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Margie Salgado 11B
Terrestrial biomes
Tundra: is a cold, treeless biome
characterized by extremely low temperatures and a
short growing season. It features a layer of permafrost
beneath the surface.

Arctic Tundra (North Pole) Alpine Tundra (mountain tops)

Taiga or boreal forest, is a biome characterized by its
vast expanse of coniferous trees and cold temperatures.
It's the world's largest terrestrial biome.

Siberian Taiga North American Taiga

Deserts are arid biomes with low precipitation, extreme
temperatures, and sparse vegetation. They come in hot,
cold, and coastal varieties

Sahara Desert (hot) Atacama Desert (coastal) Gobi Desert (cold)

Grasslands are regions dominated by grasses and
herbaceous plants. They often experience periodic
droughts and fires.

African Savanna American Prairie

Deciduous forests are characterized by trees that shed
their leaves in the fall. They have distinct seasons with
moderate rainfall.

Eastern Deciduous
Forest (Eastern USA) European Deciduous Forest
Tropical rainforests are the Earth's most biodiverse biome,
with high temperatures, heavy rainfall, and lush

Amazon Rainforest Congo Rainforest

Aquatic Biomes
The marine biome covers the world's oceans, with high
salt concentrations. It's home to diverse marine life and
includes various zones, such as the intertidal and abyssal

Coral Reefs Open Ocean

Estuaries are where rivers meet the sea, creating a
transition zone with brackish water. They support unique

Chesapeake Bay San Francisco Bay

Freshwater biomes encompass lakes, rivers, and ponds,
with low salt concentrations. They host diverse aquatic

Lake Baikal Amazon River

Others Biomes
Savannas are grassy biomes with scattered trees,
located in tropical and subtropical regions. They have
distinct wet and dry seasons.

Australian Tropical
African Savanna Savanna
Chaparral is a biome with dense, evergreen shrubs and a
Mediterranean climate featuring wet winters and dry

California Chaparral South African Fynbos

Mountain zones encompass various biomes at different
elevations, including alpine meadows, coniferous forests,
and rock and ice at higher altitudes

Alpine Tundra Montane Forest

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