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19th July

9:00-10:00 Prepping
10-14 Students arriving
14-14:30 Cleanup
Philip & Sahand
School entrance, glass door; Take poster with you! Candy! (Use cash) and bring some ovve
märken with you! 3D printer active, choose a print that doesn’t take long and is attractive! We
should get a cord, I have emailed about it. Cool prints or anything that can stand out on the
tables. Candy and keychains in a bucket, about 40 keychains! They’re being worked on right
now. Be creative! (Wear your board hoodies to stand out!)

Rim & Gustav

Clean the lab! Hang up the banner that we have (The one that is 2-3m) outside the lab. You are
always supposed to be active and standing. If you do not have people to show around then stand
outside the lab. One by the cafeteria, someone by the door into the S house! Wear the orange T-

Viktor & Alexander

Clean the workshop, same instructions as above, the t-shirt’s, stand outside if you’re not busy,
make yourself look available! See if we have anything in the lab above to bring out the workshop!

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