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Ryan Holmer’s Monthly Newsletter: Issue #8

February 9th
From the ​international​ desk of Ryan Holmer
Copenhagen, Denmark

Organic Client Attraction

W​elcome to the 8th edition of this newsletter. I know, I

know, it’s late. I apologize for that. I was in Denmark visiting
family, for the funeral of a cousin, and I was sort of
recharging a bit. I had been burning the midnight oil non-stop
over the past little bit. BUt...but good news is, I’m finally
going to give you that bonus I promised this month. So you’re
getting THREE issues this month (January, February and the bonus

But, let’s carry on.

We’re here now.

In this issue, I’ve put some great stuff about organic outreach.
As you know, I’m picking one topic per newsletter now, instead
of what I used to do (put 40 topics into one letter). As a
bonus, in this issue, I’ve thrown in a little flow chart which
shows you my process for organic outreach on LinkedIn. This is
something I’ve only given to members of my CAIP program.

When you think about the investment for this newsletter -- a

paltry $27 -- the value you’re getting is really unmatched. Not
only are you getting a sneak peek into some of the goodes we
give to our high-ticket program students, BUT you also get the
ability to ask me questions over email (which some of you have
used, but I recommend more of you snag this little perk).

This letter is short, but it’s jam-packed.

It should keep you busy for the next few weeks.

I’ll reveal what the bonus is later in the letter (trust me,
you’ll like it).

I’m also going to give you our organic revolver funnel --

basically the 6 methods we use to get clients, and a breakdown
of plans of attack depending on whether or not you have clients
or not (this is simple stuff, but people often forget it, so
take note).

Oh, and as always.

I don’t spell check this, or check for grammar/punctuation. I’d

rather spend time in the lab, creating new strategies, helping
my clients (and you) get better results.

If you don’t find value in this because of a missing letter, or

period, then you have bigger issues. Conversely, you can edit
future editions for me and I’ll pay you.

But, I won’t waste anymore time, so lezzz go.


The revolver funnel

is a fancy name for
our simple strategy
for organic outreach.

It’s a 6-pronged
approach that
includes leveraging
several avenues to
generate the absolute
most amount of conversations.

The 6-avenues are:

a. Facebook groups
b. LinkedIn
c. Cold email
d. Warm calls
e. Strategic alliances (channel partnerships)
f. Facebook ads/lumpy or direct mail

The reason we’ve codified this, is because most people tend to

overcomplicate client attraction. We’ve had clients at
$50,000/month who don’t know where their next client is going to
come from...

Our strategies -- what we’ve used to grow our, and our clients’
businesses -- are always based on the revolver funnel; 6-simple
methods to attract clients.

What’s the objective here?

The overall strategy is as follows:

Start conversation => Qualify through chat or discovery call =>

Strategy session => close.

Now, how you accomplish this depends on your current situation.

We break it down into three categories for maximum

applicableness to your situation.

1. You already have clients

2. You don’t have clients, but you have an audience/list
3. You have no clients, no audience and you’re broke

1. You have clients

If you already have clients, you can do this:

a. Run Facebook ads, or lumpy mail (to grow list + book calls)
b. Start 5-10 conversations per day
c. Post organic content every second day across various
d. Share case studies across your wall, website, email list,
social platforms at least once per week
e. Reach out to strategic partners (channel partnerships).
This means if you work with Financial Advisors, a channel
partner would be Accountants. Find professionals related to
yours, or people who deal with your market

2. You have an audience

a. Engagement strategies (posts that get your audience to

engage with you). EX:
We have a large Facebook group.

