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Create visually appealing materials such as posters, infographics, and pamphlets highlighting

patriotism's importance. Include quotes, stories, and statistics that inspire a sense of national

Patriotism is the love or support for our own country, this can be shown by the loyalty to the country and simply
giving respect to the nation is one of the key concepts in showing patriotism.

Quotes: “National Pride is to countries what self-respect is to individuals: a necessary condition for self-
improvement” – Richard Rorty

Patriotism in Values:

- Showing respect to the country

- The amount of support and love in the country
- Representing the country with own dignity and being responsible

My Patriotism Story – Love and Respect for Country and Family

Through growing up with the family that is always being taught on loving and respecting the country and family is a
huge impact for them, which can gain the respect to the country and to other people. Loving the country is
showing the so-called support to the nation. Growing up in the town of people with friendly neighbors which they
are teaching us on how to love and show respect to the country by communicating and interaction to elders and to
other people. Aside from communicating is to have the values of showing the pride of the country can represent in
showing the support to the country on having the kind of feeling of values on people.


Showing the current statistics that helps inspire a sense of national pride, showing the amount or respect and love
of every Filipinos that belongs to population can help them to inspire on having the national pride.

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