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Some Important Discoveries of the late 19th Century

- X-Rays were discovered by Roentgen
- Electron was discovered by J.J. Thomson
- Cathode rays were discovered by William Crookes and were confirmed by J.J. Thompson
- J.J. Thomson calculated the e/m ratio of cathode ray particles
- Charge on an electron was discovered by R.A. Millikan by his famous Oil-drop experiment. This established that
charge on an electron is quantized.

Cathode Rays
If a gas is filled in a glass tube at extremely low pressure and very high voltage is applied then, a discharge takes
place between the two electrodes on applying electric field. A fluorescent glow appeared on the glass opposite to
the cathode, the color of which depends on the glass. This glow was attributed to the radiation coming from the
cathode which was named as cathode rays.
It was found out that the cathode rays consisted of a stream of negatively charged particles.
e/m Ratio
By applying mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields across the discharge tube, J.J. Thomson was able to
calculate the specific charge (charge to mass ratio) for the cathode rays
- The value of e/m ratio was found to be independent of nature of material/metal used as the cathode and the
gas in the discharge tube
- The value of e/m ratio of cathode rays (electrons) is 1.76

Electron Emission
We know that metals have free electrons but these free electrons cannot escape the metal because when an
electron escapes the metal, the metal surface becomes positively charged and it pulls back the electron. So, an
electron can only escape a metal if it has a minimum amount of energy.

Work function (ɸ˳) – The minimum energy required by an electron to escape from the metal surface is called the
work function of the metal. It is generally measured in eV (electron volt). The work function of the metal depends on
its properties and the nature of its surface

The energy required for electron emission can be supplied by-

1. Thermionic Emission- By suitably heating, sufficient energy can be supplied to the electrons to enable them to
come out of the metal
2. Field emission- By applying very strong electric field to a metal, electrons can be pulled out of the metal, as in a
spark plug.
3. Photo-electric emission- When light of suitable frequency illuminates a metal surface, electrons are emitted
from the metal surface. The photo (light) generated electrons are called photo electrons.

Photoelectric Effect
Hertz’ Observations
The phenomenon of photoelectric emission was discovered by Heinrich Hertz.
Light shining on the metal surface somehow facilitated the escape of free, charged particles which we now know as
electrons. When light falls on a metal surface, some electrons near the surface absorb enough energy from the
incident radiation to overcome the attraction of the positive ions in the material of the surface. After gaining
sufficient energy from the incident light, the electrons escape from the surface of the metal into the surrounding
Hallwachs’ and Lenard’s Observations
- Lenard observed that when ultraviolet radiations were allowed to fall on the emitter plate of an evacuated glass
tube enclosing two electrodes (metal plates), current flows in the circuit.
- As soon as the ultraviolet radiations were stopped, the current flow also stopped.

These observations indicate that when ultraviolet radiations fall on the emitter plate C, electrons are ejected from it
which are attracted towards the positive, collector plate A by the electric field. The electrons flow through the
evacuated glass tube, resulting in the current flow. Thus, light falling on the surface of the emitter causes current in
the external circuit.

Hallwachs, undertook the study further and connected a negatively charged zinc plate to an electroscope. He
observed that-
- the zinc plate lost its charge when it was illuminated by ultraviolet light.
- Further, the uncharged zinc plate became positively charged when it was irradiated by ultraviolet light.
- Positive charge on a positively charged zinc plate was found to be further enhanced when it was illuminated by
ultraviolet light.

From these observations he concluded that negatively charged particles were emitted from the zinc plate under the
action of ultraviolet light.

Experimental Study of Photoelectric effect
The Figure depicts a schematic view of the arrangement used for the experimental study of the photoelectric effect.

It consists of an evacuated glass/quartz tube having a photosensitive plate
C and another metal plate A.

- Monochromatic light from the source S of sufficiently short wavelength
passes through the window W and falls on the photosensitive plate C (emitter).
- A transparent quartz window is sealed on to the glass tube, which permits
ultraviolet radiation to pass through it and irradiate the photosensitive plate C.
- The electrons are emitted by the plate C and are collected by the plate A
(collector), by the electric field created by the battery.
- The battery maintains the potential difference between the plates C and A, that
can be varied.
- The polarity of the plates C and A can be reversed by a commutator. Thus, the
plate A can be maintained at a desired positive or negative potential with respect to emitter C.
- When the collector plate A is positive with respect to the emitter plate C, the electrons are attracted to it. The
emission of electrons causes flow of electric current in the circuit.

Effect of Intensity of light on photocurrent

It is found that the photocurrent increases linearly with intensity of
incident light as shown graphically. The photocurrent is directly
proportional to the number of photoelectrons emitted per second.
This implies that the number of photoelectrons emitted per second
is directly proportional to the intensity of incident radiation.