Posts like this generate engagement + plenty of calls were

booked and clients signed using this post style. The idea is to
create engagement, social proof (the comments under the post),
and start conversations with our ideal clients. If you have an
audience, you can use this on Twitter, or even your email list.

b. 9 word emails ala Dean Jackson “John, are you still looking
to grow your XYZ?” Simple, and straight to the point.
c. Case study groups/offers “I’m creating this new product,
looking for a case study group where you get a (discount,
or free admission)..”
d. Facebook lives/audience webinars (Launch webinars to your
list for free, or a small nominal $27 fee to weed out the
value leeches)

3. If you’re broke

a. LinkedIn/Facebook outreach
b. Warm + Cold calls
c. Cold emails
d. Referrals
e. Content
f. Direct mail (cheaper than lumpy)
g. Hosting local events

The reason I wanted to lay this out for you, is because people
often don’t know what they should do for their situation.
There’s a ton of bad information out there, so I wanted to cut
through the noise and tell you emphatically that these 3
“baskets” are all you need, depending on where you are

If you have clients, go to basket 1. If you have an audience,

basket 2. If you have no clients, basket 3.

It’s honestly that simple.

No one is above this process.

So even if you know this stuff, if you aren’t applying it, it

won’t hurt for you to hear it again.

In fact, it’s critical that you progress through these baskets

accordingly, and 100% do not skip steps.
(As a side note, don’t use paid until you’re at like $30K/month,
have a proven offer, proven process etc...otherwise you’ll have
to deal with some serious growing pains).


Knowing what to do is one thing.

We often teach our students how to get great results from

organic client acquisition, but they sometimes get lost in the

“I know what to do, but I don’t have any structure for what I’m

To solve that, I created a little flowchart for guys in my

Client Acquisition Immersion Program. This will by no means
solve all of your problems.

But it should help you a bit with your organic (specifically

LinkedIn) organic outreach plan.

LinkedIn is still very much in its infancy.

If you’re not on, or you aren’t using it effectively, you’re

leaving boatloads of money on the table.

Here’s the flowchart:

Now, I know this is small.

So if you want a bigger copy of this, reply to this email, and

let me know -- I’ll email you a separate copy.

Our LinkedIn strategy can be boiled down to three distinct

mechanisms which work in tandem.

1. LinkedIn communication
2. Calls
3. Emails

LinkedIn Communication

This is your standard connection, follow up, engage & converse

strategy, but we do it a little differently (which I’ll explain
about in a few).

LinkedIn is an absolute goldmine.

As I’ve said before, people use it, but they use it terribly --
awful connection messages, salesy follow-up and no real process
for converting people.
We purposely keep it conversational, so that we gain rapport
before asking for the call.

But, sometimes we implement an even “stranger” strategy which

catches a lot of prospects off guard, and helps us stand out
from the rest...CALLS.


You can call these warm calls, intro calls, conversational

calls, whatever you want.

We call people we connect with.

And in an age of technological addiction where no one likes

communicating anymore, calling someone you don’t know (or even
someone you do know) might feel weird.

But they’re powerful.

Because none of your competition is doing it.

So what do we do?

When someone connects with us, we call them up.

It’s really that simple.

The purpose is to introduce ourselves, stand out from the rest,

break the barrier, put a voice to the face & name, and book a
discovery call.

You can usually find the prospects number on their LinkedIn

profile, or by doing a basic Google search. It’s really quite

The conversion rate doing this is insanely high.

We have students in our CAIP program doing 10-15 calls per day
this way, booking upwards of 5+ discovery calls. The best part
is, the calls only last 2-3 minutes max.

Now, I want to go into the third aspect of our LinkedIn

domination strategy: emails.


The sequence goes as followed:

1. Connect
2. LinkedIn follow-up
3. Call, and/or
4. Import into our email software for follow-up.

Why do we use email?

Simple -- people might not be super active on LinkedIn, but

everyone checks their emails. We want to be omnipresent in our
market. Wherever our prospect goes, he sees our name and our

They’ll either eventually give in, or tell you to screw off.

Either way, there’s no downside to following up this way.

Our preference is to import our prospects into PipeDrive, so we

can send emails, AND track deal stages of our prospects (we also
use PipeDrive to track students of our CAIP program).

