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Cell Junctions Introductory article

Joachim Wegener, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany Article Contents

. Introduction
For any multicellular organism to function, it is a prerequisite that its individual cells interact . Tight Junctions: Barrier-Forming Cell-to-Cell Contacts
with each other. These interactions are realized by cell-to-cell junctions that provide . Adherens Junctions and Desmosomes: Junctions that
Provide Mechanical Resistance to the Tissue
mechanical stability or information exchange.
. Synapses, Gap Junctions and Plasmodesmata:
Communicating Cell Junctions
doi: 10.1038/npg.els.0001275
The human body is composed of a set of different organs,
for instance the liver or the kidney, each fulfilling very
specific and important tasks indispensable for the func- stricted. These different kinds of cell junctions will be dis-
tioning of the organism as a whole. The organs themselves cussed individually, using epithelial cells as an example.
are formed by different tissues, which are organized as- Epithelial cells form continuous monolayers that line all
semblies of specialized cells – all of the same kind or of a inner and outer surfaces of the animal body, such as the
well-defined but mixed community. The individual cells skin, the gut lumen or the urinary bladder. The above-
themselves are regarded as the smallest units of life capable mentioned endothelial cells that line the blood vessels may
of independent reproduction. Separated from the environ- be considered as a special subtype of epithelial cell. Epi-
ment by the semipermeable plasma membrane, the cell in- thelial layers serve as interfacial tissues that strictly control
terior is a highly controlled chemical compartment loaded the transfer of ions, metabolites, proteins and cells from
with proteins that allow the cells to store or gain energy, one compartment to the other. Because of this barrier
perform metabolism, control their own shape and migrate function, epithelial cells are considered to be as important
within certain constraints. Altogether there are more than for the evolution of multicellular organisms as the plasma
200 different and individually specialized cell types in the membrane has been for the evolution of single cells, be-
human body. However, it requires a population of indi- cause both provide controlled chemical compartments
vidual cells to work together in a controlled fashion to within a complex environment.
make a particular tissue functional. One example, among Epithelial cells commonly express all the major cell
many others, is the blood vessels in animal bodies that junctions in a prominent manner and, in contrast to many
provide the infrastructure for the delivery of oxygen and other cell types, these different junctions are localized in
nutrients from the central to the peripheral organs. From well-separated regions along the cell–cell contact surface.
geometric considerations alone, it is apparent that the walls Figure 1a illustrates two adjacent epithelial cells that are
of long and branched blood vessels, which control the ex- interconnected by four different types of cell junction: tight
change of solutes between the circulating blood and the junctions (TJ), adherens junctions (AJ), desmosomes (DS)
tissues, cannot be formed by one individual cell but only by and gap junctions (GJ). The cartoon is a molecular expla-
continuous layers of specialized cells, called endothelial nation for the structures visualized in electron microscopic
cells. images of the intercellular space between two opposing
Concerted actions between an ensemble of individual cells, as shown in Figure 1b. Electron microscopy has been,
cells require cellular interactions, which are called ho- and still is, a very important tool for clarifying the struc-
motypic when cells of the same kind interact with each tural details of cellular junctions, which are now discussed
other (e.g. the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels) or individually.
heterotypic when the cells in contact are not of the same
type (e.g. cells cooperating during the immune response).
The simplest cellular interaction is just an exchange of sol-
uble factors, secreted by one cell and perceived and proc- Tight Junctions: Barrier-Forming Cell-
essed by another. More often, however, direct cell-to-cell to-Cell Contacts
junctions (short cell junctions) are needed. From a func-
tional viewpoint cell junctions can be divided in three cat- The tight junctions (the former Latin term is zonula oc-
egories: (1) those that tie adjacent cells together cludens or zo) are localized very close to the apical pole of
mechanically; (2) those between adjacent cells for commu- the cells at the entrance of the intercellular cleft (TJ in
nication purposes or metabolic coupling; (3) those that seal Figure 1). These cell–cell contacts are the boundary that
the extracellular cleft between adjacent cells so that the separates the apical from the basolateral membrane do-
diffusion of solutes through the intercellular space is re- main. Two basic functions are assigned to the tight junc-
tions: the ‘gate’ and ‘fence’ functions. The gate function

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES © 2004, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1
Cell Junctions

