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CCS 307 Advertising

Book : Advertising & IMC -


WEEK 1 (13 sept)

What is Marketing?
Creating and capturing customer value, satisfying a customer need

Marketing strategy
- Analysis of market and threats
- Target marketing decisions
- The firm’s value proposition

The STP Process

Segmentation > Targeting > Positioning

The strategy implementation (4P’s)

Product, Price, Promotion, Place

What is promotion?
“It refers to any type of marketing communication used to inform target audiences of the
relative merits of a product, service, brand, issue and most of the time persuasive in nature.”

What are the key components of Advertising?

1. Strategy – objectives
2. Message:
Concept behind the message and how it is expressed, philosophy backgrounds
3. Media:
How to deliver the message to customers, it tries to attract people / targets
4. Evaluation

Part of a club, creating a community

WEEK 2 (19 sept) – Integrated marketing communication

Chap 1 – Strategic Brand Communication

Imaginative strategic communication can establish a brand ‘personality’.

Marketing is designed to build brand and customer relationships that generate sales and profits or, in
the case of nonprofit organizations, memberships, volunteers, and donations. Traditionally, the goal
of most marketing programs has been to sell products, defined as goods, services, or ideas.
Marketing’s sales goals respond to the marketplace, ideally matching a product’s availability—and
the company’s production capabilities—to the consumer’s need, desire, or demand for the product.

Marketing mix = 4P’s: product, place, prices and promotion

Skateholders: group of people with a common interest for a company that can help to create

Marketing players: marketers, partners, suppliers and vendors & distributors and retailers.
4 main markets types: consumer, BtoB, institutional and channel markets.
Advertising can make the product more attractive just with its brand.

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) = total communication

 Coordinating all form of communication messages to create a coherent and active brand
image. Follow a communication plan

A company with a name is a brand. Companies make product, but they promote a brand.
A brand is a perception, an identification we assign to the product we know or use. We feel
that the product will be better just because we know the brand.
Brand meaning cannot be copied because it is created by personal experiences.
A brand transforms a product into something more meaningful than the product itself.

Brand identity: name, logo, trademarks, characters (icon figure), headline (slogan), sounds…
Brand position, brand value, brand equity

Marketing: creating a brand and customer relationships that generate:
- Sales and profits
- Memberships and donations (nonprofits)
Or spread messages and habits

Marketing is the set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering,
and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at

Marketing accomplishes it goal by managing the 4P’s. All of the 4P’s communication smtg.
Product: design, performance and quality
Price: depend on competition, relative value…
Place/distribution: includes channels used to make the product accessible to customer
Promotion: brand communication
Other functions: personal sales, lead generation, customer service

IMC – integrated marketing communication

It is the practice of coordinating all brand communication messages and message from the
marketing mix decision. This creates synergy, the whole as more impact the sum of its parts.
- Consistent message
- communicate the same thing everywhere
- create a strong brand com

Brand is a perception, often imbued with emotion, that results from experiences with and
information about a company, an organization, or a line of products.

A product is not only a product by itself but also with its brand.

Brand meaning = perception that can’t be copied

Brand position: what is the way consumer perceive the brand
Brand promise: The promise the brand has on his position
Brand image: a mental picture, the associations that come on our mind
Brand personality: what I feel about the brand
Brand value: its value to a customer or to the corporation, reputation of the brand
Brand equity
Brand integrity: what it says match with what others say about it so more believable

Consumers are empowered and engage in both sending and receiving messages.
Media forms: print, television, online, cell phones and watches

Stakeholder and Brand Relationships

“Customer” refers to all the stakeholders who have an impact on that customer relationship.

Brand touch points are contact points that touch emotions.

Message Synergy: messages interact reinforce one another

That works when all the messages work together to create a coherent brand perception.
Strategic constituency drive synergy.

IMC campaign plan: to crate consistency among all the marcoms tools and platforms
Spherical branding means that no matter what your angle of vision, the brand always look
the same.

360° planning is looking at a brand from all directions and points of view
The external environment is constantly changing: competitors, customers media, channels,
macro trends…
Major environmental factors affecting the business (positively or negatively):
- political
- economic
- sociocultural
- technological
- environmental
- legal

Competitor analysis
- Develop detailed competitor profiles
- Determine what competitors are doing take business away

SWOT analysis
Strengths / weaknesses
Opportunities / threats

- Situation Analysis
Finding key communication problems.
- Campaign strategy
Have clear, specific and measurable objectives.
Who are you targeting. Employees are also targets
The brand essence/ DNA

WEEK 3 (27 sept) – Brand Communication & research

Brand communication is a message to a consumer about a brand.

