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Education is a powerful tool that fosters personal and societal growth by providing individuals with the

knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the world. It nurtures critical thinking, provides access to
opportunities, and is essential to both social and economic advancement. Studying mathematics is
significant as it improves logical reasoning and problem-solving skills, which are applicable in everyday
life and various fields of study. Mathematics is not only about numbers and equations, but also about
developing analytical thinking and the ability to approach complex problems with a systematic mindset.
Moreover, studying mathematics can lead to exciting career paths in fields such as engineering, finance,
and technology, where quantitative skills are highly valued.

Online classes has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a flexible and accessible way for
individuals to further their education. They provide opportunities for people to learn at their own pace and
from the comfort of their own homes, breaking down barriers such as geographical limitations or time
constraints (Ignacio, 2021). Furthermore, interactive components and multimedia materials are
frequently used in online classes to enhance the learning process and accommodate various learning
styles. Your schedule can more easily accommodate classes. This kind of flexibility allows people to be
able to balance their education with other responsibilities. Additionally, taking classes online saves time
and money by removing the need to commute to a physical facility. Even though some people find online
learning to be incredibly effective, it isn't for everyone. Several elements may contribute to online
learning, including the absence of in-person interactions, the possibility of less structure and discipline
than in-person instruction, and the requirement for a dependable internet connection and technology. On
the other hand, face-to-face classroom instruction allows for direct communication between instructors
and students, promoting rapid questions, answers, and feedback. Additionally, nonverbal clues like body
language, gestures, and facial emotions are very important in face-to-face instruction. Students get the
chance to form social bonds with their peers in in-person classes. Students can work together in real time
on group projects, presentations, and discussions in face-to-face classes. Because there won't be as many
distractions as there would be at home, students will be able to focus more intently on their studies
(Layne, 2023). However, disruptions from other students and noise in the classroom can have a
detrimental effect on students' ability to concentrate and interact during lectures. Additionally, going to
in-person classes may come with some health hazards (Shah, 2022).

So, I would choose to conduct face-to-face teaching of mathematics for better interaction with the
students and less effort from them; they would just listen to me and would not need any cellular phones,
data, connections, or other gadgets. I would also have a chance to explain and illustrate problems more
precisely and clearly once we were interacting face-to-face. Additionally, face-to-face teaching allows for
immediate feedback and clarification of any misunderstandings, fostering a deeper understanding of the
subject matter. Moreover, the physical presence in a classroom setting can create a sense of accountability
and discipline among students, leading to better academic performance. Some factors like different
capacities of learning and some students mostly absorb the lessons when it is discussed thoroughly with
them. Face-to-face interaction will make the student’s mind work on the spot and be more focused on the
discussions being taught to them.


Ignacio, A. (2021, March 3). Online classes and learning in the Philippines during the Covid-19
Pandemic. ResearchGate.
Layne, J. (2023, May 19). 10 Pros and Cons of Face to Face Classes 2023 | Ablison. Ablison.

Shah, R. (2022, December 3). Face-to-face Learning: Benefits, Advantages and Disadvantages.
Bench Partner.

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