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Climate Change – long-term change to the weather and tempreture of the planet, we’re getting more

extreme weather, storms and flooding, and of course global warming as the planet gets warmer and

CO2 – Carbon – Dioxide, a greenhouse gas, that contributes to global warming and climate change

Carbon Emissions – how much carbon we put in the atmosphere, when we burn fossil fuels we’re
putting CO2 into the air, this is the damage we do, there are also natural carbon emissions (like

Fossil Fuels – oil, gas, coal

Carbon Footprint – how much CO2 you put into the atmosphere from your activities, like using
electricity, taking a plane, or driving your car

Carbon Neutral – if the CO2 we put into the enviroment is equal to the CO2 we take out (by planting

Net Zero Emissions – Carbon Neutral

Net Zero Commitments – to be carbon neutral

Renewable Energy – we can use them again, like the sun, the water and the wind

Energy from the sun – Solar energy

Energy from water – Hydroelectric energy

Energy from the wind – Wind energy

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