Effect of potential on photoelectric current

The photoelectric current increases with increase in accelerating
(positive) potential. At some stage, for a certain positive potential
of plate A, all the emitted electrons are collected by the plate A
and the photoelectric current becomes maximum or saturates.
If we increase the accelerating potential of plate A further, the
photocurrent does not increase. This maximum value of the
photoelectric current is called saturation current. Saturation
current corresponds to the case when all the photoelectrons
emitted by the emitter plate C reach the collector plate A.

When we apply a negative (retarding) potential to the plate A with respect to the plate C and make it increasingly
negative gradually. When the polarity is reversed, the electrons are repelled and only the most energetic electrons
are able to reach the collector A. The photocurrent is found to decrease rapidly until it drops to zero at a certain
sharply defined, critical value of the negative potential V˳ on the plate A. For a particular frequency of incident
radiation, the minimum negative (retarding) potential V˳ given to the plate A for which the photocurrent stops or
becomes zero is called the cut-off or stopping potential (V˳)

All the photoelectrons emitted from the metal do not have the same energy. Photoelectric current is zero when the
stopping potential is sufficient to repel even the most energetic photoelectrons, with the maximum kinetic energy
Kmax, such that-

Also, if the intensity of the incident light is increased, we find that the current still saturates but at a higher value.
This indicates that more electrons are emitted per second (as photocurrent is directly proportional to intensity) but
still, the value of stopping potential remains the same (given the frequency of incident radiation remains the same).
Thus, for a given frequency of incident radiation, the stopping potential is independent of its intensity. This also
means that the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons depends on the frequency and not intensity of
incident light.

Effect of frequency of incident radiation

If light of same intensity but different frequency is incident on a meta
surface, we observe that we get the same value of saturation current
but different values of stopping potential. This is because the energy
of the emitted electrons depends on the frequency of the incident
radiations. The stopping potential is more negative for higher frequencies
of incident radiation. This implies that greater the frequency of incident
light, greater is the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons.
Consequently, we need greater retarding potential to stop them completely.

If we draw a graph between the stopping potential and frequency of incident

radiation, we get a straight line.
From the graph we can say-
1. The stopping potential V˳ varies linearly with the frequency of incident
radiation for a given photosensitive material.
2. There exists a certain minimum cut-off frequency V˳ for which the
stopping potential is zero.

1. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons varies linearly with the frequency of incident radiation, but is
independent of its intensity.
2. For a frequency ν of incident radiation, lower than the cut-off frequency V˳, no photoelectric emission is possible
even if the intensity is large. This minimum, cut-off frequency V˳, is called the threshold frequency. It is different
for different metals.
Note: If frequency of the incident radiation exceeds the threshold frequency, the photoelectric emission starts
instantaneously without any apparent time lag, even if the incident radiation is very dim. It is now known that
emission starts in a time of the order of 10– 9 s or less.
Photoelectric effect and Wave theory of light
The wave picture of light cannot explain the observations on photoelectric effect because-
- According to the wave picture of light, the free electrons at the surface of the metal (over which the beam of
radiation falls) absorb the radiant energy continuously. The greater the intensity of radiation, the greater are the
amplitude of electric and magnetic fields.
- Consequently, the greater the intensity, the greater should be the energy absorbed by each electron. In this
picture, the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons on the surface is then expected to increase with
increase in intensity.
- Also, no matter what the frequency of radiation is, a sufficiently intense beam of radiation (over sufficient time)
should be able to impart enough energy to the electrons, so that they exceed the minimum energy needed to
escape from the metal surface. A threshold frequency, therefore, should not exist.
- In the wave picture, the absorption of energy by electron takes place continuously over the entire wavefront of
the radiation. Since a large number of electrons absorb energy, the energy absorbed per electron per unit time
turns out to be small. Explicit calculations estimate that it can take hours or more for a single electron to pick up
sufficient energy to overcome the work function and come out of the metal.

But these points contradict the observations we saw in the previous part, therefore we cannot explain photoelectric
effect using the wave model of light.

Einstein’s Photoelectric equation: Energy Quantum of Radiation
Albert Einstein proposed a radically new picture of electromagnetic radiation to explain photoelectric effect. In this
- photoelectric emission does not take place by continuous absorption of energy from radiation. Radiation energy
is built up of discrete units called quanta of energy of radiation
- Each quantum of radiant energy has energy hν, where h is Planck’s constant and ν the frequency of light.
- In photoelectric effect, an electron absorbs a quantum of energy (hν) of radiation. If this quantum of energy
absorbed exceeds the minimum energy needed for the electron to escape from the metal surface (work function
φ˳), the electron is emitted with maximum kinetic energy-

This equation is known as Einstein’s Photoelectric equation

1. Kmax depends linearly on ν, and is independent of intensity of radiation. This is because photoelectric effect arises
from the absorption of a single quantum of radiation by a single electron and intensity of light doesn’t affect this

