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Topic 7 : Compare Vietnamese dining culture with other countries’.

Today , I will compare Vietnamese dining culture with other countries . First , we need
to know about Vietnamese’s dining . Because Vietnam is very similar to China and
invaded by France so the Vietnamese food is affected by that , but still have their
speciality . The cooking in Vietnam uses very little oil and is inclined to light , fresh
flavor . In Asian cuisines , specifically Vietnam , a traditional meal includes rice -
vegetable - fish or some kind of meat , which focus on natural vegetables and herbs , is
very different when in Western cuisines , meat is the most important part of the meal .
In Vietnam’s dining , we can see that they always invite others to enjoy the meal with
them , to show their respect to the others . However , the Western don't do that , they eat
with portions separately . Finally ,Vietnamese people tend to prepare their own food,
while Westerners often buy ready-made food to take home or eat at restaurants .

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