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Hi Dan!

My name is Hugo and I would like to talk you about my

experience visiting cities with family or friends. I’ll start talking
about my last trip, wich was 2 years ago.
My family and I went to Barcelona 2 years ago, we got there,
because we wanted to visit some monuments as the statue of
Colon or the Sagrada Familia.
It was very beautifull and overcrowded. Everytingh was very
handy, so we didn’t have musch trouble to find somewhere to
shopping or a Good beach were there was les people…
We didn`t use public transport, but we saw Double-decker buses.
We walked throught a ahopping complex and we saw lots of
things that were made by hand. Then we took a subway to go to
the other half of the city. One day, we made a tour throught a
mountain were we could see the sea and lots of beautiful things.
If i could have been there for more time, the only thing i wish i
have done is to see some pleces that i couldnt see properly, as
the sagrada familia, there was a lot of queue and we couldnt get
in, just see it from outside.
Hope this is usefull for you!
All the best

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