2. Since Kmax must be non-negative, this implies that photoelectric emission is possible only if-

This shows that the greater the work function φ˳, the higher the minimum or threshold frequency ν˳ needed to emit
photoelectrons. Thus, there exists a threshold frequency ν˳ (= φ˳/h) for the metal surface, below which no
photoelectric emission is possible, no matter how intense the incident radiation may be or how long it falls on the

3. Intensity of radiation is proportional to the number of energy quanta per unit area per unit time. The greater the
number of energy quanta available, the greater is the number of electrons absorbing the energy quanta and
greater, therefore, is the number of electrons coming out of the metal (for ν > ν˳). This explains why, for ν > ν˳,
photoelectric current is proportional to intensity.
4. The basic elementary process involved in photoelectric effect is the absorption of a light quantum by an
electron. This process is instantaneous. Thus, whatever may be the intensity i.e., the number of quanta of
radiation per unit area per unit time, photoelectric emission is instantaneous.

5. Relation with stopping potential-


This predicts that the V˳ versus ν curve is a straight line with slope = (h/e), independent of the nature of the

Important PYQs

Ques: Photons of energy 1eV and 2eV are successively incident on a metal surface of work function 0.5 eV. The ratio
of kinetic energy of the most energetic photon in both cases will be? (PYQ 2020) [1M]
a) 1:2
b) 1:1
c) 1:3
d) 1:4

Ans: We know-


Ques: The variation of stopping potential with frequency of incident light is on two different photosensitive
materials M1 and M2 is shown in the graph below. Identify the surface with greater value of work function. (PYQ
2020) [1M]

Ans: We know that x-intercept of this graph gives the value of the
work func:on. Therefore, the graph with bigger x intercept
will have greater work func:on. I.e-

Ques: Find the frequency of light which ejects electrons from a metal surface, fully stopped by a retarding potential
of 3.3 V. If photo electric emission begins in this metal at a frequency of 8 x 1014 Hz, calculate the work function (in
eV) for this metal. (PYQ 2018) [2M]


We know,

Ques: Monochromatic light of frequency 6.0 x 1014 Hz is produced by a laser. The power emitted is 2.0 x 10-3 W.
Calculate the (i) energy of a photon in the light beam and (ii) number of photons emitted on an average by the
source. (PYQ 2018) [2M]

Ans: 1) 2) (Where n is number of photons emiCed per second)

Ques: Light of frequency ν is incident on a photosensitive surface. A graph

of the square of the maximum speed of the electrons (v2max) vs. ν is obtained
as shown in the figure. Using Einstein's photoelectric equation, obtain
expressions for (i) Planck's constant (ii) work function of the given
photosensitive material in terms of parameters l, n and mass of the
electron m. (PYQ 2018) [2M]

Ans: We know-
ii) when v is 0-

Comparing equa:on to graph -


Ques: The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons gets doubled when the wavelength of light incident on the
surface changes from λ1 to λ2. Derive the expressions for the threshold wavelength λ˳, and work function for the
metal surface. (PYQ 2015) [3M]


Particle Nature of Light: The Photon
In the particle picture of light-
1. In interaction of radiation with matter, radiation behaves as if it is made up of particles called photons.

2. Each photon has energy E (=hν) and momentum p (= h ν/c), and speed c, the speed of light.

3. All photons of light of a particular frequency ν, or wavelength λ, have the same energy E (=hν = hc/λ) and
momentum p (= hν/c = h/λ), whatever the intensity of radiation may be. By increasing the intensity of light
of given wavelength, there is only an increase in the number of photons per second crossing a given area,
with each photon having the same energy. Thus, photon energy is independent of intensity of radiation.

4. Photons are electrically neutral and are not deflected by electric and magnetic fields.

5. In a photon-particle collision (such as photon-electron collision), the total energy and total momentum are
conserved. However, the number of photons may not be conserved in a collision. The photon may be
absorbed or a new photon may be created.

Wave nature of matter

Louis Victor de Broglie put forward the bold hypothesis that moving particles of matter should display wave-like
properties under suitable conditions. He proposed that the wave length λ associated with a particle of momentum p
is given as-

Where m is the mass of the particle and v is its speed. This equation is called the de Broglie relation and the
wavelength of matter waves is called de Broglie wavelength.
This relation is also satisfied by a photon. F

That is, the de Broglie wavelength of a photon equals the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation of which the
photon is a quantum of energy and momentum.
Note: The wavelength for everyday objects for e.g., a ball is extremely small. Therefore, the macroscopic objects
around us do not show wave nature.

Consider an electron (mass m, charge e) accelerated from rest through a potential V. The kinetic energy K of the
electron equals the work done (eV) on it by the electric field:



Therefore, the de Broglie wavelength is-

Subs:tu:ng values of h, m and e

Important PYQs

Ques: Plot a graph showing the variation of de Broglie wavelength ( ) of a charged particle of mass m, versus 1/√V,
where V is the potential difference through which the particle is accelerated. How does this graph give us
information about the magnitude of the charge on the particle?

