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名词突破(二)+ 写作词组巩固

教 师:陈茂

爱护环境,从我做起 提倡使用电子讲义
第二讲 名词突破(二)+ 写作词组巩固

1. 继续深化和落实上期《英语满分作文》讲解的写作要领,争取早日突破写作关口;
2. 系统地开始对于词和词组的学习,为阅读和完形的突破做好准备

Dear Tom,
I have returned to my ______________(祖国). Thanks to your help, I lived a happy life and made great
______________(进步) in my English study. It’s well known that China is a country ____________(拥有,
具有) a long history. ________ the Spring Festival ________ near(分词经典结构之一,因为春节临近了),
people will hold all ___________(种类) of activities. Welcome to come here to experience our Chinese
traditional ___________(文化). In ___________(另外), it has been a long time _________ I saw Mr.
Smith and I miss him a lot. I wonder _______________________ (他过得好不好). Can you do me the
_____________(帮忙) to let me get in _____________(联系) with him? Please give my best wishes to him.
Thank you very much in ______________(提前).

Last weekend, I had an _____________(采访) with Professor Wang, an eye-doctor(什么成分?作用

呢?), concerning the ____________(问题) of ___________________(近视) of school children in China.
According to Professor Wang, slightly more than half of the school children in our country are short-sighted,
____________( 排 行 ) the first in the world. He also pointed out that the ___________( 原 因 ) of
short-sightedness are so _________________(复杂) that no medicine can ________________(治愈) it. He
suggested that school children avoid ____________(过度使用) of their eyes and do more outdoor
_____________(活动). He particularly reminded us that ______________________(如何握笔) is also
related to short-sightedness.

115. The earth is divided into twenty-four time _____, China lying on No: 8, eastward.
A. zones B. areas C. districts D. regions
116. Look. The soldier are at _____ in the barrack yard.
A. drill B. exercise C. practice D. training
117. Through the customs at the capital airport, I had to pay _____ on the camera I had bought.
A. taxes B. duty C. toll D. custom
118. The problem was that Einstein's family did not have enough money to pay for his further______.
A. school B. studying C. education D. schooling
119. Inflation (通货膨胀) is having a disastrous (灾难性的)_________on the economy.
A. effect B. effort C. impression D. result
120. I know you don't like that guy (家伙) , but you could make a(n)________to be polite.

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A. try B. effort C. hard D. effect
121. Albert Einstein had a great _____ upon science and technology last century.
A. effect B. affect C. effort D. afford
122. Young people usually have more energy than the old. The underlined word probably means _____.
A. power B. trouble C. force D. spirit
123. The researcher collected information, studied it, did a lot of________and learnt from the experiences of
A. experiments B. explanations C. experiences D. tests
124. _____ speak louder than words. (prov.)
A. Facts B. Actions C. Fancy D. Factuality
125. The German expert you saw just now works in a cotton textile _____ , a joint venture enterprise in
A. mill B. factory C. plant D. works
126. Every year China’s Autumn Export Commodities _____ in Guangzhou attracts much attention of more
and more businessmen or merchants all over the world.
A. Firm B. Show C. Fair D. Exhibition
127. The _____ planning is an essential national policy of our country, which encourages each couple only to
bear one child.
A. family B. home C. house D. population
128. —Can you tell me what time __________ No.172 arrives?
—Sorry, I’m not sure of the time. It is said that it is postponed.
A. Plane B. Flight C. Flying D. Aircraft.
129. Beds, chairs, tables and desks are ______.
A. furnitures B. furniture C. a piece of furniture D. articles of furnitures
130. The reason why the two _____ cannot speak _____ language is that they were born in America and
were brought up in a Japanese family.
A. Germans; German B. Germen; the German
C. Germen; German D. Germans; the German
131. What on _____ do you mean by saying so?
A. earth B. world C. land D. ground
132. If a beard is a sign of smartness, the _____ will be a Socrates (苏格拉底). (prov.)
A. sheep B. lamb C. goat D. god
133. _____ helps those who help themselves. (prov.)
A. Sky B. Heaven C. God D. Glory
134. —Would you please tell me how to settle this maths problem?
— Oh, sorry, I can’t. You can go and ask John for help. He has the goods. The underlined part probably
means _____.
A. He has some goods to sell. B. He wants some goods
C. He has the ability to settle the problem. D. He has bought some goods.

