deaths annually. Since there are 50 deaths a year from bee stings reported now, this increase does not seem like such a great threat. However, one only needs to remember the story of the attack on the Brazilian farmer to send chills down the spine. etton ier Here are definitions to match words in the passage. Find the word from the paragraph given that best matches the definition. Use a dictionary to help you. 1. given as an opinion as to value or amount (para. 5) 2. safety measures; preventive action (para. 4) Grade 5 3. things that are bothersome or troublesome (para. 1) 4. combination of two different types (para. 2) 5. put up with; withstand (para. 1) mfientortter Bo Select the statement that best represents the main idea for each paragraph. 1 A. Some insects are a problem for mankind, B, Killer bees are found in the United States. 2 A. Dr. Kerr travelled to Africa in 1956 to study bees. B. Dr. Kerr planned to combine the European and African bees. 3 A. African bees escaped and reproduced. B. Killer bees started to attack animals and human beings. A. killer bees were found in Texas. B. You can safeguard against killer bees. 8 A. Killer bees don’t actually kill many people. B. The thought of killer bees is scary. itor tintin Cnn Answer the following questions. 1. Why were people so afraid of killer bees? 2. Was creating a hybrid bee a good idea? 3. Given the estimated number of deaths per year, do you think the killer bees are a real threat? Verbs and Tenses action or state expressed by the verb. EXAMPLE: John travels a lot. Last year, he travelled to Hawai. ——~" The form of a verb can be changed to show the time of the Next year, he will travel to Thailand. gi oe midisatcrtin An Change the verbs in parentheses to the correct tense forms. eNo B oa 4 The simple past tense is often formed by adding “ed” to regular verbs. However, some verbs are rregular and are changed completely to form the past tense. 2. = Irregular Verbs Over a million species of insects (inhabit) the earth. We (tolerate)______ insects every summer. This morning, our class (watch) ____ a documentary on butterflies. We now (have) _________ a better understanding of their life cycle. According to estimates, the killer bee (cause) ______ 100 deaths annually, Killer bees (start) __________ to head north to North America in 1990. Ms. Kennedy (take) ______ us to a bee farm next Thursday. miioatecte Bn Complete each of the following sentences with the correct past tense form of the verb in parentheses. 1. The match (begin) at seven sharp. 2. Despite trailing by two goals, our team (fight) ___ back confidently. 3. Just as he was about to shoot, the referee (blow) _____ the whistle to end the game. 4, The opposing team (take) ___________ home the trophy. 5, Although we (lose) the game, we did not feel too disappointed. 6. Noone (know) ________ his whereabouts. 7. Janet (buy) ________ a new watch for her mother’s birthday, 8. The men (dig) ____ deep for the buried treasure. Grade 2 @ = ee in we? Verb Modals Modals are used to express conditions on the meaning of a verb. EXAMPLE: He goes to the store. He might go to the store. mifientcctten Cm Insert a suitable modal for each verb according to the meaning of the sentence. Choose from the bank of modals below. can could must should ought to would might may 1. They ______ not be able to get to school on time. 2, He__________ be more careful when crossing the street. 3. She____—sibe a great pianist if she took lessons. 4. The children _________ have been excited when the clown arrived. 5. They_______ help you if you ask politely. 6. The students____ listen carefully to the instructions. 7, —____ you like to come along with me? 8. I don’t think we _________finish our project by noon. ——" Linking Verbs A linking verb connects the subject of a sentence to a description of its state of being or condition. The most common linking verbs are: am, is, was, were, will be, have been, has been... Other common linking verbs are smell, sound, taste, feel, grow, look, remain... en | 52 aot oF pretcate nouns and avold creating new verbs Add suitable descriptive words to complete the thought in each sentence below. 1. After he ate too much, he felt —_ 2. Sheis__________ about being chosen captain of the team. 3. Mydogis_____—————_—s when get home from school 4. Hewasthe —________in charge of tickets. 5. She became a_________ afer going to university. 