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Kada spojimo ceo offer – to izgleda ovako

(trenutno 10. 10. 2023)

Core offer – tu bi trebalo da dodje I ime offera

1. Shapeshifting master design that fits all screen sizes and includes
special design for mobile devices

2. Mindblowing website design from 2050 – that is so interesting

that people wouldn’t like to get off of website – includes special
techniques that allow social media implementation and
interactive design that makes visitors invested and interested

3. Disaster master - hackerproof defense that makes disasters

impossible, but also has a simplifed backup if in the worst case
anything bad happens

4. Get found easly - SEO that makes our website visible and
accessible to everyone on the WORLD

5. AI ASSISSTANT that talks to the visitors and helps them for you
throught always visible, always accessable mini chat with a FAQ
for the visitors that don’t like to chat
6. As simple as it gets full website maintanance guide for everyone,
with our little secrets for school website success

7. Lead collecting system that makes any type of your marketing

campain more effective and easy – throught systems for collecting
personal informations of the visitors

8. Easy improvement system that generates many different types of

feedback form website visitors and users

9. Monthly maintanance fee - $497 (Optional)



1. Perfect survey swipe file (specialized for elementary school)


2. Super fast loading speeds ($197)

3. 50% off of hosting ($75-360 – depending on a plan you chose)

4. Softwear for maximizing website performance ($297)

5. Fully automized payment renewal system and cheklists ($197)

6. -100% vaucher for brand new school logo (if you would like us to
make it), which is usable while you work with us ($197)

7. School newsletter and swipe file for emails of that kind ($297)

8. Specialized calendar for school events which displays importants

school events and informations about them, which also includes a
option for ticket selling and reserving ($397)

9. Fully customizable website user accounts, for a additional option

for notifications ($297)

Ammounting to total of: $2645-2930

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