Ans: The greater the slope, the less is the charge on the par:cle



Ques: Plot a graph showing variation of de-Broglie wavelength λ versus 1/√V where V is accelerating potential for
two particles A and B carrying same charge but of masses m1, m2, (m1 > m2). Which one of the two represents a
particle of smaller mass and why? (PYQ 2016) [2M]

Ans: The greater the slope, the less is the mass of the par:cle



Definitions and Derivations asked as PYQs
Ques: Define the term ‘threshold frequency’ in terms of photoelectric emission? (PYQ 2019) [1M]

Ques: Define the term ‘Intensity’ in photon picture of electromagnetic radiation (PYQ 2019) [1M]

Ques: Why is wave theory of electromagnetic radiation not able to explain photoelectric effect? How does photon
picture resolve this problem? (PYQ 2019) [2M]

Ques: State Einstein’s photoelectric equations (PYQ 2018)

Ques: Using photon picture of light, show how Einstein's photoelectric equation can be established. Write two
features of photoelectric effect which cannot be explained by wave theory. (PYQ 2017, 2016) [3M]

Ques: Write Einstein's Photoelectric equation and mention which important features in photoelectric effect can be
explained with the help of this equation. (PYQ 2015

Ques: Why photoelectric effect can not be explained on the basis of wave nature of light? Give reasons (PYQ 2013)
Multiple choice questions
1. Cathode ray consists of
a. Photons
b. Electrons
c. Protons
d. α-particles
2. In which of the following, emission of electrons does not take place?
a. Thermionic emission
b. X-rays emission
c. Photoelectric emission
d. Secondary emission
3. Which of the following when falls on a metal will emit photo electrons?
a. UV radiations
b. Infrared radiation
c. Radio waves
d. Microwaves
4. Which of the following metals is not sensitive to visible light?
a. Cesium
b. Sodium
c. Rubidium
d. Cadmium
5. Photons are deflected by
a. electric field only
b. magnetic field only
c. electromagnetic field
d. None of these
6. The momentum of a photon of wavelength λ is
a. hλ
b. h/λ
c. λ/h
d. h/c λ
7. Maximum KE of photo electrons is 4 e V Then the stopping potential is
a. 4V
b. 1.6 V
c. 4J
d. 4eV
8. The slope of stopping potential vs frequency of the incident light graph is
a. e/h
b. h/e
c. h/c
d. c/h
9. Photoelectric effect shows
a. wave like behaviour of light
b. particle like behaviour of light
c. both wavelike and particle like behavior
d. neither wave like nor particle like behaviour of light.
10. An electron and a proton have the same de Broglie wave length. Which of them have greater
a. Electron
b. proton.
c. both a and b
d. none of the above


Directions: In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a
corresponding statement of Reason (R) just below it. Of the statements, mark the correct answer as:

(A)If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion (B)If both
assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

(C)If assertion is true and reason is false

(D)If both assertion and reason are false

1. Assertion: A photon has no rest mass , yet it carries definite momentum.
Reason: Momentum of photon is due to its energy and hence its equivalent mass.
(a)A (b)B (c)C (d)D
2. Assertion: Photoelectric effect demonstrates the wave nature of light.
Reason. The number of photoelectrons is proportional to the frequency of light.
(a)A b)B (c)C (d)D
3.Assertion: When light of certain wavelength falls on a metal surface it ejects electron.
Reason: Light has wave nature.
(a)A (b)B (c)C (d)D
4. Assertion: As work function of a material increases by some mechanism, it requires greater energy to
excite the electrons from its surface.
Reason. A plot of stopping potential (V) versus frequency (v) for different materials, has greater slope
for metals with greater work functions
(a)A (b)B (c)C (d)D
5. Assertion: Light of frequency 1.5 times the threshold frequency is incident on photosensitive material. If
the frequency is halved and intensity is doubled the photo current remains unchanged.
Reason:The photo electric current varies directly with the intensity of light and frequency of light.
(a)A (b)B (c)C (d) D
6. Assertion: The de-Broglie wavelength of a neutron when its kinetic energy is k is λ. Its wavelength is 2
λ when its kinetic energy is 4k.
Reason. The de - Broglie wavelength λ is proportional to square root of the kinetic energy.
(a)A (b)B (c)C (d)D

