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Lecture 5-Written communication-Cover letters-Characteristics and main components-Ziad Sawalmeh

-Full name
-City, State, ZIP code
-Phone number
-Email address
-Date: Placing it just below your contact information.
-Employer's Contact Information:
Name of the hiring manager or relevant recipient
Title or position (if known)
Company name
Company address
City, State, ZIP code
-Using proper and adapted salutations
-Stating the specific position
-Expressing enthusiasm for the job
Body Paragraph(s):
- Highlighting your qualifications
- Showcasing how to be a good fit for the job
-Addressing specific points from the job posting
-Expressing interest in further discussing your qualifications in an interview.
-Thanking the recipient for considering the application.
-Expressing willingness to further discussion
Closing Salutation:
Using appropriate closing salutation expressions such as :
"Sincerely," or "Yours faithfully," followed by a comma.
-Signing either physically or digitally
Typed Name:
-Typing the full name below the closing salutation
-Mentioning all the enclosures
Postscript (Optional):
-Adding a supplementary note if necessary
- Examaple : “P.S. I forgot to mention that we are organizing a networking event next Sunday.

Part V
-Scanning the uploaded cover letter model
-Revising and discussing of the main components

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