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● According to Ian Daniel Santos, Kalamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) is a fruit tree

in the family Rutaceae and a member of citrofortunella that was developed in and is
very popular throughout Southeast Asia. In fact, it is also a fruit for household
purposes, and through our various digging of information, some researchers found
out that calamansi is also beneficial in a lot of things. Such as: Useful for food
recipes, Eliminates bad smell of fish, Skin lightening, Take away stains on clothes,
Washes body dirt, Can be us as deodorizer, Eliminates itching, Helps cough, Good
source of Vitamin C, Helps hair growth.

● Citric acid is a naturally found antioxidant that serves various purposes, including
enhancing the taste and preserving food, being an ingredient in beauty products, and
contributing to the composition of cleaning agents (“What Is Citric Acid, and What Is
It Used For?,” n.d.). Since citrus fruits are good components in food preservation, the
researchers would like to examine if calamansi, which has a high content of citric
acid, can be helpful in the preservation of non-food materials, specifically shoes. If
the result shows a positive effect of calamansi extract in polishing shoes, the
researchers would also like to determine its right proportion with
coconut oil for a day length effectively.

● According to Jennifer Branett, Coconut oil is a popular choice for leather care, as it is
natural, sustainable, and easy to use. It helps to condition the leather, soften it, and
keep it looking new while protecting it against dirt and grime. Coconut oil also gives
the material a pleasant smell and can help to repel water. When applied in
moderation, coconut oil effectively keeps your leather items looking great without
compromising their quality or longevity.

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