1 Marks Questions
1. If the wavelength of an electromagnetic radiation is doubled what will happen to the energy of
2. Two metals A and B have work functions 4 eV and 10 eV, respectively. Which metal has higher
threshold wavelength?
3. What is the momentum of a photon of energy 1 MeV?
4. A proton and an electron have same kinetic energy. Which one has greater de-Broglie wavelength
and why?
5. The de-Broglie wavelength associated with an electron accelerated through a potential difference V
is λ. What will be its wavelength when the accelerating potential is increased to 4V?
6. The maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron is 3 eV. What is its stopping potential ?
7. It is difficult to eject out an electron from copper than sodium, which of the two metals has greater
work function and which has greater threshold wavelength?
8. Electrons are emitted from a photosensitive surface when it is illuminated by green light but electron
emission does not take place by yellow light. Will the electrons be emitted when the surface is
illuminated by (i) red light, (ii) blue light?
9. A proton, a neutron, an electron and an α particle have same energy. Then their de- Broglie
wavelengths compare as?
10. Why do we not observe the phenomenon of photoelectric effect with non-metals?
2 Marks Questions
1. An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 100 volt. What is the de-Broglie
wavelength associated with it? To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does this value of
wavelength correspond?
2. Two lines, A and B, in the plot given below show the variation of de-Broglie wavelength, λ versus
1√V, Where V is the accelerating potential difference, for two particles carrying the same charge.
Which one of two represents a particle of smaller mass?

3. An alpha particle and a proton are accelerated through same potential difference. Find the ratio
(vᾳ/vp) of velocities acquired by two particles.
4. (i). The stopping potential in an experiment on photoelectric effect is 1.5 V. What is the maximum
kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted?
(ii) State one factor which determines the intensity of light in the photon picture of light.
5. Monochromatic light of frequency 6x1014 Hz is produced by a laser. The power emitted is 2x103 W
i) What is the energy of photon in the light? ii) How many photons per second on the average are
emitted by the source
6. The work function of a certain metal is 4.2 eV. Will this metal give photoelectric emission for incident
radiation of wavelength 330 nm?
7. The graph shows variation of stopping potential Vo verses frequency of incident radiation ϑ for two
photosensitive metals A and B
8. (i) Which of the two metals has higher threshold frequency and why?
(ii)What does intercept on –ve y axis represent?

9. What is the effect of wavelength of incident photons on velocity of photoelectrons?

A beam of monochromatic radiation is incident on a photosensitive surface. Do the emitted
photoelectrons have the same kinetic energy ? Explain
10. In an experiment on photoelectric emission, following observations were made 1) Wavelength of the
incident light = 2 × 10–7 m 2) Stopping potential = 3 V Find (i) kinetic energy of photoelectrons with
maximum speed (ii) work function
3 Marks Questions
1. The work function of Caesium metal is 2.14eV. When light of frequency 6 x 1014Hz is incident on
the metal surface photoemission of electrons occurs.
a. What is the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons
b. stopping potential
c. maximum speed of the emitted photoelectrons
2. Define the terms (i) cut-off voltage and (ii) threshold frequency in relation to the Phenomenon of
photoelectric effect. Using Einstein’s photoelectric equation show how the cut -off voltage and
threshold frequency for a given photosensitive material can be determined with the help of a suitable
3. The work function for a certain metal is 4.2 eV. Will this metal give photoelectric emission for
incident radiation of wavelength 330 nm?
4. X-rays of wavelength fall on a photo sensitive surface emitting electrons. Assume that the work
function of the metal can be neglected, prove that the de-Broglie wave length of the emitted electron

will be √ .

5. An electron and a photon each have a wavelength 10-9 m. Find (i) Their momenta (ii) The energy of
the photon and (iii) The kinetic energy of electron.
6. When a given photo sensitive material is irradiated with light of frequency 𝜈, and maximum speed of
the emitted photoelectrons equals vmax. The square of v𝑚𝑎𝑥 is observed to vary with v, as per the
graph shown in fig. Obtain expression for (i) Planck's constant and (ii) the work function of the given
photo sensitive material, in terms of the parameter l, n and the mass m of the electrons.
(iii) How is threshold frequency determined from the graph?

7. Light of wavelength 2000 A0 falls on an aluminum surface. In aluminum 4.2 eV are required to remove
an electron. What is the kinetic energy of (a) fastest (b) the slowest photoelectron?
8. A beam of monochromatic radiation is incident on a photosensitive Surface. Answer the following
questions giving reasons.
a. Do the emitted photoelectrons have the same kinetic energy?
b. Does the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons depend on the intensity of incident radiation?
c. On what factors does the number of emitted photoelectrons depend?
9.The following graph shows the variation of stopping potential V0 with the frequency v of the incident
radiation for two photosensitive metals X and Y

i. Which of the metals has larger threshold wavelength? Give reason.

ii. Explain, giving reason, which metal gives out electrons, having larger kinetic energy, for the same
wavelength of the incident radiation.
iii. If the distance between the light source and metal X is halved, how will the kinetic energy of electrons
emitted from it change? Give reason.
11. Monochromatic radiation of wavelength 640.2nmfrom a neon lamp irradiates a photosensitive metal
made of tungsten. The stopping potential is measured to be 0.54 V. The source is replaced by an iron source
which emits radiation of wavelength 427.2nm which irradiates at the same potential. Calculate the stopping