6. He remained the ______________ because he was the best. 7. The food smelled ___________ so we didn’t eat it. 8. The music sounded ___________ so we alll danced, Encounters and Cover-ups There have been thousands of reports of alien sightings over the last fifty years. However, there has been no substantial proof that aliens exist. Ufologists (people who study UFOs) believe that we have been visited by space travellers from other galaxies. Some also think that governments have been engaged in cover-ups. In 1969, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin of the Apollo 11 Mission landed on the moon, they might have seen an alien spacecraft. Unofficial radio operators who happened fo listen in on their broadcast from space claimed that the astronauts reported a UFO sighting. The US government denied any such sighting. On July 3, 1947, a farmer named Mac Brazel found a silvery wreckage in his field near Roswell, New Mexico. In another field nearby, an engineer named Grady Barnett found a disc-shaped object. When officials from the Roswell army base arrived, they evacuated everyone from the scene. They later reported that this was not an alien craft but a weather balloon that crashed. Upon further investigation, an army intelligence officer, Major Marcel, admitted to being part of a cover-up. In 1995, a television programme detailed the incidents at Roswell. It showed a doctor examining the body of an alien who had apparently survived the crash at Roswell. Military officials refuted this claim stating that the fil was a hoax. Roswell has since been the subject of much debate as to whether oF not live aliens were found and if so, what happened to them Men in Black is a popular film. It depicts, somewhat comically, two men whose mission is to deal with alien invaders. However, in 1953, the editor of Space Review magazine, Albert Bender, claimed that he had been visited by three men in black suits who warned him to close down his magazine or he would be in trouble. Many other UFO witnesses claim to have had similar visits from “Men in Black”, but the US government denies the existence of these agents. Fact or fiction, alien encounters and the conspiracy theories that accompany them make for fascinating speculation. Grade 5 monn Choose the best synonym from the list given for each of the underlined words from the passage. Refer to the words in context. 1 2. 3. 4 5. 6. substantial sparse hard proper reliable refuted agreed with examined described denied speculation production guessing illusion gossip fiction truth fantasy legend mythology evacuated cleared out cleaned up filled up tore apart hoax truth tragedy success trick mitienfcrtin Bm State whether each statement below represents a fact (F) or an opinion (0). ONOMRYONS mitotic On Answer the following questions giving your own opinion. 1 Men in Black is a Hollywood movie F Aliens have visited the earth many times F There have been many reports of alien sightings. F Governments are afraid to tell people about aliens F The television programme about Roswell was interesting. F Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon F The US government denies the existence of “Men in Black” F Albert Bender claimed to have been visited by “Men in Black”, F O © 0. G30 O 070 What possible reasons would any government have for covering up an alien visit? Do you think aliens exist? Give reasons why or why not. Why are people fascinated with the idea of aliens visiting the earth? Pronouns ——~_ Apronoun is a word that takes the place ofa noun. When a pronoun replaces a specific noun, that noun is called an antecedent. EXAMPLE: Because the dishes were dirty, they were placed in the dishwasher. mltenfor tals Provide the pronoun and underline its antecedent in each sentence below. 1. Although there have been thousands of reported UFO sightings, no one can prove that _____ exist. 2. Some people believe that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin saw a UFO but no one could prove 3. Albert Bender stated that there were “Men in Black” and that__ was visited by 4. When questioned about “Men in Black”, the US government denied that existed. miniectieBn Fill in each blank with the proper pronoun to suit the antecedent. 1, The teacher and the pupils ate ____lunch together in the classroom. 2. When Paul and Andy arrived, no one saw 3. My cousins and | landed at the airport and a friend picked —————_ up. 4, Neither the players nor the fans were on _____ best behaviour. 5. _ If the team was to win, Dana or Lucy would have to play _______ best. 6. Julie, Sara, Susan, and Jane must bring ____ bathing suits. CT 2 O10: 0 eee There are two ways to fix the problem in the sentence below. Can you identify and solve the problem? 20

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