Figure 1 (a) Diagram, and (b) electron micrograph of cell-to-cell junctions between two adjacent epithelial cells. TJ, tight junctions; AJ, adherens
junctions; DS, desmosomes; GJ, gap junctions. On the cytoplasmic site of the membrane adherens junctions are associated with the actin cytoskeleton,
whereas desmosomes are linked to intermediate filaments, for instance keratin filaments in epithelial cells. Anchorage of the cells to the extracellular matrix
(ECM) is provided by focal contacts (FC) or hemidesmosomes (HD), which also differ with respect to their particular connections to the cytoskeleton. The
apical membrane surface shows membrane protrusions (microvilli, Mv) that are typical of transporting epithelia. Bar, 200 nm. (b) From Tsukita et al.

describes the tight occlusion of the intercellular cleft so that Ultrastructural morphology
solutes cannot simply diffuse from the apical to the baso-
lateral compartment or vice versa. Instead, all hydrophilic In thin section electron micrographs of the intercellular
compounds that have a tendency to migrate across an ep- cleft between adjacent epithelial cells, tight junctions can be
ithelial cell layer have to cross the cellular plasma mem- identified as a 0.1–0.7-mm area in which the opposing
branes via corresponding transport proteins. Since these plasma membranes form intimate contacts that resemble
are highly specific and strictly regulated, the uptake or re- points of membrane fusion and are thus called membrane
lease of metabolites across an epithelial diffusion barrier is kisses. These can be clearly seen in high-resolution electron
under cellular control. It is this barrier function that allows micrographs like the one shown in Figure 2a. At these
the establishment of chemical or electrochemical gradients membrane kisses (arrowheads in Figure 2a), the intercellu-
across an epithelial cell layer, which is of vital importance lar diffusion pathway is effectively blocked. This efficient
for all transepithelial transport processes (e.g. glucose up- occlusion of the diffusion pathway has been experimen-
take in the gut) from one compartment to the other. But tally localized to points of membrane kisses by applying
tight junctions do not only restrict diffusion through the electron-dense ions like La3+ from the basolateral side of
intercellular cleft, they also serve as a diffusion barrier for an epithelial monolayer and preparing thin-section elec-
lipids and proteins within the cellular plasma membrane. tron micrographs after the ions had infiltrated the inter-
Once proteins have been integrated either in the apical or cellular shunt. The flow of La3+ ions up the intercellular
the basolateral membrane domain by the protein targeting channel is abruptly stopped at the point of a membrane
machinery, they cannot diffuse through the tight junctions kiss. Applying the lanthanum ions from the apical side
and migrate into the other part of the membrane. This stains the upper part of the intercellular cleft that is beyond
fence function of the tight junctions helps to preserve a the membrane kiss but leaves the lower one bright. Figure 2b
polar distribution of proteins between both membrane shows the morphology of tight junctions in freeze-fracture
domains, which is a second and equally important require- electron micrographs. In this technique the lipid bilayer of
ment for transepithelial transport. the plasma membrane is broken up along the hydrophobic
core, so it is possible to examine the membrane from the

Cell Junctions


Cell 1 Cell 2

(a) Basolateral (b) Basolateral Basolateral

Figure 3 (a) Protein model of the tight junctions according to which

strands, as seen in a freeze-fracture replica, correspond to linear aggregates
of transmembrane proteins. (b) Lipid model of the tight junctions
according to which strands, as seen in freeze-fracture electron
micrographs, correspond to cylinders of lipids in inverted micellar

with the number of strands is now generally accepted to be

too simple.

