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ect Speech uni te 5) Direct and Indi pirect speech repeats the exact words spoken; hese words are put in between quotation marks. Example: Mrs. Martin said to Paul, “You can take one.” indirect speech reports what someone else sai; no quotation marks are needed. Example: Mrs. Martin told Paul that he could take one. Changing direct speech to-indi = involves tense changesi.the tense in Jngiret speech iyéne tense back from that in direct speech. We don’t need to change the tense ifthe reporting verb is in the present tense, OF ifthe statement is about something that is stil tue: es A. Change the following sentences to indirect speech. 1. Tedexplained, “The moon revolves around the Earth.” po age 2. “Ilike the cotton dress more.” said Mabel 3. “Iwill attend the ceremony.” said Fred’s father. 4. Karen scid, “I’m never good at singing.” 5, Ivan says, “I always enjoy window-shopping with them.” 6, “We've tried many ways.” Evelyn soid 10 Mrs, Wayne { | ESS ume Time Reference In indirect speech, we need to change time reference. fxample: Dan said, “They will hold a garage sale next week” Dan said that they would hold a garage sale the following week. Personal Pronouns We need to change personal pronouns to the third person singular or plural, except when the speaker reports his own words. a Example: Ms. Weir said to him, “I like what you did.” Ms. Weir told him that she liked what he had done. B. Change the following sentences to indirect speech using the time references provided. Ra ec ea ce ere SC ete see meer ae es 1. “Ididn’t play in the game yesterday,” said Alex to his father, 2. “Ithappened a week ago,” said Ron. 3. “Grandma will come the day after tomorrow,” said Molly, 4. The waiter said, "We serve fresh seafood today.” 5. The teacher said, “Next week, there will be two new students in our Class,” 6. “They went to Hamilton last week,” said Bill. EE sav ore rarrasros1 Ory Ena rade @ GB) ul. Indirect Questions Note the following when changing direct questions to indirect questions: The tence in indirect questions is one tense backcin time from that in direct questions + There is no need to use “Do/Does/Did”. + Change “Yes/No” questions by using “ask if/whether..”. Example: One of the players asked, “Will | be sidefined? One of the players asked if he would be sidelined. 4 Change the following questions to indirect speech. “Which is the one you want?” Mrs, Watson asked Ben. oe Eee CA ee They asked, “When can we start?” “Did you come that way?” the police officer asked. She asked him, “Are you going with me tomorrow?” “Have you seen my cat?” Mrs. Healey asked her neighbour. “What is your name?” Angela asked the boy. The lady asked the cashier, “How much do | owe?” Hoes ee D. Change the following indirect statements to direct questions. 1. The woman asked if they could take her to their school. 2. Carol asked Bill if he had got an MP3 player. 3. The delivery man asked if there was anyone in the house. 4, lasked him if he had seen my Science book. 5. The librarian asked if | had borrowed the storybook. 6. The waitress asked us if we were ready to order. E. Using indirect speech, rewrite what Felix said. We'll have a game with Harry's team tomorrow but we haven't quite prepared yet because a lot of my teammates are still busy with their projects and they do not have time for practice. I think we'll ose.

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