5 Marks Questions

1. Draw properly labelled graphs to show the following concerning photo electric emission:
(i) Variation of photo electric current with the intensity of incident radiation.
(ii) Variation of photo electric current with accelerating and stopping potential.
(iii) Variation of stopping potential with frequency of incident radiation.
From the graph how the following can be determined.
1) Plank’s constant.
2) The work function of the material.
2. Obtain Einstein s photo- electric equation. Explain how it enables us to understand the
(i) Independence of maximum energy of the emitted photo electrons from the intensity of incident light
(ii) Linear dependence of the maximum energy of the emitted electrons on the frequency of the incident
radiation .
(iii) The existence of threshold frequency for a given photo emitter.
3. Derive the expression for the de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving under a potential difference
of V volts .
A deuteron and an alpha particle are accelerated through the same accelerating potential .Which one of
the two has; (i) greater value of de Broglie wavelength (ii) Less kinetic energy? Explain.
1. According to wave theory of light, the light of any frequency can emit electrons from metallic surface
provided the intensity of light be sufficient to provide necessary energy for emission of electrons, but
according to experimental observations, the light of frequency less than threshold frequency cannot emit
electrons; whatever be the intensity of incident light. Einstein also proposed that electromagnetic radiation is
If photoelectrons are ejected from a surface when light of wavelength λ1 = 550 nm is incident on it. The
stopping potential for such electrons is Vs =0.19. If photoelectrons are ejected from a surface when light of
wavelength λ1 = 550 nm is incident on it. The stopping potential for such electrons is Vs =0.19. Suppose the
radiation of wavelength λ2 = 190 nm is incident on the surface.
i) Photoelectric effect supports quantum nature of light because
a. there is a minimum frequency of light below which no photoelectrons are emitted.
b. the maximum K.E. of photoelectric depends only on the frequency of light and not on its intensity
c. even when the metal surface is faintly illuminated, the photo electrons leave the surface immediately.
d. electric charge of the photoelectrons is quantized.
ii) In photoelectric effect, electrons are ejected from metals, if the incident light has a certain minimum
a. Wavelength
b. Frequency
c. Amplitude
d. angle of incidence
iii) Calculate the stopping potential Vs2 of surface.
a. 4.47
b. 3.16
c. 2.76
d. 5.28
iv) Calculate the work function of the surface
a. 3.75
b. 2.07
c. 4.20
d. 3.60
v) Calculate the threshold frequency for the surface
a. 500 x 1012 Hz
b. 480 x 1013 Hz
c. 520 x 1011 Hz
d. 460 x 1013 Hz
2. Lenard observed that when ultraviolet radiations were allowed to fall on the emitter plate of an evacuated
glass tube, enclosing two electrodes (metal plates), current started flowing in the circuit connecting the plates.
As soon as the ultraviolet radiations were stopped, the current flow also stopped. These observations proved
that it was ultraviolet radiations, falling on the emitter plate, that ejected some charged particles from the
emitter and the positive plate attracted them.

i. Alkali metals like Li, Na, K and Cs show photo electric effect with visible light but metals like
Zn, Cd and Mg respond to ultraviolet light. Why?
a. Frequency of visible light is more than that for ultraviolet light
b. Frequency of visible light is less than that for ultraviolet light
c. Frequency of visible light is same for ultraviolet light

d. Stopping potential for visible light is more than that for ultraviolet light

ii. Why do we not observe the phenomenon of photoelectric effect with non-metals?
a. For non-metals the work function is high
b. Work function is low
c. Work function can’t be calculated

d. For non-metals, threshold frequency is low

iii. What is the effect of increase in intensity on photoelectric current?

