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16th May 2019, Paper ID - 1903-NAN06

Rotational Friction Surface Energy of Triboelectric Generator

Muhammad Azam bin Mohd Yazid1, Hafizal bin Yahaya1
1Nano-Characterization, Structural Control and Processing (eMast), Mechanical Precision
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Abstract –Triboelectrification is one of the most common effects in our daily life, but it is usually
taken as a negative effect with very limited positive applications. A prototype triboelectric generator
(TEG) based on rotational friction is used in this research to convert mechanical energy into
electricity. The TEG is based on the conjunction of triboelectrification and electrostatic induction, and
it utilizes the most common materials available in our daily life, such as papers, fabrics, Aluminum
(Al), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Nylon, Kapton and etc. Once the TEG rotates, the interaction between
the two triboelectric materials generates equal, but opposite charges and transfers them on the
copper electrodes resulting in a DC voltage across an external load resistor. The output voltage and
current is measured by using oscilloscope instead of using multimeter to reduce the error.
Meanwhile, the speed of the TEG which is driven by DC motor is varied to study its effect to the
current output. The surface of the material is further modified in the terms of roughness. This type
of TEG can produce current in the range of milli scale and it is suitable to be used as alternative way
to power up self-powered systems for personal electronics, medical science and environmental

1. Introduction

TEG was firstly tested by Prof. Zhong Lin Wang's group at Georgia Institute of Technology in the year of
2012.[1] As for this power generation unit, in the inner circuit, an energy is created by the triboelectric
effect due to the charge transfer between two thin organic/inorganic films that exhibit opposite tribo-
polarity; in the outer circuit, electrons are driven to flow between two electrodes attached on the back
sides of the films to make sure the potential is balance. Since the most useful materials for TEG are
organic, it is also named organic nanogenerator, which is the first of using organic materials for
harvesting mechanical energy. [2] This research focus on mechanical part that make produce most
friction waste energy. TEG has four basic operation modes: (a) vertical contact- separation mode; (b)
in-plane contact- sliding mode; (c) single- electrode mode; and (d) freestanding triboelectric- layer

2. Methodology

A) Sample Selection – Six different material are used in this experiment. These materials are categorized
into two tribo-polarity which is three positive material (Aluminium, Nylon and Paper) and three
negative material (PVC, Kapton and Polyethylene). The material is chosen based on its position in the
Triboelectric Series which represents the electron affinity.

B) Sample Preparation – The material is cut into the size of the roller to ensure same apparent contact
area for each material combination. Each material combination is tested for five minutes and the
current value is recorded using oscilloscope.

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16th May 2019, Paper ID - 1903-NAN06
3. Result


Current output, mA
6.04 5.40
6.00 4.50
Nylon - PVC Aluminum - Paper - PVC
Material combination

Figure 1. Current output for different material combination

Figure 1 shows the current output when PVC is combined with three different material (Nylon,
Aluminium and Paper) under a controlled rotation speed at 6000RPM. Nylon – PVC combination gives
the highest current output of 6.04mÅ relatively. Theoretically, the distance between Nylon and PVC
in the Triboelectric Series is the furthest. This shows that the further the distance between two
material in the Triboelectric Series the higher the current output.

8.00 6.04
Current output,

4.00 2.57

2.00 1.09
2000 RPM 3000 RPM 6000 RPM
Roller speed

Figure 2. Current output for different roller speed

Figure 2 shows the effect of changing the roller speed to the current output. Generally, the current
output increases when the rotation speed of the roller increases. The trend of the increment is
different where the current increase from 1.09mÅ to 2.57mÅ (2000RPM to 3000RPM) and 2.57mÅ
to 6.04mÅ (3000RPM to 6000RPM). Notice that the current is actually doubled when the roller speed
is doubled.

4. Conclusion

It is concluded that the material combination gives significant effect towards the current output. The
selection of the material should be done by referring to its position in Triboelectric Series in order to
produce current efficiently. The changing of roller speed also causes the rate of charge transfer to
change hence the current output also changes.

5. Acknowledgement

The author would like to thank eMast iKohza from Malaysia Japan International Institute of
Technology (MJIIT) for the support and the facilities.

6. References

[1] Fan, F. R., Tian, Z. Q. & Wang, Z. L. Flexible triboelectric generator. Nano Energy 1, 328-334, (2012).
[2] Bera B. Literature Review on Triboelectric Nanogenerator. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
(IJIR), 1263-1271. (2016).

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