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Less common, but more severe side Precautions and

effects can include: Warnings

Cognitive Impairment: Alprazolam
There are several important
may impair memory and cognitive
precautions and warnings associated
with alprazolam use:
Mood Changes: In some cases,
alprazolam can lead to changes in Dependence and Withdrawal:
mood or behavior. Alprazolam has a high potential for
dependence. Patients should not
Dependence and Withdrawal: abruptly discontinue the medication
Prolonged use or misuse of alprazolam and should follow their healthcare
can result in physical and provider's tapering instructions when
psychological dependence, and abrupt discontinuing use.
discontinuation can lead to withdrawal
symptoms. Misuse and Addiction: Misuse or
abuse of alprazolam can lead to
addiction and may have serious

Combining with Other Substances:

The dosage of Combining alprazolam with alcohol or
alprazolam is other central nervous system
individualized based on
the patient's specific
depressants can be dangerous and
condition, response to increase the risk of overdose.
treatment, and any other
medications they may be Pregnancy and Lactation:
taking. Alprazolam is Alprazolam is generally not
typically taken orally in recommended during pregnancy and
tablet form.
Some formulations, like extended-release
breastfeeding due to potential risks to
the fetus or nursing infant.
tablets, may be taken less frequently than
immediate-release tablets. ODASCO, ALJUN M.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5). American Psychiatric Publishing.
Greenblatt, D. J., & Shader, R. I. (1974). Pharmacokinetics in Clinical Psychiatry. American Journal of Psychiatry, 131(6), 674-683.
U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2022). Alprazolam. MedlinePlus
Effects and Benefits
The effects of alprazolam include:

Anxiolysis: Alprazolam helps alleviate

anxiety and worry, providing a sense of
calm and relaxation.

Panic Attack Relief: It is highly

effective in rapidly reducing the
intensity and duration of panic attacks.

Sedation: Alprazolam induces

Medical Uses drowsiness and may promote better
sleep in individuals with anxiety-related
The primary medical indications for sleep disturbances.
alprazolam use include:
Anxiety Disorders: Alprazolam is
effective in managing the symptoms of Common side effects of alprazolam
Alprazolam is a medication primarily various anxiety disorders, such as include:
used to treat anxiety and panic generalized anxiety disorder (GAD),
disorders. It is classified as a social anxiety disorder, and specific Drowsiness: Many users experience
benzodiazepine, a class of drugs phobias. It can help reduce excessive drowsiness, which may impair their
known for their central nervous system worry, tension, and restlessness. ability to operate heavy machinery or
depressant properties. Alprazolam is perform tasks requiring alertness.
available by prescription only, and it Panic Disorders: Alprazolam is also
should be used with caution due to its prescribed for the management of panic Dizziness: Alprazolam can cause
potential for dependence and other disorders. It can provide rapid relief dizziness or lightheadedness,
side effects. during panic attacks, alleviating especially when standing up quickly.
symptoms such as palpitations,
Alprazolam exerts its effects by shortness of breath, and an Fatigue: Some individuals may feel
enhancing the activity of gamma- overwhelming sense of impending fatigued or lethargic while taking
aminobutyric acid (GABA), a doom. alprazolam.
neurotransmitter in the brain. GABA
plays a crucial role in regulating brain Adjunctive Treatment: In some cases,
activity by inhibiting excessive alprazolam may be used as an
neuronal firing. Alprazolam's ability to adjunctive treatment for anxiety
enhance GABA's effects results in a associated with depression. It is often
calming and sedative impact on the prescribed for short-term use in such
central nervous system. situations.

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