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Date: 2023/05/14 Class or Event (and round) DP23l Judge Yuliana Reyes

PROP (Replace with team name if applicable.) Scores OPP (Replace with team name if applicable.) Scores
PM Henry 70 LO Inna 70
DPM Morgan 71 DLO Celine 68
GW Yunmi 70 OW Jiwoo 70
FEEDBACK: Specific feedback (or tips) for each speaker. The MARGIN
FOR ALL: "Reason for Decision" & Marginalia (extra insight). winner (Prop minus Opp)
Good job at setting the context of the debate, but it would be better to also spend more time defining the stakeholders of the
debate, and why they are important, instead of just mentioning them. Good arguments on the purpose of different type of
media content as it made the debate much clearer. Your case would be even stronger if you spend more time describing how
these shows would be like without political content in them, so painting the picture more. Make more of those links between
why one consequence happens after a certain action (why is it that people consuming political news from comedy shows may
be misinformed).
Good job at clarifying the burden of your team on the debate (only source of information compared to the burden being to
just prove why it can be a prominent one). Good arguments on the purpose of comedy shows and their positive impact. Try
to engage more with the opposite team’s case. Accept some of the harms they propose and try to be more comparative,
either by engaging why these harms won’t happen or by saying why even with these harms you would still prefer your world.
Good rebuttals on the importance of news and how it becomes negative when they are joked about and there’s serious
backlash about it. Great to define how impactful the effect of discussing politics on comedy shows actually looks like on
society. Would be more persuasive if you also accept the even if cases and accept that maybe political news would get less
media exposure in exchange of controlling these harms, compare how your world would have actually looked like.
Good rectification of your case and redefining the arguments of your team, such as how comedy became just an additional
source of information that people know how to differentiate from other sources. Good to also talk about how comedy shows
show the opinion of the people, which also helps mitigate some of the harms coming from the proposition team. It would
improve your speech if you work on defining the mechanism or step by step on how your argument plays out. It would also
be great to finish your speech with a comparison on why your arguments are good responses to the proposition’s team
Strong start by rebutting the new context setting done by the opposition team and redefining the impact comedy shows do
have. Good job at defining how the normal viewer of these shows would actually react towards these shows, but this
characterization could have come much earlier in the debate. Good start by setting clashes, and doing a comparative. Would
be stronger if you work on also comparing each argument and connecting the dots for the judge, by using sub-clashes or
pointing out each argument under the clash. Wrap up your speech by doing a direct world’s comparison and explaining why
you win the debate.
Good rebuttals such as why people will know how to differentiate content coming from comedy shows compared to that
coming from the news. Good job at pointing out the weaknesses of proposition's team mechanism of their arguments. The
rebuttals would be stronger if instead of focusing on skills or parts of their speech that are missing, it would be better to
OW focus on the actual content of their case and their arguments, as it makes your speech much more persuasive. Also would be
great to not only do rebuttals, but to also focus on comparative, by comparing the content of your argument and how it beats
the harms that are mentioned by proposition. The comparative should not only be done based on logic, but also try to engage
the scope of impact of their arguments and the layers of analysis you were able to provide comparative to theirs.


Video (to click and view):
If available, link to unlisted
D YouTube video of this
debate in place of this
sentence. Only Orientation
& Lecture Clinic debates
should not post videos.
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