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Morning: “It's time to pack!” I gruppi si prepareranno al “viaggio”

della settimana nel continente americano...cosa metteranno in
valigia? Icebreaking games e creazione dei Flower Lei hawaiani.

Icebreaking games:
The hoola hoop thing – 3-5 minutes,

“find someone who” (list of statements about people that everyone has to find eg, plays
basketball or likes to swim ecc. The kids go around the room to find a person who that
statement is true for, and have them sign their list. – 10 minutes

“getting to know you” – kids divided in pairs, preferably kids who don’t know each
other , they introduce themselves, name, age, where they live, then they have 1
minutes each to tell the other person 3 things about themselves but they can’t talk, so
they mime, use gestures ecc. When the time is up, each pair will come up to the front
and introduce their partner and tell the group the three things they learned about their
partner. – 15 mintues?

“Things in common” – put chairs or markers on the floor for everyone except one
person in the group. The person who is “it” has to say something about themselves, if it
is true for someone else, that(those) person (people) have to switch places, they can’t
move to the place next to them. The kid who is left without a marker/chair is the new
“it” – kids love this and will be happy to play for 15 minutes or more.

“switching places” – In a circle, each kid asks a question to the person on their left. I
cannot be a yes or no question. Each kids must remember the question they asked and
the answer they gave. Then everyone switches places and go around and ask the
question they had asked before and receive the answer that kid had given before to the
previous question eg after the remix : Q“What is your favorite food” A: “I have two
brothers” - 5-10 minutes
“I’m going on vacation and I’m bringing…” – One kid makes up a rule eg you can only
bring things that are red, or you can only bring food items ecc. They start and say “I’m
going on vacation and I’m bringing … (something that fits their rule)” The next kid says
I’m going on vacation and I’m bringing (any random thing that comes to mind) the rule
maker says yes you can come or no you can’t depending on whether or not the item said
fits their rule. The kids have to guess what the rule is. When it circles back to the rule
maker, if no one has guessed the rule, the rule maker says another item that could be
brought on this vacation. -10 minutes


Maybe they could choose a more specific place they would like to go (eg the beach in
Costa Rica or Mayan ruins in Mexico, trekking in the mountains ecc) they could pack a
suitcase in small groups, and show what they packed to the other groups who then have
to guess where they are going, what activities they want to go do? - I don’t know I’m
not crazy about this - 10 minutes

MAKING LEIs – talk about what leis are ; their history, the customs, what they mean ecc
maybe show a couple of pictures. Then make them. I have no idea how much time this
will take, I have had 4th graders take 25 minutes just to color in vocab cards. Let’s guess
30 minutes?

Afternoon: A visit to the Museum of Contemporary Art. Workshop:


Morning: Con le teachers I bambini andranno alla scoperta dei fiori

più strani e delle piante più buffe...making of puffy paint e a seguire
una competition...coloratissima!
Look at pictures of weitd flowers and talk about them. Talk about flowers as food. Talk
about what flowers make us think of. – 10-12 minutes

Make puffy paint – 10 minutes

Competition : kids have to invent and paint with the puffy paints a super cool flower – 25

Afternoon: A visit to the Museum of Contemporary Art. Workshop:


Morning: “Are you hungry?” Oggi si va in Messico, poi in Brasile e

negli States: i bambini impareranno i piatti tipici, come prepararli e si
sfideranno in un gustoso Restaurant Roleplay.
Taste Jamaica.

Afternoon: “Bread from the world!”Nella cornice dell'Agriturismo

La Vigna oggi i bambini avranno veramente le mani in pasta! Guidati
dai sapienti Gino e Michele prepareranno brownies, pao de queijo e


Morning: “Off to Mexico!” Le teachers guideranno I bambini nella

costruzione delle tradizionali Pinatas...per poi volare in Brazil a
scoprire le maschere del celebre carnevale!

Afternoon: A visit to the Museum of Contemporary Art. Workshop:


Morning:“How can you travel?” Mezzi di trasporto, giving directions

and...Hot Air Balloons competition!

Afternoon: “It's Line Dancing time!” I bambini scopriranno questo

tipico ballo statunitense e impareranno una coreografia per poi esibirsi
davanti al loro pubblico!

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