Molecular architecture
On the p-face tight junctions look like strands, with cor-
responding furrows on the e-face. This structural appear-
ance raised the question about the molecular architecture
of these barrier-forming cell-to-cell junctions. The strands
and grooves have been interpreted as linear arrays of
transmembrane proteins that interact with their extracel-
lular domains within the intercellular shunt, thereby bring-
ing the opposing membranes so close together that the
shunt effectively becomes blocked (Figure 3a). Much ex-
perimental evidence has been gathered to prove this hy-
pothesis. Several transmembrane proteins that are
exclusively associated with the tight junctions have been
Figure 2 Morphology of tight junctions in electron micrographs. (a) identified and could function in a manner similar to that
High-resolution thin-section electron micrograph of the tight junction illustrated in Figure 3a. The names of the most prominent
area. The image is a magnification of the highlighted area shown in Figure tight junction-specific proteins are occludin, JAM (junc-
1b. Arrowheads indicate points of membrane kisses. Bar, 50 nm. (b) Freeze- tional adhesion molecule) and a whole family of proteins,
fracture replicas of the tight junction area show strands on the p-face
(arrowheads) and corresponding grooves on the e-face (arrows). Ap,
the claudin family, that already has more than 20 members,
apical; Bl, basolateral; Mv, microvilli, .Bar, 200 nm. From Tsukita et al. with more to come. Occludin and the claudins are very
(2001). similar with respect to their three-dimensional topology,
although they have very little sequence similarity. They
inside, either viewing in the direction of the cytoplasm (p- have four transmembrane domains which form two closed
face) or in towards the extracellular space (e-face). Freeze- extracellular loops with the N- and C-termini of the protein
fracture micrographs show that the points of closest mem- both located in the cytoplasm. The two extracellular loops
brane apposition are not individual spots but a network of of proteins from opposing cells are then thought to interact
two-dimensional strands that surrounds the cell like a belt. and form a tight seal. It is, however, not yet clear whether
There is experimental evidence to show that the number of homophilic or heterophilic interactions are realized. Inter-
strands in the apical to basolateral direction and the com- estingly, we will meet this kind of protein folding again
plexity of the network are correlated with the tightness of when we discuss the connexin proteins that form the gap
the junctions, which was found to vary considerably in junctions. It has been shown that some of the tight junc-
epithelia derived from different origins. However, the in- tion-associated transmembrane proteins are connected to
itial concept that junctional tightness increases linearly the actin filaments via several linker proteins, so that the
total molecular architecture of tight junctions closely re-

Cell Junctions

sembles that of adherens junctions and desmosomes, which filaments that traverse the entire cytoplasm and form a
are discussed in the next paragraph. dense network around the nucleus.
However, as not all functional experiments can be en-
tirely explained by a tight junction architecture that is ex-
clusively based on transmembrane proteins, an alternative
Connecting intracellular filaments
hypothesis has been proposed. According to this model, The architecture of adherens junctions and desmosomes is
the strands and furrows, as seen in freeze-fracture micro- individual with respect to the participating molecules,
graphs, are cylinders made from lipids in an inverted mi- which will be discussed below, but it follows a common
cellar arrangement. As shown in Figure 3b, such a lipid concept: transmembrane junction proteins make contact
arrangement implies a continuous outer leaflet of the lipid with a corresponding transmembrane protein on the op-
double layer. This continuity of the outer membrane leaflet posing cell surface with their extracellular domains, while
provides the missing molecular explanation, for instance, their intracellular domains are connected to the cytoskel-
for the experimental finding that fluorescently labelled lip- eton via an individual set of adapter proteins, as indicated
ids that are selectively incorporated into the outer leaflet of in Figure 1a. Accordingly, these two cell junctions inter-
the apical membrane cannot diffuse through the plane of connect both the microfilaments and the intermediate fil-
the membrane into the basolateral membrane domain. aments of individual cells so that they run – in a sense
When fluorescent lipid probes are incorporated into the continuously – through the whole epithelial monolayer.
inner leaflet they are free to diffuse all around the cell. The mechanical bonding of the filaments that is provided
These and other functional observations can be readily by adherens junctions and desmosomes gives epithelial cell
explained by a membrane structure as described in the lipid layers a very unique mechanical stability, which is most
model of the tight junctions. If tight junction strands are obvious in skin epithelium. It is, for instance, a daily ex-
indeed made from lipid cylinders, it is very reasonable to perience that the skin does not show cuts and openings
assume that these are stabilized and thus regulated by even for mechanical load forces that would be too severe
junction-associated transmembrane proteins. for individual cells. By bridging and bonding of the indi-
vidual cytoskeletons, mechanical stress on one particular
spot is distributed into the whole cell layer, which greatly
reduces the mechanical input on a single cell.

Adherens Junctions and Desmosomes:

Molecular architecture
Junctions that Provide Mechanical
From the molecular viewpoint the transmembrane com-
Resistance to the Tissue ponents in both adherens junctions and desmosomes be-
long to the same protein family, the cadherins. Cadherins
Moving along the intercellular cleft between two epithelial
were named according to their Ca2+-dependent adhesion
cells in apical to basolateral direction (Figure 1), the adher-
functionality. Desmosomal cadherins are subdivided into
ens junctions (the former Latin term is zonula adhaerens or
desmogleins and desmocollins. As indicated in Figure 4,
za) are located right underneath the tight junctions, fol-
lowed by the desmosomes further down. Since both of
these cell junctions were first identified structurally from
electron micrographs without detailed knowledge of their
molecular composition, the initial terms were belt desmo-
somes for adherens junctions and point desmosomes for
what are now simply called desmosomes. This initial ter-
Cell 2
minology already implies that adherens junctions sur-
round the cells like a belt, whereas the desmosomes are Cell 1
more spot-like structures distributed along the contact ar-
ea between adjacent cells. What is actually seen in electron
micrographs (Figure 1b) is not really the junction itself but
much more the association of the two types of junction Intercellular
with the underlying cytoskeleton via plaques of linker or
adapter proteins. It is this association of the junctional
proteins with the cytoskeleton that makes adherens junc- Figure 4 Molecular composition of adherens junctions and desmosomes.
tions and desmosomes truly distinct. Whereas adherens Transmembrane proteins of the cadherin family associate to cis-dimers with
cadherins in the same membrane, which then form homophilic
junctions are connected to thick bundles of actin filaments interactions (trans-dimers) with dimers on the surface of the opposing cell.
that form a belt-like structure around the cell close to the The intracellular domains of cadherins are linked to cytoskeletal filaments
apical surface, the desmosomes are linked to intermediate through a dense plaque of individual adapter proteins.

Cell Junctions

they form single-span transmembrane proteins with five they are not easily detectable by electron microscopy. It is
extracellular domains and a total of four Ca2+-binding generally assumed that these scattered interaction sites are
sites at the interfaces between the individual extracellular the starting point of all cell adhesion that eventually cul-
domains. Cadherins expressed on the same cell surface (e.g. minates in the formation of mature cell junctions, as de-
cell 1 in Figure 4) form so-called cis-dimers, which then scribed above. But even these distributed sites of cell
establish homophilic interactions with cis-dimers on the adhesion have a direct molecular linkage to the cytoskel-
opposing cell surface. These constructs are then referred to eton, which already provides an enormous mechanical
as trans-dimers. In mature adherens junctions a large stability.
number of cadherin dimers group together and, because of
their interdigitated and alternating association, the result-
ing structures are called cadherin zippers (Figure 4). This More about cadherins
model of cadherin interactions is also proposed for des-
Cadherins are categorized by the tissue in which they are
mosomes but some very recent studies provided evidence
predominantly expressed. E-cadherin received its name
that desmosomal cadherins of the desmoglein type need to
from its prominent occurrence on epithelial cells, whereas
interact with cadherins of the desmocollin type and thus
VE-cadherin is assigned to vascular endothelial cells. N-
form a heterophilic combination. One major difference
cadherin is found on nerve and heart cells, whereas P-cad-
between cadherins found in adherens junctions and those
herin is characteristic for cells derived from the placenta
present in desmosomes is their cytoplasmic domain. The
and the epidermis. It is, however, important to note that
intracellular parts of the proteins determine which adapter
the cell types mentioned above do not exclusively express
proteins can bind, and thus which kind of filament is con-
one single cadherin type but often a mixture. The name was
nected to the transmembrane components. The most
only derived from the tissue of strongest expression. Cad-
prominent linker proteins in adherens junctions are the
herins are regarded as the most important cell adhesion
a-, b- and g-catenins, vinculin, paxilin and a-actinin,
molecules in the developing embryo, and the Ca2+-de-
whereas plakoglobin and desmoplakin are the molecular
pendent activity seems to be an important developmental
adapters found in desmosomes. Plaques of these proteins
mechanism for either immobilizing cells in a certain envi-
and the corresponding filaments form on the intracellular
ronment or releasing them for migration to a different lo-
side of adherens junctions or desmosomes, which gives
cation. There is also strong evidence that the metastatic
these junctions their characteristic appearance in electron
potential of carcinoma cells (i.e. tumour cells that have
micrographs. During embryonic development, but also
developed from epithelial cells) is strongly correlated with
when individual cells are stimulated to make junctions,
the expression of E-cadherin. Loss of E-cadherin-mediated
adherens junctions form first and are a prerequisite for
cell–cell interactions allows carcinoma cells to leave the
subsequent desmosome formation.
primary tumour and migrate through adjacent tissue into
The present molecular model of adherens junctions, with
the blood vessels and beyond.
its manageable number of molecular constituents, may
have to be revised in the near future, as a new junctional
protein combination has been found in adherens junctions Other cell adhesion molecules
under certain circumstances. The transmembrane protein
nectin, which is not a member of the cadherin family but In addition to cadherins, other proteins have been assigned
belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily, together with to the group of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs). Ca2+-
its intracellular adapter proteins afadin and ponsin, was independent cell adhesion is predominantly mediated by
proposed to be mixed into the cadherin aggregates. Con- CAMs that belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily, as
sistent with the cadherin-based cell contacts, afadin and they have at least one domain that has strong similarity to
ponsin provide a molecular connection to the actin cyto- the three-dimensional folding of antibodies. The neural cell
skeleton. adhesion molecule (NCAM), highly expressed on nerve
cells, is the best-characterized molecule among these and
forms homophilic interactions with NCAMs on the other
Cell adhesion outside mature junctions cell surface. There are more than 20 different NCAMs,
differing mostly in their cytoplasmic domains and the way
As mentioned above, adherens junctions and desmosomes they participate in cytoplasmic structures or signal trans-
are ensembles of aggregated cadherins that are associated duction pathways. The intercellular adhesion molecule
with thick filament bundles of the cytoskeleton, which (ICAM) is expressed on stimulated endothelial cells and it
makes them easy to spot in electron micrographs. In ad- interacts with a certain subtype of surface protein on leu-
dition to these mature cell junctions, individual spots of cocytes, the integrins. This heterotypic interaction allows
cadherin-mediated cell adhesion are spread all over the the leucocytes to bind to the vessel wall and extravasate
contact area between two opposing cells. However, since into the surrounding tissue. A very similar function is as-
these are only formed by oligomers of cadherin dimers, cribed to a group of proteins referred to as selectins, which