A communication gets attention and provide information and sometimes entertainment.

SMCR model: source, message, channel, receiver

One way communication:

Source  Encoded message  Channel  Decoded message  receiver
/ /
Noise Noise

In a brand communication model, there are feedback from the receiver (customer) to the
source, and also external and internal noises.
- Feedback: the reaction the audience hat to a message.
- External noise: the consumers’ reception of the message
- Internal noise: personal factors that affect the reception of the message

Interactive communication = two-way communication

The source and the receiver change position as the message bounces back and forth
between them. But also, BtoB and BtoC.

Effects: the target audience will respond as the marketer intended.

The intended consumer response is the message’s objective, and the message is effective to
the degree that it achieves this desired response.

The impact that communication has on receiver.

- AIDA: attention, interest, desire, action
- Think/feel/do
But some purchases are made out of habit or on impulse.

Messages have impact on consumer, not in steps but at the same time. Awareness, Learning,
Persuasion. The message can engage customers’ perceptions (attention and interest), their
thinking, and persuade them and all of that at the same time.

Facets model of effects

- Awareness - perception
- Feel - emotion
- Think/understand - cognition
- Connect - association
- Believe - persuasion
- Act/do – behaviour

The effects are interdependent and they are not equal for all brand communication

1. Perception: awerness
. Perception: the process by which we receive info through our 5 senses and assign meaning
to it
. Results when a brand message makes an impression
. Exposure: media planners want consumers to see or hear message
. Selective perception/ attention
. Interest: the receiver is mentally engaged with the as. Also known as “stickiness”

Factors that drive perception:

- Relevance: the message connects on some personal level
- Curiosity: results from questioning and wanting to know more
- Recognition: people remember the ad

2. Emotion: feel
. Affective responses mirror our feelings about stg

3. Cognitive: think/understand
. Cognition refers to how consumer search for and make sense of information and learn and
understand stg. Rational response to a message that comes from our thinking.

Factors that drive cognition;
- Need: due to a missing
- Cognitive learning: presenting facts
- Comprehension: understand, make sense of things, knowledge
- Differentiation
- Recall
- Thinking and feeling

4. Association: connect
. Association means using symbols to communicate.

Factors that drive association:

- Brand linkage: reflects the degree to which associations in the message and consumer
interest connect to the brand
- Symbolism: A brand takes a symbolic meaning.
- Conditioned learning: thoughts and feelings become linked to the brand through
repetition of the message
- Transformation: a product takes on meaning and I transformed into stg special
- Persuasion: consciously influencing or motivating the receiver of a message to believe
or do something
- Attitude

5. Persuasion: believe
- Motivation
- Influence: opinion leaders may influence others’ attitude
- Involvement
- Engagement: consumer is “turned on”
- Conviction: consumers agree with a message and achieve a state of certainty or belief
about a brand
- Preference and intention: consumers are motivated by conviction
- Loyalty
- Believability and credibility

Persuasion: focuses on the way consumers respond to persuasive messages based on

conscious elaboration vs use of simple cues.

The Research Process

Strategic research:
Identify the research needed  design the study  choose methods and collect data 
Analyze data and report findings

Consumer research
- Consumer attitudes
- Motivations
- Perceptions

- Behaviors
Finding lead to analysis and insights into why people think and behave as they do.

Why do we need research?

- Consumer insight
o Collecting feedback
o Monitoring buzz and tracking behavior
o Neuromarketing
- Media research: gathers info about possible media and marketing communication
tools to use.
- Message development and diagnosis
- Market information
- Brand information
- Adverting or IMC Plan
- Evaluation

Methods to gather info about a brand and the marketplace

- The Brand Experience
- Competitive Analysis
- Marketing Communication Audit
- Content Analysis

Consumer insight
Who our targets are? What needs do they have? What value can we make for them?
- Collecting feedback
- Monitoring buzz and tracking behavior
- Neuromarketing

Quantitative research delivers numerical data such as:

- Numbers of users and purchases
- Their attitudes and knowledge
- Their exposure to ads
- Other market-related information

. Survey research – ITW, can ask a large number of people

. Experimental research – scientifically tests hypotheses
. Sampling and data collection – participants are a representative sample of the larger group,
random sampling allows researchers to make valid use of statistical analyses on the data

Qualitative research explores underlying reasons for consumer behavior

. In depth interviews – asking open-ended questions
. Focus groups – small groups of users to discuss a product, brand… comfortable setting
where the participants have been recruited
. Observation research – study the behavior of consumers in setting where they live, work…

. Ethnographic research – living the lives of the people studied
. Diaries

How to choose the research method?