Using these 3 mechanisms alone, there’s no reason you shouldn’t

be able to book several discovery calls daily, and eventually
transition those into strategy calls (and hopefully clients).

I wanted to talk a little bit about overall organic game theory.

As many of you know, I used to be into pickup. That’s actually
how I met my business partner, Ben.

We’d go to bars, picking up women -- failing most of the time

early on, but eventually becoming fairly decent. There are a ton
of parallels between game and sales/organic outreach.

Organic is arguably one of your most powerful weapons for

growing your business. There are people in this high-level
mastermind we’re apart of who’ve grown their business to
$100,000/month from utilizing organic (Facebook groups,
LinkedIn, etc…)

The problem is, so many people are doing it terribly.

The previous sections will give you the tactical methods for
dominating organic, but I want to give you a little bit of
theory before I end this issue.

What’s the goal of organic?

Most people think it’s to sell your services.

It’s not.

It’s to start a conversation, and engage with your audience (I.E

selling the next step in your sales process).

When I send someone a cold-email for example, my goal is to

start a conversation, and sell the next step which is a phone
call. Too many of you get into the habit of rushing to sell your

If there’s one thing I leave you with in this letter, it’s that
your goal of organic is to ​sell the next step​. Whatever that
step may be.
Another thing people struggle with is engagement. Or the

If you were to meet someone on the street, would you start

pitching your offer the second you met them? No, you’d ask a
little bit about them; this is the key to charisma -- making
people know/think you care about them.

The most charismatic people on earth are those who listen, and
respond accordingly. Not those who only go after what they want,
ignoring the other person.

They key part to organic, is asking questions.

In fact…

Sometimes people will agree to a call after my first message.

Instead of jumping on the opportunity to hop on a call, I’ll
often ask more questions.

“Great. We can book a call. Let me ask though, what are you
doing right now to get clients?”

“How’s that working for you?”

“Who’s your ideal client?”

The same theory that works in game, works in organic/sales --

appear not needy (I.E pull away), and they’ll be more interested
because they’ll know you're not a desperate salesman.

There’s this entire concept of push/pull in sales that for some

reason, isn’t applied to organic by most people. But it’s super

Have you ever texted a girl 20 times at once, and wondered why
she ghosted you? Conversely, have you ever ignored a girl, only
to have her want you more?
No one is immune to this phenomenon.


My point is, the key to unlocking the power of organic is to be

conversational, ask the right questions, care about the
prospect, and always sell the next step in your sales process,
not your services.

It’s important to frame your mindset about organic this way.

Most people who do organic outreach are basically nerds at the

bar. Or white knights. They’re desperate, needy, and just end up
coming off super weird.

Here’s a simple framework to follow:

1. Introduction
2. Conversation
3. Diagnostic Qs
4. Discovery call
5. Strategy call

And here’s where I plug the bonus issue for February.

The bonus issue is a compilation of my BEST LinkedIn

conversations -- conversations that might not have started hot,
but that turned into clients OR strategy calls.

I’m also going to explain the theory behind how I’m running the
conversations, so that you can start understanding how to
finally dominate organic outreach, and start growing your


The eighth issue is done.

The bonus will drop the same day as the February issue (so
you’ll get an email with 2 issues). I’m pumped about this bonus
issue, because I’ve never before revealed my messaging
framework/my actual messages.

Anyways...Let me know what you think about this issue, and be

sure to ask any questions. Because, one of my favourite parts
of this newsletter is answering your Qs. And in case you didn’t
know, you can send me emails in regards to anything in this
issue, and get an answer to it -- that’s one of the perks of
being a subscriber. So don’t hesitate about reaching out to me.

In any case, if you have any questions about anything I wrote

here, or want me to expand on it, just send me a direct message
on Twitter, or shoot me an email to​,or anywhere else you can find me.

Until next month!

- Ryan Holmer

PS: I’d love your feedback on this months newsletter. So send me

an email -- tell me what you think! I value your feedback.

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