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135. If there has been burglary in your house, you should put________round it before the police arrive to
investigate the case.
A. guests B. ladders C. guards D. poison
136. It has become the _____ for English families to go to the seaside in summer.
A. habit B. custom C. hobbies D. rules
137. He cut the apple ________, and gave the big to his little sister.
A. into half B. into halves C. in halves D. in the half

138. — Sorry, I don’t know how to work out this maths problem.
—Use your _____, and then you will find a way.
A. mind B. heart C. brain D. head
139. The doctor who cured my friend of cancer always serves others________and soul.
A. heart B. mind C. spirit D. head
140. When the teacher found the terrible writing of the naughty boy, he said angrily “Good________! What
on earth have you written?”
A. God B. heavens C. heaven D. hero
141. At the social gathering the weather is the subject which usually breaks the _____.
A. ice B. iceberg C. topic D. instance
142. James was weak from a long _____ . I think he should have good rest and enough nutrition(营养).
A. disease B. sickness C. illness D. unhappiness
143. Some people here don't work hard but they get a good _______ from their investments.
A. wage B. earnings C. income D. salary
144. In America, the teen-age crime is on the _______. This is what the American public worry most.
A. addition B. increase C. increasing D. independence
145. As we all know, _____ is very famous for its software industry though it is a developing country.
A. Japan B. South Korea C. India D. Ireland
146. Read the ______ on the box carefully before you take the medicine.
A. instructions B. teachings C. advices D. interpretation
147. So long as you work hard enough, a(an) _____ rod can be ground into a needle. (prov.)
A. steel B. stick C. gold D. iron
148. The teacher asked his students to help the old lady to do some housework and they made a good _____
of it.
A. job B. work C. task D. justice
149. I preferred to go there by plane, but I hadn't enough money to pay for the _______.
A. trip B. voyage C. journey D. tour
150. Three times the accused was brought to court for trail, he was sentenced half a year’s imprisonment by
the _____.
A. lawyer B. official C. officer D. judge
151. You should turn to Mrs. Green. She is the key figure in the company. The underlined part probably

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means _____.
A. a person who has the key B. a very important person
C. a new product D. a new policeman
152. There are four basic _____ of blood in the human body. What do you belong to, A, B, AB or O?
A. kinds B. sorts C. types D. classes
153. In China, the majority of men earn their living by manual ______.
A. labour B. task C. job D. work
154. There is a _____ of understanding between them. Otherwise, they will be good friends.
A. sufficiency B. abundance C. adequacy D. lack
155. In the hospital, there are a lot of _____.
A. ladies doctors B. women doctors C. ladies doctor D. woman doctors
156. To the sea captain’s surprise, he found that________travel could also be quite pleasant.
A. earth B. land C. ground D. plain
157. Hearing the funny speech given by the famous professor, all of us burst into _____.
A. laughed B. laughter C. laughing D. laugh
158. In no time the locusts came down and started eating everything --- the wheat, the corn, the grass and
even the _____ on the tree.
A. leaf B. leafs C. lemon D. leaves
159. When I was at school, I had to learn a Tang poem by________each week.
A. ear B. mouth C. heart D. eye
160. The post-graduate wants to be a part-time________in the capital library where he can read some rare
and precious books.
A. library B. librarian C. assistant D. helper
161. The actor is very forgetful. He often forgets his________and his group can’t work regularly.
A. line B. litter C. license D. lines
162. The truck is carrying a________of bananas. All these will be sent to the north of China.
A. loaf B. lid C. load D. burdens
163. “________ ” is a word in British English, which has the same meaning as “truck” in American English,
such as: “lift/elevator”, “autumn/fall” and “luggage/baggage”.
A. Lorry B. Carriage C. mini-bus D. Coach
164. What impressed me most was that they never________even when they failed once again.
A. lost hearts B. lost their heart C. lost heart D. lost their hearts
165. Things went well for him during his early life but in middle age his_______seemed to change.
A. chance B. success C. way D. luck
166. The old farmer went to the______nearby to sell his homemade basket every morning.
A. fair B. market C. monument D. fairy
167. According to the regulation, you can only borrow a______of ten books from the library.
A. minimum B. majority C. main D. maximum