Cell Junctions

are also expressed on endothelial cells. These proteins rec- assembly that is ultrastructurally very similar to adherens
ognize certain carbohydrate structures on the surface of junctions in epithelial cells, called a synaptic adherens
leucocytes and thereby form a site of heterotypic cell ad- junction, also provides mechanical stability at synapses. N-
hesion. cadherin transmembrane proteins on the surface of either
cell form clustered homophilic interactions in the synaptic
cleft which are stabilized by their linkage to the microfil-
ament system via a set of intracellular adapter proteins (4 in
Synapses, Gap Junctions and Figure 5). An action potential arriving at the presynaptic
Plasmodesmata: Communicating Cell membrane (1) triggers the fusion of neurotransmitter-
loaded vesicles (5 in Figure 5) with the axonal plasma mem-
Junctions brane. The neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic
cleft, diffuse very fast across this narrow extracellular space
Although very different in molecular composition, and and bind to corresponding transmitter-gated ion channels
even the organisms from which they are expressed, (6 in Figure 5) on the postsynaptic membrane. Upon chan-
synapses, gap junctions and plasmodesmata share a basic nel opening, the associated influx of ions depolarizes the
function, serving as cell junctions for communication pur- cell and thereby generates an action potential that can now
poses. The mechanisms by which communication is migrate along the membrane of the postsynaptic nerve or
achieved are rather different for synapses on the one hand muscle cell. Any excess of the neurotransmitter in the
and gap junctions and plasmodesmata on the other, so they synaptic cleft that is no longer needed is quickly removed
are discussed separately. and the state of the synaptic junction is regenerated. Taken
together, synaptic junctions provide the molecular re-
Synapses quirements to transmit electrical impulses from one cell to
the next via a burst of a transmitter molecule secreted into a
Synapses are very special cell junctions between two neu- defined volume close to the receiver membrane where the
rons (interneuronal junctions) or neurons and muscle cells corresponding receptors are located.
(neuromuscular junctions). In these junctions, the mem-
brane of the so-called presynaptic cell (1 in Figure 5), which
sends a signal, is locally brought into very close contact
with the membrane of the postsynaptic cell (2 in Figure 5), Gap Junctions and Plasmodesmata
which receives and processes the signal. The synaptic cleft By a very different mechanism both gap junctions and
(3 in Figure 5) between these two membranes is only 20– plasmodesmata also allow the communication between
30 nm wide and it is filled with components of the extra- two adjacent cells, which are animal cells in the case of the
cellular matrix. This protein and glycoprotein filling is one former and plant cells in the case of the latter. Both of these
mechanism by which the membranes of the two cells are junctions are water-filled channels between the interiors of
locally stabilized in such close apposition. Both cells on neighbouring cells that form a direct exchange pathway for
either side of the junction express the corresponding cell ions, signal molecules and metabolites, as long as these do
surface receptors, so the extracellular membrane serves as not exceed a certain molecular threshold size.
an adhesion mediator or a molecular glue. A molecular Gap junctions, also referred to as electrical synapses, are
basically formed by a group of transmembrane proteins
called connexins. Six of these connexins are arranged in
such a way that a hydrophilic pore opens up in the core of
1 the hexagon (Figure 6). This functional unit of a gap junc-
tion is named a connexon. When this connexon hemichan-
nel binds a corresponding structure on the surface of the
5 opposing cell, a direct, water-filled connection of approx-
imately 1.5 nm diameter is formed between the two cyto-
plasms (Figure 6). These channels can be used to share
information but also to allow diffusion of metabolites from
one cell to the other (metabolic coupling). Gap junctions
6 are, however, size-selective. Whereas molecules up to a
molecular weight of 1000 g mol 2 1 (1 kDa), for instance
sugars, amino acids and nucleotides, can almost freely dif-
Figure 5 Cartoon of a chemical synapse as it is formed between neurons fuse through the pore, larger molecules are rejected. Ac-
or between neurons and muscle cells. 1, Presynaptic membrane; 2,
postsynaptic membrane; 3, synaptic cleft; 4, synaptic adherens junction; 5, cordingly, the cells may share small metabolites and ions
neurotransmitter-loaded secretory vesicles; 6, transmitter-gated ion but not macromolecules like proteins, DNA or RNA. The
channels like the acetylcholine receptor. term electrical synapses, in contrast to the chemical