a. Photoelectric current increases
b. Decreases
c. No change

d. Varies with the square of intensity

iv. Name one factor on which the stopping potential depends

a. Work function
b. Frequency
c. Current

d. Energy of photon

v. How does the maximum K.E of the electrons emitted vary with the work function of metal?
a. It doesn’t depend on work function
b. It decreases as the work function increases
c. It increases as the work function increases
d. It’s value is doubled with the work function
3. According to de-Broglie a moving material particle sometimes acts as a wave and sometimes as a
particle or a wave is associated with moving material particle which controls the particle in every respect.
The wave associated with moving material particle is called matter wave or de-Broglie wave whose
wavelength called de-Broglie wavelength, is given by λ = h/mv
i. The dual nature of light is exhibited by
a. diffraction and photo electric effect
b. photoelectric effect
c. refraction and interference
d. diffraction and reflection
ii. If the momentum of a particle is doubled, then its de-Broglie wavelength will
a. remain unchanged
b. become four times
c. become two times
d. become half
iii. If an electron and proton are propagating in the form of waves having the same λ , it implies that
they have the same
a. Energy
b. Momentum
c. Velocity
d. angular momentum
iv. Velocity of a body of mass m, having de-Broglie wavelength λ , is given by relation
a. v = λ h/m
b. v = λm/h
c. v = λ/hm
d. v = h/ λm
v. Moving with the same velocity, which of the following has the longest de Broglie wavelength?
a. ᵦ -particle
b. α -particle
c. proton
d. neutron
4. Observations in Photoelectric Effect
1. For each metal there is a characteristic minimum frequency below which photoelectric effect is
not observed. This is called threshold frequency.
If frequency of light is less than the threshold frequency, there is no ejection of electrons no matter
how long it falls on surface or how high is its intensity.
2. The kinetic Energy of electrons emitted is directly proportional to frequency of striking photons
& independent of their intensity.
3. The no. of electrons that are ejected per second from metal surface depends upon intensity of
striking radiations and doesn’t depend upon their frequency.
4. If frequency of incident light is more than threshold frequency, then the excess energy is imparted
to electrons in the form of kinetic energy. (E − W = ½ mv 2)
i. Electrons are emitted with zero velocities from metal surface when exposed to radiation of
wavelength 6800 Ao. Calculate (ν0 = photon’s frequency & W0 = work function)?
a. 3.21x 10 12 /sec &9.7 x 10 -19 J
b. 4,14x 10 14 /sec & 2.92 x 10 -19 J
c. 7.76 x 10 14 /sec &9.7 x 10 -19 J
d. 4.14 x 10 -14 /sec & 2.922 x 10 -19 J
ii. A proton of wavelength 400 nm strikes metal surface. The electrons are ejected with velocity 5.85
× 10 5 m/s. Calculate min. energy required to remove electron from metal surface. (Mass of
electron = 9.1 × 10 -31 kg)
a. 29.43 ×10 -20 J
b. 34.50 ×10 20 J
c. 29.43 ×10 20 J
d. 34.50 ×10 -20 J
iii. Einstein could explain photoelectric effect using Plank’s Quantum theory as follows: -
a. Greater he frequency of incident light, greater the kinetic energy of e –
b. Greater the intensity of light more the no. of electrons ejected.
c. Both are correct
d. Only b is correct
iv. Who discovered the Photoelectric effect?
a. Hertz.
b. Einstein.
c. Max Planck
d. de-Broglie
5. PHOTOELECTRIC EMISSION: The photoelectric emission is possible only if the incident light is in the
form of packets of energy, each having a definite value, more than the work function of the metal. This
show that light is not of wave nature but of particle nature. It is due to this reason that photoelectric
emission was accounted by quantum theory of light
i. Packet of energy are called
a. Electron
b. Quanta
c. Frequency
d. Neutron
ii. One quantum of radiation is called
a. Meter
b. Meson
c. Photon
d. Quark
iii. Energy associated with each photon
a. Hc
b. Mc
c. Hv
d. mc2
iv. Which of the following waves can produce photoelectric effect?
a. UV radiation
b. Infrared radiation
c. Radio waves
d. Microwaves
v. Work function of alkali metals is
a. less than zero
b. Just equal to other metals
c. greater than other metals
d. Quite less than other metals
1) b . 2) b. 3) a . 4) d . 5 ) d. 6) b. 7 ) a . 8) b . 9) b . 10 ) a .


1. (A)

2. (D)



5. (D)

