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When I was about 12 years old, I first heard about something called climate change or global
warming. Apparently, that was something humans had created by our way of living. I remember
thinking that it was very strange that humans-who are animal species among others-could be
capable of changing the Earth’s climate. Our growing need for food, goods and energy has had many
harmful effects on the environment.

Gases (produced by cars, power stations and factories) cause acid rain, which kills trees and fish and
damages buildings. By using more environmentally friendly forms of transport, we help reduced this
form of pollution.

We are destroying our forests (for example the Amazonas forest) which produce oxygen and provide
habitats for animals. Deforestation also allows rain to wash away the soil making the land useless for
growing things

A layer of carbon dioxide and other gases traps heat and keeps the earth at the right temperature.
This is called the greenhouse effect. By burning fossil fuels (oil, coal, petrol, etc.) we're producing too
much carbon dioxide which is causing temperatures to rise gradually. This global warming could lead
to dramatic changes in climate. Burning rubbish also adds to global warming. By sorting our rubbish
for recycling we can cut down on waste.

Most of the energy we use made by burning fossil fuels. These will eventually run out, so we need to
use more alternative sources of energy such as wind and solar power.

To sum up, we must change our habits, because this is our only chance to live. There is no planet B.

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