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Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. your Ms. Intramurals 2019.

Being Ms. Intramurals has been more than a title; it has been a platform
for empowerment and a realization n that being a queen does not
need to be tall or skinny, but to be confident enough to wear the crown
and inspire others to embrace their imperfections and love their flaws.
I am filled with graWtitude for the support and encouragement I have
received throughout my reign. To my family, friends, and mentors, your
unwavering belief in me has been my greatest strength, and, above all,
thanks to almighty God.
To the next Ms. Intramurals, showcase the true spirit of sportsmanship
and camaraderie that define the essence of being a queen. Wear the
crown with pride, but more importantly, carry the responsibility and
always ask for God's grace. This title comes with the opportunity to
inspire, lead, and make a positive impact on the young ladies around
you. Embrace the journey ahead, and remember that true beauty lies
not just in physical appearances but in the kindness and strength of the

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