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AUGUST 3rd – 4th —> winter — AUtumn —- AU –/ o:/


Necropsy → autopsy —-- to DIE : died → a DEAD / dé d / animal

→ the DEATH / dé z/


Foal = a baby horse.

Filly = a female foal. Colt = a male foal.

(rifles trademark)

This week you have been working with a young horse = a female FOAL → a FILLY

– a sudden death —> bacterial disease: unfortunately there were 3 bacteria. The filly ha
injury in one of her limbs

– What is the PROCEDURE /pr si dcha/ /prəˈsiː.dʒər/ to study / to do a necropsy?

The place - area where I work is at very LOW temperature because we need to keep
bodies in a cold environment TO / SO AS TO AVOID degradation

FIRST → we do / take an ocular inspection. We search for any kind of injury: either on th
articulations, OR oral cavities → Following, we open the abdominal cavity to search for /
any injuries. Next, we open the thorax cavity and we remove the organs from the TONGU
/táng/ to the rectum , we remove every organ to inspect / CHECK ON them.

The next step is LONGER and takes more involvement AS / BECAUSE we need to CHE
ON every organ, TOUCH, CUT /k á t/ each organ into several pieces and TAKE SAM
The samples are kept in formaldehyde /fo: mal də hai/ /fɔːˈmæl.də.haɪd/

to be continued …
– There are many (a lot of) horses BECAUSE using horses to work is BANNED (prohibite
a result, the police confiscate them and take them to a horse sanctuary. People can / may
any of them ONLY as a pet.


predict = FORECAST = anticipate

animals BEHAVE → BEHAVIOUR → changes: becomes ODD = WEIRD - RESTLESS

animals were NOTORIOUSLY = SIGNIFICANTLY restless HOURS before a quake

SENSORS were attached to FARM animals in an EARTHQUAKE-PRONE area

PRONE → propensa → almost certain that there will be an instance of a shake

sensors → devices / gadget KEPT INSIDE A collar to TRACK (follow) and register a
behaviour – chips that SEND information / DATA ˈdeɪ.tə/

tags → a device / gadget put / introduced / inserted UNDERNEATH the SKIN / FUR

Some senses are HIGHLY DEVELOPED IN ANIMALS , SUCH AS the sense of heari
and smelling.

nest → home of birds: where birds LAY eggs, and BREED their young

Restless behaviour seen 20 hours BEFORE = PRIOR TO an earthquake

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