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Describing a place you


I travelled to Rome 2 years ago, and I ​still​ remember a lot of

things from that travel. I went with my family and my best friend.

Rome, like many other countries from Europe, is a very modern

and pleasant city where you can find magnificent ancient
infrastructure in some parts of the city, for example The
Coliseum. The food was quite traditional, nothing exotic or out of
the imagination.

We went in spring, so the weather was sunny and some days it

was cloudy but warm. We stayed in a hostel, nothing ​fancy
because we spent all the day in the street, but the hostel was
comfortable, friendly and most importantly, cheap.

We stayed in Rome for 2 weeks, so my best friend and I had time

to go to a disco. The environment of the streets at night was


lively and vibrant, and in some discos it was glamorous, we loved

it! Luckily I had a beautiful shirt to ​wore. ​In the disco, we met 2 a
group of girls (by the way, we were quite bored because they
didn’t play salsa at the disco, just electro and some reggaeton)
that were very friendly with us and introduced us to the DJ. When
we left the disco and were in the taxi I realized I forgot my wallet
in the bar! And I had my key room in there…


Now is your turn! With the “vocabulary to describe a city” I want

you to describe a place you travelled and tell an anecdote of what
happened in that travel.

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