Cell Junctions

Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Cell wall

Ions, amino
acids, sugars,
Cytoplasm Cytoplasm

nucleic acid

Intercellular cleft
Cell wall
Figure 6 Gap junction channels connecting the interiors of two adjacent
cells. Due to the size-selectivity of gap junctions, only ions, amino acids,
sugars and other small metabolites may pass the junction, whereas
macromolecules like proteins and nucleic acids are rejected. Plasma
synapses described in the preceding paragraph, arose be- Figure 7 Plasmodesma forming a water-filled channel between the
cause gap junctions allow a free flow of ions from one cell to interior of two plant cells. The channel width is reduced by a vesicle
the next through the gap junction channels, which provides (desmotubule) that originates from the endoplasmic reticulum.
the requirements to transmit electrical signals without
making use of chemical transmitters. This mode of action point-like openings at which the plasma membranes of
potential propagation is faster than the transmitter-based neighbouring cells fuse (Figure 7). This provides a contin-
mechanism described above. Heart muscle cells are exten- uous channel lined by the plasma membrane, which is
sively interconnected by gap junctions, which provide the roughly 30–50 nm in diameter (compared to 1.5 nm for gap
basis for highly synchronized contraction of the heart junction channels). To reduce the size of this connection
muscle. and to provide some size selectivity, a membrane vesicle
The participating cells can adjust the permeability of the (desmotubule) that has budded off the endoplasmic re-
gap junction channels. When the connexon hemichannels ticulum acts like a cork in a bottle (Figure 7). This plugging
are open, the six connexin proteins are somewhat tilted of the intercellular connection slows down diffusional ex-
with respect to the direction of the channel. A sudden in- change and only allows sufficiently small molecules to mi-
crease of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration or a drop of grate into neighbouring cells.
pH provides conformational changes within the connex-
ins, which eventually change their tilt angles and thereby
close the channel. This is a rather important safety pre- Further Reading
caution because it avoids that breakdown of the osmotic
Alberts B, Bray D and Lewis J et al. (1994) Molecular Biology of the Cell.
balance in one cell, for instance when the plasma mem- New York: Garland.
brane has become permeable for any reason, propagates Cereijido M (ed.) (1991) Tight Junctions. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
into all neighbouring cells and destroys the tissue. Evans WH and Martin PEM (2002) Gap junctions: structure and func-
Plasmodesmata between plant cells have a very similar tion. Molecular Membrane Biology 19(2): 121–136.
function, although the structure is rather different. This Green KJ and Gaudry CA (2000) Are desmosomes more than tethers for
different structural solution for the same problem is ap- intermediate filaments?. Nature Reviews: Molecular Cell Biology 1:
parently necessary because the rather thick cell wall does
Tepass U, Truong K and Godt D et al. (2000) Cadherins in embryonic
not allow plants cells to get into sufficiently intimate con- development and neural morphogenesis. Nature Reviews: Molecular
tact to build gap junction-like structures in which proteins Cell Biology 1: 91–100.
bridge between the two cytoplasms. At plasmodesmata, Tsukita S, Furuse M and Itoh M (2001) Multifunctional strands in tight
the otherwise continuous cell wall around plant cells forms junctions. Nature Reviews: Molecular Cell Biology 2: 285–293.

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