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John demonstrated his __________ when he presented a well-thought

out solution to the class for their difficult problem. His insight and Vocabulary Question
understanding of the challenge was impressive, and he was able to
provide an answer that no one else had thought of. Everyone could
recognize John’s keenness in this situation, as it provided a creative
resolution to the problem they faced.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
word or phrase?

A Courage

B Acumen

C Forethought

D Integrity

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Vocabulary Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 2 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
The state of our environment is in peril, and it has become
increasingly more evident over the past few years. We must take Vocabulary Question
action now to prevent further damage from occurring. One way we
can do this is by __________ our energy consumption habits. This
could be done through small changes such as turning off lights when
leaving a room or unplugging electronics that are not being used. It
will be an uphill battle, but if everyone works together, it may still
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
be possible to make meaningful progress towards preserving our
word or phrase?
environment for future generations.

A Aggravating

B Magnifying

C Debilitating

D Ameliorating

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Vocabulary Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 3 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
The world is full of fascinating mysteries and complex problems that
often feel impossible to solve. One such __________ is the challenge Vocabulary Question
of climate change. How can we reduce our negative impact on the
environment while still meeting our own needs? Many scientists are
researching ways to mitigate this issue, but so far, no one has been
able to provide a definitive answer.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
word or phrase?

A Conundrum

B Quandary

C Enigma

D Calamity

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Vocabulary Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 4 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Sports are a great way to stay physically active and have fun with
friends. However, it is important to remember that pushing one’s body Vocabulary Question
too hard can be __________ to their health. Over-exerting oneself
can lead to exhaustion or even injury if the individual does not take
proper precautions when exercising. It is always best for athletes
of all levels to listen carefully to their bodies and make sure they’re
taking care of themselves in order to achieve maximum performance
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
without putting themselves at risk.
word or phrase?

A Advantageous

B Detrimental

C Calamitous

D Rewarding

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Vocabulary Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 5 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Albert Einstein is widely considered to be one of the most influential
scientists in modern history. His revolutionary theories, such as the Vocabulary Question
Theory of Relativity, have shaped our understanding of physics and
greatly impacted scientific research over the past century. Born in
1879 to a Jewish family living in Germany, he attended school at both
Aarau and Zurich Polytechnic before going on to become a professor
at various universities around Europe. During his lifetime he received
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
many awards for his work including Nobel Prize honors and was even
word or phrase?
offered knighthood by King George V which he declined. Despite
being renowned for his genius-level intellect, Einstein was also known
for having an affable personality that could make complex topics
accessible even to those without formal education background -
making him truly __________.
A Inquisitive

B Malleable

C Erudite

D Obtuse

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Vocabulary Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 6 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
__________ individuals are often the root of conflict. Their
unwillingness to compromise or give ground can lead to long- Vocabulary Question
term feuds and irreconcilable differences between parties. Conflict
resolution is a great challenge when dealing with intractable people,
as their strong beliefs and convictions can be difficult to overcome.
It takes patience and understanding in order for both sides of a
disagreement to come together peacefully and make amends. Without
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
making an effort to understand each other’s point of view, it will be
word or phrase?
impossible for any kind of meaningful dialogue or agreement to take

A Conciliatory

B Compliant

C Intransigent

D Yielding

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Vocabulary Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 7 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
The __________ lifestyles of the wealthy few have caused an
unprecedented level of economic inequality in our society. The top Vocabulary Question
1% control much of the world’s wealth, leaving a disproportionate
amount for those on the lower end of the income scale. This is
resulting in an increasingly unstable situation where more and more
people are struggling to make ends meet despite working hard. As this
trend continues, it could become increasingly difficult for individuals
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
to improve their economic standing as opportunities dry up and
word or phrase?
resources become limited.

A Onerous

B Ostentatious

C Extramarital

D Inconsequential

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Vocabulary Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 8 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Construction is a multifaceted industry that requires many different
skills and knowledge in order to be successful. From architects to Vocabulary Question
laborers, the contributions of each individual are essential for creating
a structure that can withstand the test of time. However, this job
comes with its own set of risks; from working on scaffolding high up
off the ground to dealing with heavy machinery, construction workers
face __________ situations every day on the job. Despite these
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise
challenges though, those who work in construction continue to build
word or phrase?
structures that benefit society as a whole.

A Precarious

B Unstable

C Intricate

D Strenuous

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Vocabulary Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 9 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn
Vocabulary Definitions Vocabulary Practice
Use the words in the box below to complete the definitions. Insert the same 8 words into these sentences.

Acumen Ameliorate Conundrum Detrimental Erudite

Intransigent Ostentatious Precarious His __________ was so impressive that it earned him a promotion to
the executive team.
To make better; to improve
He found himself in a __________ situation when he lost his job
without any savings or backup plan.
Harmful or damaging

The company implemented new protocols in an effort to __________

Not securely held or in position; dangerously likely its customer service practices.
to fall
She had an __________ lifestyle full of luxury cars and expensive
Showy in a vulgar way; designed to impress others designer clothes.
with wealth and luxury

Unwilling to compromise or change one’s views After much deliberation, the group still couldn’t solve the __________
posed by their professor.

Keenness and depth of understanding, insight, or

Despite our pleas, he remained __________ about his decision not to
come along with us on vacation.
A difficult problem or riddle
Smoking can be highly __________ to one’s health if done regularly
over long periods of time.
Characterized by great knowledge; scholarly
Her __________ commentary on current events left us all speechless
with admiration for her intelligence and wit.

Vocabulary Exercises - 2022/2023 - Digital SAT Material 1 SCORE Test Prep & College Counseling - Author: Tyler Lynn

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