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168. My sister is a student of traditional Chinese _____ and five years later she will become a doctor.
A. medicine B. a medicine C. medicines D. medical
169. A good_________is a great help in learning foreign languages.
A. mind B. thinking C. idea D. memory
170. A _____ is a card on which the names and prices of foods provided in the hotel, restaurant or cafe are
A. mask B. notebook C. menu D. recipe
171. If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a________.
A. message B. letter C. sentence D. notice
172. Don’t force us to accept your point of view. What is the meaning of the underlined part?
A. objection B. thinking C. opinion D. method
173. The police are offering a_____to anyone who can give information about the wanted criminal(通缉犯).
A. price B. prize C. reward D. money
174. The railways in China belong to ______, whereas the ones in Japan, to the private..
A. the nation B. the country C. the state D. the land
175. There are 56 ___________ in China all together and they get on well with each other in our socialist big
A. nations B. races C. nationalities D. people
176. My cousin is a sailor. He's doing very well in the _______.
A. army B. navy C. air force D. boat
177. His _________, his sister's son, was admitted to Beijing University this year.
A. cousin B. niece C. nephew D. grandson
178. Our daily Beijing Mean Time is in fact Nanjing Time. That’s because we set our time by the standards
of Tzichingshan (Zijinshan) ______ in Nanjing.
A. obligation B. observatory C. oraganization D. laboratory
179. Our national current_______is characterized by such a variety of modes as a joint venture and
monopoly capital, apart from State, Collective and Individual.
A. ownership B. owner C. owing D. owning
180. If you feel dizzy in a coal-burning room, that’s lack of_______. Please open the window and air the
room at once.
A. onion B. hydrogen C. oxygen D. carbon-dioxide
181. The constitution(宪法)reads: Any party, whether in office or in_______, should serve the majority of
the people heart and soul。
A. opposition B. post C. occupation D. order
182. There came a voice of “________”. She got her ring finger scratched by the bottle opener.
A. Aha B. Yummy C. Ugh D. Ouch
183. I received a postal packet yesterday. Which of the following can replace the underlined word? _____
A. bag B. baggage C. package D. parcel
184. In Paris nowadays, we may see musicians performing in the streets to ______.

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A. audiences B. visitors C. travelers D. passersby
185. TV home shopping(电视直销) has changed the way of shopping and the ____ of people’s family life in
some way.
A. meaning B. structure C. pattern D. tense
186. After a ________ , the author went on writing his novel. Which of the following cannot be put in the
A. food B. rest C. pause D. break
187. The little boy likes plane models very much. He wants to be a _______and fly a plane into the sky when
he grows up.
A. driver B. pilot C. designer D. producer
188. The old man is used to sleeping without a ________in order to keep his back from bending.
A. net B. pillow C. slippers D. quilt
189. The farmer is enjoying a pipe after a long period of hard work. The underlined part probably means
A. smoking B. looking at a pipe
C. buying a pipe D. fitting a pipe
190. Marine was very interested in _____ because her father is a famous _____ figure.
A. politics; politics B. politics; political
C. political; politics D. political; political
191. The campus violence in America is a hot potato. The underlined part probably means _____.
A. a potato freshly cooked B. a problem difficult to settle
B. a fairly easy thing to do D. a place the students want to go to
192. It is beyond my _______ to decide whether we should begin our meeting or not.
A. strength B. power C. force D. might
193. Since the plan for the project has been carefully worked out, what we have to do is to put it into _____.
A. reality B. action C. fact D. practice
194. After our country’s entry into WTO, our agricultural products, such as ______ and so on are facing
more and more challenge.
A. foodstuffs, fruits, cotton B. foodstuffs, textile, hand-made goods
C. fruits, cotton, hand-made goods D. textile, fruits, cotton
195. It is widely believed that a good _____ between the two countries is important for the development of
both China and the USA.
A. connection B. link C. relation D. relationship
196. Nelson Mandela played and is still playing a leading ________ in ending apartheid(种族隔离政策) in
South Africa.
A. use B. roles C. role D. parts
197. A_____ has taught us what atoms are made up of and how powerful the atom bomb is.
A. seaman B. salesman C. naturalist D. scientist

