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0098 9) Punctuation (2) We use a dash to: + separate a series at the beginning of a sentence from its explanatory section. Example: A compass, a radio, and a flashlight — these are the essentials we need for our hike. «set off a description or comment that is meant to further the reader's understanding of the sentence. Example: The science project ~ the most dificult ofall - will account for 40% of the total score. i + set off an elaboration of an idea at the end of a sentence. : Example: They had only one thing in mind — winning the game. ssa A. Rewrite the following sentences, adding dashes where needed. i 1. The final showdown-the do-or-die game will be telecast live. 2. Everything boiled down to one wordperseverance. 3. The Greatest Game Ever Playectihe story of an underdog golfer is the best motivational film | have ever watched. | ° 4, No matter what you do-explaining, pleading. { or begging it won't make her change her mind. We use a hyphen to join compound words, divide a word into syllables, or indicate a split in a word at the end of the line. Examples: Compound adjectives: a well-liked teacher, a larger-than-life figure _ Compound numbers: fifty-five, one-fifth Prefixes: anti-social, re-sign (to sign again, as opposed to “resign”) 4 Rewrite the following sentences, adding hyphens where needed. The new manager is a twenty-three year old graduate. is a once In a lifetime chance that you shouldn't miss. Non-members are not allowed to go in the members only lounge. The semi-final for the above eighteen contestants will start next week, He lives in a twenty-five year old split level bungalow, A lot of people were inspired by his from rags+o- riches story, The report shows that two thirds of the population ate under fifty-five years of age Punctuation (2) We use parentheses to enclose additional information. Example: The Mennonites (wth a dwindling population) settle mostly in St. Jacobs Country, Ontario. | parentheses may also be used to add a comment to a statement. Example: California (see Figure 2) is a state along the Pacific Ocean. We can also use parentheses to show letters and numbers that designate a series of items. Example: Before leaving, member to (a) switch off all the lights, (b) close allthe windows, and (c) lock the door. C. Place parentheses where needed in the following sentences. The new museum see inset will be officially opened on August 21, 2009. 2, The honour students of which | am one are invited to the ceremony. 3, The complimentary tickets a pair from Uncle Charlie and another pair from Mr. Todd came just in time. 4. They should a get a form, b fillit out, ¢ get their parents’ consent, and d return it to their teacher before noon tomorrow, 5. The merger yet to be confirmed is said to take effect in January 2010. 6, The graph Fig. 2b shows the population growth over the past 20 years. 7. The series 2-2 would be decided in the final... game to be played this afternoon. ¥ 8. The supporting role Captain Truman was given to a little-knowMactor by the name of Willie Whitt. Dots We use ellipsis dots to shorten a quotation when the quotation is longer than what we need. Example: It is stated clearly in Clause 3: “..with the consent of the director and three board members.” is dots with “,” where needed in the following sentences. Recent research indicates that most of the asteroids orbit around the chance that an asteroid strikes the Earth is one in a million, Malls sprout up in big cities due to the largest shopping centre in the world is the West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton, Malawi is an impoverished third world Country in Africa. The infant mortality tate the average life expectancy is only 37 years. There are many ways to conserve energy with more and more people switching fo driving smaller cars which are more fuel-efficient Roberta Bondar became the first female astronaut to go into space. She received the Order of Canada in 1998, Roberta was named to the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame. The cell phone has become almost an indispensable gadget the government is beginning to look into regulating the use of the cell phone. A Great White ranges from. sive to seven metres in length and weighs swimming at a speed of 16 to 20 km per hour, the Great White usually attacks its prey from behing or beneath.

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