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1. What is the most important knowledge were you able to generate from taking
INCOME TAXATION (cite the subject)? Please explain.
The entirety of income taxation. Every topic is significant. Missing one module
became difficult for us to catch up for the succeeding lessons.

2. Did the subject meet your expected learning outcomes? Why/why not?
Yes, because the modules were taught in a projected long-term learning. The
approach is efficient as we were given exams and practice tests that released
what we really learned during class discussions.

3. Were the contents/scope of the subject relevant to your objective? (e.g. to

become CIA, CPA, ACCA etc.) Why/why not?

Yes, because it is a board exam subject, and CPAs should be the literate ones
in taxation.

4. Did the subject develop your competencies?

a) Persuasive Communication
b) Critical Thinking
c) Problem Solving
d) Intellectual Curiosity
e) Responsible Digital Citizenship
f) Professionalism

Why/why not?

For Persuasive communication, not really, but we encountered terms, the tax
parlance we will be using as a future CPA. Critical thinking and problem solving
are the skills that were always exercised, from a paragraph or a table of figures,
we should be able to identify what income tax computation should be applied
accurately. Intellectual curiousity is enhanced as well as we see connections
between modules, until we are able to know what details are significant for every
computation. Responsible digital citizenship was applied whenever we interact
online and have assessments there. Professionalism definitely as we learned the
whole subject as part of what we will exercise in the future.

5. Did the subject encourage the students’ active involvement in learning? Why/why

Yes, because we are required to learn it, and with the many computations it has,
our practice turns into actually understanding tax. It is partly problem solving and
partly theoretical that is why we are encouraged to have a consistent review of
the lessons.

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