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I am writing to formally appeal for permission to advance to my third year at Durham University,

with the understanding that I will carry pending modules from my second year into the next
academic year for resit examinations. My primary objective is to ensure that this process does not
hinder my pursuit of an Honours Bachelor's degree.

My academic journey has been challenged by severe mental anxiety issues that have significantly
impacted my performance since May. This ongoing struggle has prevented me from achieving the
academic success I know I am capable of.

Between June and September, I faced anxiety attacks leading to binge eating, resulting in
gastrointestinal problems, and ultimately gastritis. These physical health issues compounded the
difficulties in maintaining a steady academic performance.

The most challenging period was between August 10th and August 20th when I experienced a
severe onset of anxiety, which subsequently led to insomnia and other related issues. These mental
health challenges substantially hindered my ability to focus and perform at my best during my
second attempt at exams. Consequently, I did not achieve the desired grades and have some
outstanding modules with unsatisfactory results.

During this challenging time, I proactively sought help and engaged in open communication with
a healthcare professional to address my mental health issues. A medical assessment confirmed that
my mental health situation required understanding and accommodation, as it significantly affected
my academic performance.

Recognizing the importance of upholding academic standards at Durham University, I am

committed to improving my performance and successfully completing my pending modules. I
kindly request your understanding and support in allowing me to resit these modules in the
upcoming academic year while advancing to my third year. This arrangement will provide me with
the opportunity to regain my academic footing and pursue my degree with the dedication it

I am willing to adhere to any additional requirements or guidelines set forth by the university to
ensure my successful progression and to demonstrate my commitment to my studies.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my appeal. I eagerly await your response
and hope to continue my academic journey at Durham University.

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