- Validity means the research actually measures what it says it measures
- Reliability means you can run the same test again and get the same answer
- Quantitative methods are better for gathering data
- Qualitative methos are better at uncovering reasons and motives

WEEK 4 – Audience segmenting, targeting and positioning

Chap 7
The consumer decision process

Consumer behavior describes how people select, purchase and use product depending on
their needs and wants.

Consumer decision making depends on:

- Social/cultural influences
- Psychological influences
- Behavioral influences

1. Cultural influences
Culture the distinctive customs, values, beliefs, knowledge, art, and language of a society or
a community. These values and concepts are passed on from generation to generation, and
they are the basis for everyday behaviors and practices. Culture is the main factor of making
brand decision

Norms and values – the source of norms which represent underlying belief in systems
A culture’s boundaries for “proper behavior”

Other cultural factors

Subcultures: group of people within a culture with shared value systems based on common
life experiences and situations.
Social classes: society’s relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members share
similar values, interests and behaviors.

2. Social influences
. Groups and Social networks  reference groups provide info, serve as a means of personal
comparison and offer guidance
. Brand communities: groups of people devoted to a particular brand
. Family: the most important consumer-buying organization in the society

3. Psychological influences
Needs and Wants
Needs are motivated by basic survival instincts.
Wants are what we desire

Need recognition: discrepancy between ideal and actual state.

An internal force that stimulates you to behave in a particular manner.
Functional motives (utilitarian) and symbolic motives (personality-based, social needs)
- Satisfaction: gap btw expectation and experience
- Dissonance: difference btw what you receive and what you expected to receive

Segment markets and target audiences

. Segmenting: dividing the market into groups of people who have similar characteristics in
key product-related areas. A market segmentation strategy enables a company to match
customer needs and wants with its products.
BtoB or BtoC. Purchasers or customers / Users of influencers
- Demographic
- Life-stage
- Geographic
- Psychographic
- Behavioral and benefits

- Values and benefits-based

. Targeting: Breaking a business or consumer market into segments and then concentrating
marketing efforts on 1 or more segments whose needs desires most closely match a
company’s product or service offerings.
Target the children but also their parents.

Demographics: age, education, occupation, gender, sexual orientation, family status, religion,
geography, education, race
. Age is the key factors in media plan. It determines product choice; needs and wants.
. Gender and sexual age: brands are either masculine or feminine.

Psychographics: lifestyle and psychological characteristics: activities, values, interests,

attitudes, opinions
. An attitude reflects an emotion, opinion, mental state. Impact on motivations.
. Lifestyles: pattern of consumptions, personal relationship, leisure activities, interests

Behavioral patterns
. Brand usage and experiences: usage rates and brand relationship
. Innovation and adoption: adoption process and perceived risk

Chap 8
Strategic planning: identifying a problem that can be solved with communication and find an
idea to solve the problem.
- Determine objectives: what you want to accomplish
- Decide on strategies: how to accomplish the objectives
- Implements tactics: actions that make the plan come to life

The Business Plan

- Description of the business
- Vision statement (where the business is headed): ideal future for the brand
- Mission statement: goals, purpose, policies of the business
- Business philosophy
- Business goals

The Marketing Plan: strategies for using the element of the marketing mix to achieve
objectives. SWOT analysis to find a brand’s weaknesses and threats, objectives and targets.

The Brand communication/IMC plan

The communication objectives: Who? What? Where?
Facets Model of Effects: perception, emotion, cognition, persuasion, association, and

The target audience
Marketing communication need an audience that will respond to a particular message.

Brand identity strategy

It must be distinctive and familiar in terms of name, logo, colors, typeface, design, slogan.
. Brand personality and liking: human characteristic like loving, trustworthy, sophisticated
. Brand position and leadership: the soul/essence of the brand
. Brand image: the mental impression customers construct for a product based on symbols
and associations
. Brand promise and preference: believing that a brand will meet your expectations leads to
brand preference.
. Brand loyalty: a connection built over time that leads to repeat purchases.

- Brand positioning strategy

The goal of positioning is to locate a product in consumer’s mind that highlights its most
valuable features and advantages relative to its competitors.
It is based on product features and attributes but also on differentiation and competitive


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