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November 11, 2023

The Importance of Keeping Things

Honestly, I think it’s important to keep old things but I think it also depends on what that thing is.
For example if it’s things for highschool maybe think about throwing away notebooks or papers
you know you won’t need because it has nothing to do with what you plan on doing and you
don’t want to take up space. But if it's something like transcripts or anything having to do with
records maybe keep it because it can come in handy later for college because maybe you had a
change of mind and it makes it easier to fill out applications because you don’t have to try and
remember things because you have your transcripts available and ready to use and you know
exactly what it is your gpa is or what grade it was you received in a class, it just makes the
process easier for yourself. Or maybe it’s keeping stuff from your childhood or maybe small gifts
from friends I personally do keep small gifts I receive from my friends and I try my best to keep
things from my childhood but honestly I don’t have much because it’s hard to keep track of
things when my mom is constantly donating things she sees we don’t use anymore. But as for
gifts, I keep them in a place I know only I have access to because it’s a nice way to see how
much you’ve changed through the years when it comes to personal interest or maybe to see how
your friends have changed. It’s a nice way for me to go down memory lane and see how things
were then compared to now. For me it’s also a constant reminder that I do matter to people and
that the people closest to me do care for me and how I am, that what I think is actually is and
isn’t just in my head.

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