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198. The America’s selling weapons to Taiwan cast a shadow on the Sino-U.S relationship. Which of the
following can explain the underlined part?
A. was a good omen on B. had ill effect on
C. was at war with D. effected
199. One of the purposes of United Nations is to achieve international co-operation without distinction as to
race,______, language or religion.
A. sex B. female C. male D. skin
200. I have to wear a _____ and a tie in order to work in the manager’s office.
A. clothes B. dress C. shirt D. clothing
201. Keith just shrugged his _____ and said it wasn’t his problem.
A. shoulder B. shoulders C. arms D. bodies
202. Today’s homework is to write a composition, its title is: Will we become _____ or master?
A. slave B. slaves C. slavery D. slaveries
203. The word spread that the president came down with lung cancer. Which of the following has the same
meaning as the underlined word?
A. order B. news C. tiding D. rumour
204. The bank is equipped with new alarm _____. We can say it’s safe and reliable completely.
A. system B. way C. order D. setting
205. The invention of the coal-burning________engine revolutionized industrial production in the 18th
century and opened the way to the development of mechanized transport by rail and sea.
A. vapour B. steam C. solar-energy D. atomic-energy
206. Which of the following does not belong to the same category?
A. suite B. flat C. suit D. apartment
207. When he was very young, he made up his mind to be a doctor. Which of the following words can not be
used instead of the underlined word?
A. tailor B. translator C. Tibetan D. tourist
208. The limited supply of water has been put into practice, take care to turn off the running ____ before you
A. radio B. traffic lights C. gas D. tap
209. Records, ____, walkman CD and MD are the same instruments that we can use to enjoy music.
A. tapes B. hammers C. diamonds D. telegram
210. The main task of the government is to reduce the level of inflation (通货膨胀). The word "task" means
A. exercise B. job C. habit D. favourite
211. When the police searched the village, they caught the two ____ that had stolen something from the
A . robbers B. thiefs C. thieves D. pickpockets
212. Which of the following is not a container?
A. metal B. tin C. can D. tank

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213. A telephone is an instrument by which we can speak to people far away. The underlined word means
A. a tool B. an experiment C. an expression D. an instruction
214. The road constant improvements can’t keep pace with the increasing ____ .
A. trucks B. private cars C. buses D. traffic
215. The Palace Museum has many art treasures. In this sentence, "treasure" means ______.
A. precious things B. money C. cheap things D. unimportant things
216. Take on a(n)________with you. It looks like raining.
A. underwear B. overcoat C. water-proof jacket D. umbrella
217. Many hands make light work._______is strength.
A. Unity B. Nation C. Uniform D. Unifying
218. Our earth, one planet of the solar system, is only a very small part of the_______.
A. universal B. university C. universe D. union
219. The house was sold for 60,000 dollars, which was far more than its real _______ .
A. cost B. value C. price D. worth
220. The officers led their men to _______ in battle, so all the villagers came out to award them with food
and drink on both sides of the road.
A. victory B. a triumph C. failure D. defeat
221. My eldest sister was left these jewels in my grandmother’s deathbed .
A. paper B. letter C. words D. will
222. Our victory in the school sports meet resulted from the collective______of all the classmates.
A. wisdom B. wisdoms C. brightness D. cleverness
223. Since reforms and opening to the outside, five special economic _____ have been founded in China.
They are Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Santou, Ximen and Hainan.
A. areas B. zones C. districts D. prefectures

115-120 A A B C A B 121-125 A C AA B
126-130 C A B B A 131-135 AC C C C
136-140 A B D A B 141-145 AA C B C
146-150 A D A C D 151-155 B CAD B
156-160 B B D C B 161-165 D CAC D
166-170 B D A D C 171-175 AC C CA
176-180 B C B A C 181-185 AD D D C
186-190 D B B A B 191-195 B B AA D
196-200 C D B A B 201-205 BADAB
206-210 C C D A B 211-215 C AA D A
216-220 D A C B B 221-223 DAB

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