1 mark questions
1.Energy of photon reduces to one half.
2. Wavelength is inversely proportional to work function, so metal A with lower work function has higher
threshold wavelength.
3. Energy E = 1 MeV = 1.6 x 10 -13J, p = E/c= 5.33x 10-22Kg m/s
4. λ = h /𝑝 = ℎ/ √2𝑚𝐾, λe > λp
5. 𝜆 = 12.27/ √𝑉 𝐴̇0
for V = 4 V, 𝜆 = 12.27/ √4 𝐴̇ = 6.135𝐴̇0
6. KEmax = 3 eV => 3eV = eV0 => V0 = 3V
7. Since electron ejection is difficult from copper than sodium, so copper has greater work function than
sodium. As threshold wavelength is inversely related with work function, so sodium has higher threshold
wavelength than copper.
8. Since electron ejection is difficult from copper than sodium, so copper has greater work function than
sodium. As threshold wavelength is inversely related with work function, so sodium has higher threshold
wavelength than copper.
9. λ α 1/√m mα > mp = mn > me, λe < λp = λn > λα
10. Non-metals have high work function.
2marks questions
1. λ = 1.227/√V nm = 1.227/√100 =1.227A0
X rays
2. B line represents particle of larger mass because slope 1/√m
3. Gain in K.E = qV
½ mpvp2 =qp V, ½ mαvα2 =qα V
½ mαvα2 / ½ mpvp2 = qα /qα
Vα2 / Vp2 = qα /qα x mp /mα = 2/1 x 1/4 =1/2
Vα / Vp = 1/√2
4. (i) 1.5eV
(ii) Number of photons emitted per second
5. ν = 6 x 1014 Hz, P = 2 x 10-3 W
i) energy of photon = E = hν = 6.6x10-34 x 6 x1014 = 3.98 x10-19 J
ii) If N is the number of photons emitted per second by the source then Power = N x energy of photon
P = NE N = P/E = 2x10-3/3.98 x 10-19 = 5 x 1015 photons per second
6. E = hc/λ = 6.6×10−34×3×108 / 330 x10-9 = 3.767eV ϕo = 4.2eV
Since E < W0 no photoelectric emission.
7. (i) From Einstein photoelectric equation,
eV0 = h𝜈- ϕ0 or
V0 =h𝜈/e − ϕ0/e
It is an equation of straight line as shown by line of A and B in figure
∴ slope of the line AB = ΔV0/Δ𝜈 = h/e also threshold frequency is value from origin to point where line
meets /cuts frequency axis.
Hence from the graph, the threshold frequency of Metal A is greater than the Metal B, therefore the work
function of Metal A is more than Metal B
(ii) Intercept on potential axis = − ϕ0/e from the equation Where, Work function = ϕ0, e = charge of electron
8. K.E. of photoelectron KEmax= = h (ν – ν0)
KEmax = h(𝑐𝜆 − 𝑐𝜆0) = mv2max/2 ,
vmax∝ 1 √𝜆
As the wavelength of incident light decreases, the velocity of photoelectrons increases.
9. No, the different electrons belong to different energy level in conduction band. They need different energies
to come out of the metal surface. For the same incident radiation, electrons knocked off from different energy
levels come out with different energies.
10. Vs = 3 V and Kmax = eVo, so Kmax = 3 eV
(ii) λ = 2000 Å = 2 × 10–7m.
Energy of incident photon = hc/ λ = 6.6 x 10-34x 3 x 108 / 2 × 10–7 = 6.20 eV
W = E – Kmax = 3.2 eV
3 marks questions
1. Kmax = hv – ϕ0
i) 6.63x10-34x 6 x1014/1.6x10-19 – 2.14eV = 0.314eV
ii) eV0 = Kmax = 0.314eV V0 = 0.314V
iii)345.8 X 103 m/s
2. Definitions.
From Einstein’s photoelectric equation, eV0 = hν – φ0 for ν > ν0.
Cut off voltage V0 = (h/e) ν – (φ0/e )
h/e is the slope of the graph.
ν0 = φ0/h
3. E = hc/λ =6.6×10−34×3×108 / 330 x10-9 = 3.767eV ϕo = 4.2eV since E < W0 no photoelectric emission.
4. As x ray photon of wavelength λ is incident on the metal surface, so KE of electrons KEmax= hc/λ (since,
work function is negligible)
De Broglie wavelength of emitted electron, λ’= h / √ (2mKEmax) But, KEmax = hc/λ
So, λ’=h/ √(2m(hc/λ))=√(hλ/2mc)
5. p= h/λ = 6.63x10-25 m (ii) 𝐸= hc/λ= 1243 eV (iii) 𝐸= 𝑝2/2m= 1.52 eV.
6. Einstein photoelectric equation can be used to determine the plank's constant 'h'.
We know, the slope of the graph is plank's constant h= ml/2n
(b) From the graph 2фo/m = l
Hence, the work function will be ф0 = ml/2
(c)The threshold frequency is the intercept on horizontal axis
7. Given wavelength is λ = 2000Ao = 2×10−7 m
ϕo= 4.2eV.
(a) The kinetic energy is K.Emax = 1/2mv2max = hv−½ mV2max= hc/λ−ϕo = (6.6×10−34×3×108 /2×10−7)−4.2
½ mV2max = 2eV This is the K.E of the fastest electron is 2eV
(b) The velocity of the slowest electron would be zero, hence the kinetic energy it possesses is also zero.
8. a) No kinetic energy or photoelectrons depends on the energy level from which it comes out. Electrons
from different energy levels beer different kinetic energies.
b) No kinetic energy depends on the energy of each photon only and not on the number of photons (i.e.
intensity of light)
c) The number of photoelectrons depends on the intensity of incident light.
9.(i) X as X has smaller threshold frequency
(ii) Since фY > фX so KEy > KEx Therefore x gives out electrons with large KE
(iii) no change
10. Use Einstein equation eVo = hc/λ – Φo
For neon lamp
eVo1= hc/λ1– Φo
for iron source
V02 – V01 =hc/e [1/ λ1- 1/ λ2} Place values and solve = 0.97 V
V02=V01+ 0.97=1.51V
Case Study Questions:
ANS(i) ANS(ii) ANS(iii ANS(iv) ANS(v)
Q.NO.1 a b a b a
Q.NO.2 b a a b a
Q.NO.3 a d b d a
Q.NO.4 b d c a ----
Q.NO.5 b c c a d

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