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Worksheet: Newton's Second Law of Motion

Part 1: Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Newton's Second Law of Motion

Sir Isaac Newton's second law of motion states that the force acting on an object is directly
proportional to the mass of the object and the acceleration it experiences. In mathematical terms,
this law can be expressed as:



 F is the force applied to the object (in Newtons, N)

 m is the mass of the object (in kilograms, kg)

 a is the acceleration of the object (in meters per second squared, m/s2)

This law explains how an object's motion changes when a force is applied to it. If a greater force is
applied to an object with constant mass, it will accelerate more. Similarly, if the same force is applied
to an object with greater mass, its acceleration will be less.

Newton's Second Law and Everyday Examples

Newton's second law of motion has applications in various everyday situations. Consider the act of
pushing a shopping cart. When you apply a force to the cart, its acceleration is influenced by both
the force you apply and the cart's mass. If you push lightly, the cart accelerates slowly due to the
smaller force applied. On the other hand, a stronger push results in a faster acceleration. This
principle also applies when driving a car. To accelerate quickly, you need to apply a larger force to
overcome the car's mass.

Another example involves sports and games. In sports like soccer or basketball, when a player kicks
or throws a ball, the force they apply affects how far the ball travels. The force influences the ball's
acceleration, which in turn affects its speed and distance. This is why a harder kick or throw results in
a faster-moving ball. Similarly, in games like billiards, the force applied to the cue ball determines its
acceleration and the direction it travels after hitting other balls.

Newton's Second Law and Space Travel

Newton's second law plays a crucial role in space travel as well. When a spacecraft launches, its
engines generate a powerful force that propels it forward. The mass of the spacecraft and the force
generated determine its acceleration. To escape Earth's gravitational pull and reach a certain velocity
for orbit, the spacecraft's engines need to produce a specific force. Once in space, the same law
applies when adjusting the spacecraft's trajectory or speed. Engineers carefully calculate the
required forces to ensure successful missions to other planets or celestial bodies.

1. What does Newton's second law of motion state?



2. Write down the mathematical equation for Newton's second law of motion.



3. Explain the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration according to this law.



4. How does the force applied to a shopping cart affect its acceleration?



5. How does Newton's second law apply to sports like soccer or basketball?



6. Explain how Newton's second law is relevant to space travel and spacecraft acceleration.


Part 2: Practice Calculations

Use the Newton's second law triangle to solve the following problems.

Newton's Second Law Triangle:

1. A car with a mass of 1200 kg experiences an acceleration of 4 m/s2. Calculate the force
applied to the car.

2. A box is pushed with a force of 50 N and experiences an acceleration of 2m/s2. Determine

the mass of the box.

3. An object is subject to a force of 25 N and has a mass of 5 kg. Calculate the acceleration it

4. If the force applied to an object is doubled while its mass remains constant, how will the
acceleration change? Explain your answer.

5. A rocket with a mass of 5000 kg accelerates at 20m/s2. Calculate the force generated by the
rocket's engines.

Challenge: A force of 150 N is applied to an object with a mass of 10 kg, causing it to accelerate at an
unknown rate. Calculate the acceleration of the object.

1. Newton's second law of motion states that the force acting on an object is directly proportional to the mass of
the object and the acceleration it experiences.

2. F=m⋅a

3. According to Newton's second law of motion, the force applied to an object is directly proportional to its
mass and acceleration. This means that if the mass increases while the force remains constant, the
acceleration will decrease. Similarly, if the force increases while the mass remains constant, the acceleration
will increase

4. How does the force applied to a shopping cart affect its acceleration?

1. Answer: The force applied to a shopping cart affects its acceleration. According to Newton's
second law of motion, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force applied to it.
If a greater force is applied to the shopping cart, its acceleration will be greater. Conversely, a
smaller force will result in a slower acceleration.

5. How does Newton's second law apply to sports like soccer or basketball?

1. Answer: Newton's second law applies to sports like soccer or basketball in the context of ball
movement. When a player kicks or throws a ball, the force they apply influences the ball's
acceleration. According to the law, the force applied to the ball determines how fast it accelerates.
This affects the ball's speed and distance it travels. A stronger kick or throw results in a greater
acceleration of the ball, leading to increased speed and distance.

6. Explain how Newton's second law is relevant to space travel and spacecraft acceleration.

1. Answer: Newton's second law is highly relevant to space travel and spacecraft acceleration. When
a spacecraft launches, its engines generate a force that propels it forward. The acceleration of the
spacecraft is determined by the force applied and its mass. To escape Earth's gravitational pull or
achieve a specific velocity for orbit, the spacecraft's engines must produce an appropriate force.
Similarly, during space travel, adjustments to the spacecraft's trajectory or speed involve
calculating and applying specific forces to achieve the desired outcome. The law provides the
foundation for the engineering calculations required for successful space missions.

Part 2: Practice Calculations

1. f=mxa

f= 1200kg x 4m/s2 = 4800N

2. m=f/a

m= 50N / 2m/s2 =25kg

3. a=f/m

25N / 5 kg = 5m/s2

4. If the force applied to an object is doubled while its mass remains constant, the acceleration will double as
well. This is because the force and acceleration are directly proportional to each other, as stated by Newton's
second law.

5. F=mxa

F= 5000kg x 20m/s2 =100000N

Challenge: a=f/m

150 N / 10kg = 15 m/s2

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